Dick Wolf — 책임 프로듀서

에피소드 86


1월 7, 202043m

갱단의 마약 유통을 전담하던 의사가 아내를 쏘고 도주한다. FBI 지명 수배범 전담반의 제스 라크루아 요원은 범인의 다음 행보를 예측하며 수사망을 좁혀 나간다.

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1월 14, 202043m

아들의 부당한 판결에 분노한 어머니가 국선 변호사 사무실을 습격하고 인질을 납치한다. 라크루아 요원은 범인이 더 많은 죄를 짓기 전에 포획하기 위해 동분서주한다.

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1월 21, 202043m

한 젊은이가 길에서 마주친 경관을 갑작스레 살해한다. 학창 시절 총기 난사 사건에 휘말렸었다는 범인의 진짜 목적은 무엇일까?

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1월 28, 202043m

브롱크스의 뒷골목에서 폭력 조직원 다섯 명이 살해당한다. 반스 요원은 범인의 소재를 밝히기 위해 위험한 잠입 수사에 자원한다.

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2월 11, 202043m

전직 육군 저격수가 사격장에서 5명을 살해하고 도주한다. FBI가 총력을 기울여도 저격수의 뒤를 밟기란 어렵다. 라크루아 요원은 보이지 않는 범인을 쫓아 참전 용사들의 심리를 파헤친다.

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2월 18, 202043m

자신의 혈육을 살해한 후 충직한 신도들과 도주한 사이비 교주. 아슬아슬한 추격전 속에서 선지자를 자처하는 그의 실체와 참혹한 음모가 드러난다.

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3월 10, 202043m

경찰의 방관 속에 납치된 딸을 구하려 발 벗고 나선 북미 원주민 남성. 팀원들은 과거의 유령과 싸우는 이 아버지의 비극적 연쇄 살인을 막아야 한다.

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3월 17, 202043m

폭력적인 한 남성과 그의 여자 친구가 여러 주에서 무차별 살인 행각을 벌이자, 팀원들은 이 정신 이상 커플의 범죄 패턴을 밝히고자 분투한다.

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3월 24, 202043m

이민자들을 겨냥한 대규모 테러를 계획 중인 백인 우월주의 단체. 라크루아 요원은 공조 수사를 통해 테러를 막는 한편, 이민 세관 단속국에 잡혀간 딸 탤리의 행방을 찾기 위해 애쓴다.

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3월 31, 202043m

중국 정부에 기밀 정보를 넘기다 발각된 전직 방첩 요원. 팀원들은 동료 요원을 독살하고 달아난 그가 국외로 도주하기 전에 체포해야만 한다.

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4월 14, 202043m

평범하게 살아오던 지역 경관이 갑작스러운 대량 살인극을 저지른다. 범인이 분노하는 이유는 무엇일까? 라크루아 요원은 범행의 동기를 찾아 과거의 사건들을 추적한다.

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죽음의 여행

4월 14, 202043m

한 사이코패스가 옛 애인의 약혼자를 살해하고 도주한다. 범인과 동행한 공범들까지 위험한 상황. 라크루아 요원은 피해를 줄이기 위해 공범들의 자수를 유도한다.

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4월 28, 202043m

잔혹한 복수를 노리며 젊은 부부를 끈질기게 괴롭혀 온 사이버 스토커. 수사를 돕겠다며 해나 요원에게 접근한 천재 해커는 값비싼 대가를 요구한다.

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Season Finale
5월 5, 202043m

교도소 이송 중 탈주한 부자 은행 강도단이 다시금 은행털이에 나선다. 라크루아 요원은 자신의 과거를 떠올리며, 무책임한 아버지의 희생양이 된 어린 아들을 동정한다.

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11월 17, 202043m

유래없는 팬데믹 상황에 타격을 입은 학생이 낯선 남자를 만나 부유층에 불만을 표출하는 총기 난사 사건을 벌인다. 라크루아 요원은 학생을 설득할 만한 인물을 찾아 나선다.

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11월 24, 202043m

해커가 전기차를 해킹하여 일가족을 죽음으로 몰아넣고, 점점 범죄 스케일을 키워간다. 라크루아 요원은 해커의 폭주를 막기 위해 고군분투한다.

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12월 8, 202043m

라크루아 요원은 납치 사건이 과거에 맡았던 사건과 연관이 있을지도 모른다는 걸 깨닫고 필사적으로 납치범을 찾으려 한다.

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익명 모임

1월 19, 202143m

팀은 인터넷상의 급진적 음모론 단체와 관련 있는 살인마를 추적하게 된다. 한편, 셰릴은 삶을 뒤바꿀 만한 결정을 내리게 된다.

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1월 26, 202143m

다 국경을 건너던 청소년들을 총으로 쏴 죽인 사건이 발생하고, 팀은 더 이상의 피해를 막으려 노력한다. 한편, 제스와 바이런의 관계는 새로운 국면을 맞이한다.

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2월 9, 202143m

가석방 상태의 범죄자 두 명이 농장주 가족을 살해 및 납치한다. 라크루아 요원은 범죄의 연결고리를 파헤치기 위해 분투한다.

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3월 2, 202143m

살인죄 재판을 앞둔 피고인이 민간인 두 명을 살해하고 차를 훔쳐 달아난다. 라크루아 팀에 피고인의 보석 보증인이 가세하여 이 남자의 행적을 좇는다.

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3월 9, 202143m

범인이 한 가족의 일원을 살해 및 납치한다. 워싱턴에서 온 신규 요원이 합류하여 납치당한 아이를 구하기 위해 노력한다.

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1과 0

3월 16, 202143m

이틀 연속으로 남자 대학생의 사체가 강가에서 발견된다. 현장에는 범인의 상징으로 추정되는 그라피티가 그려져 있다. 한편, 다리 부상을 회복한 해나가 팀에 복귀해 함께 사건을 해결한다.

