Kenta Yokochi — ملحن الموسيقى الاصلي

الحلقات 24

One day, a gifted graduate student in Saitama University's science department, Himuro Ayame, confesses her feelings to Yukimura Shinya. However, as neither of them have any experience with romance, they are worried as to whether it truly is love or not. They decide to discover "the standard conditions of love" so that they can judge each other's feelings by them. Even as their underclassman in the lab, Kanade, throws up her hands in exasperation, Yukimura and Himuro attempt to quantitatively measure "thrilling palpitations of love" by taking their heart rates while performing actions such as "kabedon," "chin-lift," and "sleeve-roll," but...

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To find proof as to whether he is "in love" or not, Yukimura pats Himuro on the head from point-blank range. Seeing this, Ibarada, an upperclassman in the Ikeda Lab, talks about the need for a control experiment. In other words, in order to prove that the racing of his heart is because of Himuro specifically and not just because he's facing a woman, Yukimura has to pat Kanade and Ibarada on the head too. Himuro, on the other hand, sets out to prove that food made with love tastes better and cooks, but...

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When Himuro finds out that her junior in the Ikeda lab, Kosuke, has spent over 220 thousand yen on his beloved Aika and holds her every night when he goes to sleep, she is shaken by the realization that the only present she's ever given Yukimura is a notebook, and that she's never held him while she slept. She worries that she can't objectively call what she feels "love." As Yukimura and Himuro endlessly debate "love" using numbers, Kanade proposes that the two of them go on a date, but...

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يخرج يوكيمورا رفقة هيمورو في موعد غراميّ للقيام بالتجربة التي خطّطا لها والقيام بجمع بيانات عديدة

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يتمّ عقد اجتماع لعرض نتائج أبحاث الطلبة أمام الاستاذ إيكيدا لكنه يفاجأ ببحث يوكيمورا وهيمورو ويقوم بنصحهم من أجل إنتاج بيانات أكثر تفصيلا فتتّخذ الأمور مجرى غير متوقّع

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يقرّر فريق البحث بقيادة يوكيمورا وهيمورو القيام بتجربة تقبيل للمجموعة بأكملها عن طريق إيجاد قيمة المزاج المطلقة فهل سينجح ذلك؟

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The first semester has come to a close, and the Ikeda lab is having a party where everyone's bringing what they like to eat and drink. They're having fun, playing games like the "prime number Yamanote line game," when a drunken Himruo finally does a certain something with Yukimura... And even Kanade ends up drunk... On the other hand, the mood quantifier obtained through the previous round-robin kiss experiment has progressed their research tremendously, and in order to gather more data, Yukimura and the others use fairy tales such as "Snow White," "Kaguya-hime," and "The Crane Returns a Favor" as references, but...

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يقوم يوكيمورا وهيمورو بالتوصّل إلى خطّة التجربة القادمة وأثناء قيامهم بشرحها يصل ضيفٌ جديد إلى المختبر ليعرض عليهما فكرة غريبة بشأنه، فهل سيقبلان؟

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يذهب طلاب مختبر إيكيدا إلى شاطئ أوكيناوا من أجل الاستمتاع بوقتهم لكن يوكيمورا وهيمورو يواصلان إجراء تجاربهما لكن هنالك مشكلة عويصة تعترض طريق التجربة الموالية، فهل سينجحان فيها؟

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يقوم كوسكي وكانادي بتقديم بحثهما أمام حشد من الطلبة والأساتذة لكنّ رؤيتهما للطلبة السابقين وهم يمزّقون إربًا على المنصة تثير توتّرهم الشديد

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ينشب شجار بين يوكيمورا وهيمورا بعد رؤية هذه الأخيرة له وهو يعانق كانادي فيحاول الاثنان حلّ الموضوع بمنطق وإيقاف التجارب إلى ذلك الحين

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يذهب يوكيمورا للبحث في أمر تكسّر الهديّة لكنه يتفاجأ باختفاء هيمورو فيذهب للبحث عنها حاملًا معه نتائج البحث.

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One day, a gifted graduate student in Saitama University's science department, Himuro Ayame, confesses her feelings to Yukimura Shinya. However, as neither of them have any experience with romance, they are worried as to whether it truly is love or not. They decide to discover "the standard conditions of love" so that they can judge each other's feelings by them. Even as their underclassman in the lab, Kanade, throws up her hands in exasperation, Yukimura and Himuro attempt to quantitatively measure "thrilling palpitations of love" by taking their heart rates while performing actions such as "kabedon," "chin-lift," and "sleeve-roll," but...

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Yukimura and Himuro even kissed, but due to the amount of oxytocin in saliva, they were defeated by Chris and Midori. The impatient Yukimura offers Chris and his colleagues a control experiment again. However, during the experiment with the Yukimura-Suirain pair, Yukimura was tempted by Suirain and stretched out under his nose. Himuro, who was watching it, experimented with Yukimura again, but she was completely disappointed, and the two developed into a silly story. Chris looks down at Yukimura with a frosty eye and is amazed that he is disqualified as a man.

