Lena Dunham — Vastaava tuottaja

Jaksot 8


9 marraskuu 202050m

Five young graduates do whatever it takes to make themselves indispensable at preeminent London investment bank Pierpoint & Co. As hungry outsider Harper grapples with a decision that will gravely affect her future at the bank, she and party-boy Robert take very different approaches to their first few weeks in the bank. Meanwhile, Yasmin braves the unchecked disrespect of her superiors and Hari’s unhealthy work habits raise companywide red flags.

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Quiet and Nice

16 marraskuu 202048m

With Harper struggling to find her feet in a new city, Pierpoint throws a morale-boosting appreciation dinner which sees her challenging a drunken, irate Kenny, while Gus alienates senior management by discussing his team’s future. Meanwhile, Yasmin comes face to face with the culture of her new team and takes her flirtation with Robert to risky new heights.

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Notting Hill

23 marraskuu 202049m

When Pierpoint loses a major client, the grads face their most challenging – and potentially rewarding – test to date: devising pitches to drive new business. After the dissolution of his team finds him reassigned to a disinterested new supervisor, a creative Gus partners with Robert to catch Clement’s attention. Meanwhile, as she navigates a complicated living situation with Yasmin, Harper attempts to juggle conflicting requests from Eric and Daria.

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30 marraskuu 202050m

After a wild birthday celebration with Robert, Yasmin, and Greg, Harper’s workday spirals out of control. As a discrepancy in one of her trades puts her team at risk for major losses, Harper seeks support from a surprising source, while unexpected trouble at a networking event brings Yasmin and Robert closer and Gus further alienates his coworkers.

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Learned Behaviour

7 joulukuu 202051m

As Pierpoint is shaken by a former employee's scathing exposé, Eric goes offsite for the day, prompting an unauthorized Gus to cover trades from his desk, while Harper maneuvers her way into a meeting with one of Eric's coveted, disgruntled ex-clients. But when Gus and Harper both cross the line, they risk compromising their futures at the bank. Following Robert's successful first business trip, Clement treats him to a special outing, while Yasmin works her connections to land a major client meeting.

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14 joulukuu 202049m

Sex, drugs, and secrets light up Pierpoint’s annual holiday party, where Maxim’s unexpected arrival aggravates tensions between Yasmin and Kenny, and Greg finds himself in a painful predicament after partying a little too hard with Robert and Usman. After confiding in Daria, Harper is blindsided by a meeting with Sara, the president of the London office.

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Pre-Crisis Activity

21 joulukuu 202051m

With Reduction in Force Day looming, the graduates do whatever it takes to secure final recommendations from their superiors and solidify vital client relationships. At a dinner party hosted by Yasmin and Sebastian, resentment and jealousy bubble to the surface, and Harper divulges confidential company business.

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Reduction in Force

Season Finale
21 joulukuu 202049m

After a tumultuous few months at Pierpoint, the graduates take vastly different approaches as they stand before senior management to prove they’re worthy of permanent positions. Following an unexpected meeting with a familiar face, Harper contends with a decision that could transform the culture of Pierpoint.

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