Nico Tortorella hahmona Felix Carlucci

Jaksot 20


4 lokakuu 202053m

Iris welcomes an enigmatic ally to their community while Hope questions the visitor's motives. A message upends the sisters' worldview, forcing them to decide between the safety of their home and the uncertainty of the world beyond.

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The Blaze of Gory

11 lokakuu 202048m

The group adjusts to the reality of life beyond the walls of their community. Iris tries to take over, despite Hope's reservations. Felix and Huck follow the teenagers, while Felix is ​​forced to face unwanted memories.

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The Tyger and the Lamb

18 lokakuu 202047m

Overwhelmed by the past, group members adopt opposite strategies to deal with a huge obstacle. Pressure on the group to return home.

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The Wrong End of a Telescope

25 lokakuu 202047m

The group seeks shelter from a storm inside an abandoned school. While supplying, they imagine what life was like in high school and encounter new threats, both alive and dead.

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Madman Across the Water

1 marraskuu 202046m

While the group works together to cross the Mississippi River, a plot to take the teenagers home hits an obstacle. A group member must overcome past traumas to save others from an oncoming threat.

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Shadow Puppets

8 marraskuu 202046m

When an unexpected newcomer reveals information that can help them reach their destination, the group makes a deal. While some are intrigued by the new arrival, others are suspicious.

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Truth or Dare

15 marraskuu 202043m

While the group is looking for something to advance their search, one of them remembers their struggles in the early days of the apocalypse. A game of truth or challenge brings emotions to the surface.

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The Sky Is a Graveyard

22 marraskuu 202045m

A horrible discovery finds the group at a crossroads and leads one of them to revisit past traumas.

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The Deepest Cut

29 marraskuu 202049m

A series of setbacks causes a member of the group to reevaluate their role in the mission. Someone makes an amazing discovery. A surprising revelation casts everything in a new light.

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In This Life

Season Finale
29 marraskuu 202052m

A divided group struggles to get together. Others turn to the greater good.

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3 lokakuu 202148m

Hope's commitment to the future is put to the test, jeopardizing a potential reunion. Iris and Felix meet a new group. Startling revelations are made.

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10 lokakuu 202148m

While some members of the group enact a plan to cover their tracks, others attempt to acclimate to their new surroundings.

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Exit Wounds

17 lokakuu 202143m

An attempted grift leads to a precarious situation. Huck is given an ultimatum as she readjusts to her old life.

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Family Is a Four Letter Word

24 lokakuu 202146m

Tensions rise as the group questions past events and plans for the future. Things get explosive as someone's abilities and loyalties are put to the test. A surprising discovery is made.

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31 lokakuu 202146m

Members of the group put a dangerous plan into motion, while others have serious reservations as more startling revelations come to light.

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Who Are You?

7 marraskuu 202148m

A member of the group becomes the target of an investigation. While some grow further apart, others begin to grow closer.

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Blood and Lies

14 marraskuu 202147m

As the group searches for answers, some struggle to find common ground while others question who can be trusted. A shocking message sets a new mission into motion.

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Returning Point

21 marraskuu 202143m

The group sets a new plan into motion as a relationship is leveraged and a betrayal forces others to take action.

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Death and the Dead

28 marraskuu 202146m

As the plan continues to unfold, tensions between the group and the CRM come to a dramatic head. While some rush to save an ally, difficult truths are brought to light.

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The Last Light

Season Finale
5 joulukuu 202153m

The remaining members of the group fight back enemies, both living and dead, on their quest to save the future.

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