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Although Professor Ikeda recommended that he go on to a doctoral course, he couldn't decide his course, but he touched on Professor Ikeda's love for muscle training and worked hard on his unfamiliar abdominal muscles on the sofa. Torasuke falls in love with such a thorn field. On the other hand, worried about Himuro who caught a cold at the turn of the season, Yukimura goes to visit his house, but he gets excited by the heat and gets excited by the glossy Himuro. Yukimura suddenly hides in the futon of the ice house

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At Kanade's suggestion, the first "Ikeda Lab Science-type Girls' Night Out" is held at a family restaurant, but Himuro and Ibarada, who are both uncomfortable around people, start talking about their experiences of being all alone. Kanade attempts to liven up the mood with some girl talk about romance, asking Himuro what she likes about Yukimura, but Himuro then pulls out some documents and begins to analyze them in a matter-of-fact manner. Later, Kosuke attends a concert and waves his penlight furiously for Aika's voice actress, Hinamori Ren. When he looks behind him, he sees Ibarada and Himuro!

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Yukimura and Himuro allow Yamamoto to turn their experiences thus far into a manga and Yamamoto collects proof of love from her readers in return. The manga becomes very popular. Yamamoto, pleased with herself, says that an anime adaptation may not be just a dream. In the meantime, Kanade, still bothered by the love she experienced back in high school, gives some hard thought to the confession she received from Shikijou. Seeing Kanade so full of anxiety over the question, "what is love anyway," Yukimura tries to give her some advice and pulls out a whiteboard where he begins to write out an equation.

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Yukimura is working hard on his computer, as usual, when Himuro suddenly says, "I am in love with you. Her confession greatly shakes Yukimura. Unlike the last time, Himuro states her feelings matter-of-factly. Yukimura asks, "What theory did you use to determine that you love me?" Himuro replies by taking Yukimura out on a date and begins performing experiments they've done before such as measuring heart rates, using an emotion counter, collecting saliva, and the kiss experiment.

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After worrying long and hard over what to do about Shikijou's invitation to go hang out together, Kanade decides to try going on the date with him. When Himuro hears about it she leans forward excitedly to congratulate Kanade on finding someone she might fall in love with. Himuro is also eager to observe and analyze Kanade's date from afar in order to put it to good use in her own research. As she's thinking about this, Yukimura arrives and proclaims that he has devised a new standard unit for the measurement of favorable feeling, the Kanade love power. Then, Kanade's date becomes a double date!

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Kosuke enjoyed his date with his beloved Aika. They did things like shop for clothes and watch a movie. In the midst of his fun, Kosuke watched Kanade, her date, and a lot of other couples up close. He ends up being made aware he was the only one playing with dolls, and the feeling makes him scream and cry. Meanwhile, Kanade is still in shock from the words Shikijou said to her on their date: "You didn't seem normal." Seeing this, Yukimura asks Kanade for the definition of "normal," and declares that living with an obsession about being "normal" is a truly stupid way to live.

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The Ikeda Lab is, as is traditional, doing something for the university's Mutsumi Festival, an event which draws many people from off-campus. Yukimura proposes conducting a large-scale experiment on the importance of appearance for romance. He has readied a large number of cosplay costumes to rent out to visitors who will then participate in an attractiveness rating. In order to emphasize how important appearance is, Yukimura projects a series of images of Himuro in cosplay on the screen, including Himuro in a nurse's uniform, a maid's uniform, and a black cat style outfit?!

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When Himuro finds out that Yukimura spends time alone in a room with a high school girl for his part-time home tutoring job, she becomes intensely worried that he might be ogling his student. That student, Haru, isn't good at studying. Her average score on her end of term exams was 38 points. When Yukimura personally witnesses Haru's father disparaging her as a failure, he... Later, the Mutsumi Festival begins and twin sister cosplayers who are brimming with youthful energy arrive at the Ikeda Lab's cosplay experience.

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At the Mutsumi Festival, Kosuke and the others debate the relationship between wearing wedding dresses and the age at which a person gets married. Yamamoto, with her thirties closing in on her and also due to pressure from her parents, relentlessly proposes marriage to Kosuke. After outrunning Yamamoto, Kosuke turns to look back and finds Ibarada standing there wearing a wedding dress. When a child asks, "Aren't you getting married?" Ibarada and Kosuke reply by... Meanwhile, Kanade, who had been looking around the Mutsumi Festival with Shikijou, coldly turns away from Yukimura and tells Shikijou that she doesn't know him.

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I Tried to Prove that You Are Fine Just as You Are

Season Finale
يونيو 18, 2022

After Kanade rejects his confession of love, Shikijou presses her for a reason, grabbing her arm and saying, "This isn't normal. This isn't like you." Kanade throws him by reflex, then Shikijou flies into a rage and turns a stun gun on her! When Kanade slowly regains consciousness, she finds herself in a dimly lit abandoned warehouse where a group of delinquents are chatting and laughing. Kanade's hands and feet are tied with rope, so she can't move. Shikijou moves closer to her saying, "Kanade-san, you aren't normal right now. We have to reform you."

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على كافة صفحات حلقة المسلسل

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(السهم الايسر) انتقل للحلقة السابقة

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(السهم الايسر) الصفحة السابقة


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