Melissa McCarthy hahmona Francis

Jaksot 8

Random Acts of Mayhem

18 elokuu 202143m

Promised total transformation, nine very different people arrive at Tranquillum House, a secluded retreat run by the mysterious wellness guru Masha.

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The Critical Path

18 elokuu 202150m

As healing begins, the guests begin to doubt the retreat's unconventional methods. They came for massages and relaxation, not to face their own mortality.

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Earth Day

18 elokuu 202156m

Forced to live "off the land" on Earth Day, tension within the group erupts as treatment intensifies and hunger pains set in.

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Brave New World

25 elokuu 202142m

As the guests learn more about Tranquillum's unique protocols, everyone must decide if they will continue under Masha's care. Meanwhile, Masha is receiving mysterious threats of her own.

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Sweet Surrender

1 syyskuu 202143m

Zoe's birthday celebration reopens old wounds, even as the group begins to grow closer.

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8 syyskuu 202155m

As the protocol escalates, relationships are strengthened, even as the effects of the treatment become more unsettling. Masha reveals her unique treatment goals for the Marconi family.

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Wheels on the Bus

15 syyskuu 202144m

Pressure on Masha intensifies, as she juggles the competing needs of her guests, discord amongst her staff and her absolute commitment to healing the Marconi family.

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Ever After

Season Finale
22 syyskuu 202155m

It’s time for everyone to cross the threshold and face their demons, including Masha. But will they make it to other side?

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