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4월 6, 202143m

교도관이 사기 행각을 감추기 위해 살인을 저지르고, 크로스비의 친구는 예기치 못한 습격으로 혼수상태에 빠진다. 라크루아 요원은 크로스비의 요청대로 습격 사건을 맡아 수사망을 좁혀 나간다.

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4월 27, 202143m

아끼는 제자를 잃은 선생님이 억울함을 풀어주기 위해 용의자를 사냥한다. 라크루아 요원은 무고한 사람이 더 희생되기 전에 수배범을 체포하려 노력한다.

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5월 4, 202143m

정당방위로 경찰을 죽인 흑인 청년이 도주하고 팀은 인종 차별적인 사법 제도에 대한 딜레마와 마주한다.

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5월 11, 202143m

연이은 비극으로 초토화된 시골 마을에서 걷잡을 수 없는 복수가 펼쳐지자 팀이 수사에 나선다. 한편 세라는 라크루아 요원의 가족과 가까워진다.

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5월 18, 202143m

오르티스의 비밀 정보원이 위험에 빠지며 배후의 커다란 음모가 드러난다. 한편 결혼 준비로 골머리를 앓는 바이런과 마리에게 탤리가 묘안을 내놓는다.

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Season Finale
5월 25, 202143m

행방이 묘연한 마약 단속국 요원의 뒤를 쫓아 테네시주로 향한 팀은 거대한 마약 밀매 조직의 실체를 파헤치려 한다.

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Exposed (II)

9월 21, 202142m

A local FBI case involving two murdered women and a sea of powerful men turns into a manhunt for the dangerous leader of a far-reaching criminal enterprise.

The crossover starts on FBI S04E01 All That Glitters (I). It continues on FBI: International S01E01 Pilot (III).

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9월 28, 202143m

New Fugitive Task Force member Kristin Gaines joins Jess and the team, as they head to D.C. to find a dangerous fugitive from the Jan. 6 Capitol riot

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Tough Love

10월 5, 202143m

When a judge known for serving harsh sentences to juveniles is murdered, the team looks into his lengthy list of cases in the hunt for his killer. Also, Kristin faces family hurdles while resettling with her teenage daughter in New York City.

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10월 12, 202143m

The team must determine if the kidnapping of a young Chinese-American woman is a random hate crime or if she was specifically targeted, in order to find her. Also, Jess and Sarah struggle with Tali’s continued rebellious streak.

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11월 2, 202142m

After a deadly fire at an arcade, the team discovers the blaze was just the first step in an intricate plan to exact revenge on one of the victims. Also, Hana rejoins the team, finding new adjustments in all aspects of her life.

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11월 9, 202141m

The team attempts to hunt down a family annihilator before he continues his murder spree. Also, Barnes’ intrusive mother puts pressure on her marriage.

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11월 16, 202142m

The team investigates the murder of a professional basketball player’s wife, who was a famous lifestyle guru. Also, Kristin and her ex-husband grow closer, and Special Agent in Charge Isobel Castille checks in with the team on the high-profile case.

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Sport of Kings

12월 7, 202143m

After a prized Kentucky racehorse is stolen and its groomer is taken hostage, the team quickly learns they may be the only ones who consider the young woman’s safety a priority over the horse’s. Also, Byron returns to celebrate the holidays with Jess and his family.

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12월 14, 202142m

While holiday shopping, Barnes and Jess are caught in the middle of a mall shooting, with the exits rigged so no one can escape. Also, Gaines, Hana and Ortiz try to help from the outside, knowing their team's family members are inside and at risk.

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1월 4, 202243m

The team hunts for a young man who is using napalm-style bombs to attack his targets. Also, with Tali away, Jess and Sarah begin to adjust to their empty nest.

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1월 11, 202243m

The Fugitive Task Force chases a killer who plays a twisted game of cat and mouse with his victims. Also, Hana shares something personal about herself with her new roommate, Ortiz.

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El Píncho

2월 1, 202242m

The team searches for a notorious Colombian drug lord after he escapes from a U.S. prison. Also, Kristin begins to open up to her ex-husband about her past.

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2월 22, 202243m

The team searches for a businessman wanted for murder and an embezzlement scheme. Also, Jess takes advantage of his empty nest to properly court Sarah.

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3월 8, 202242m

The team pursues an abusive man on the war path to find his ex-girlfriend, who is trying to escape him for good. Also, Jess and Sarah make plans to take their dream vacation together.

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3월 22, 202242m

The team must track down a murderous member of the incel community targeting those he believes never give him a chance. Also, Barnes, Hana, Ortiz and Kristin deal with their grief in the wake of Jess’ death.

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3월 29, 202242m

The team gets called to Vermont after a married couple who grow illegal marijuana massacres their employees. Also, Barnes begins to regret not taking any time off to bond with her new baby.

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4월 12, 202242m

The team's new leader, charming but formidable Special Agent Remy Scott, takes charge as they investigate a series of homicides tied to a forbidden love between a young teen and her older boyfriend.

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4월 19, 202241m

Remy and the team investigate the homicides of two Army veterans in a murder spree connected to their time in Afghanistan.

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Whack Job

4월 26, 202243m

The team goes after the killer of a man in witness protection but finds there’s more to the case than meets the eye. Also, Remy is challenged by what he discovers when he reconnects with his mother, Betsy, in person.

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Greatest Hits

5월 10, 202243m

The team searches for a murderer recreating the chilling killings of a notorious ‘80s mobster.

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5월 17, 202243m

When a wealthy East Hamptons couple are killed by a female con artist posing as a personal trainer, the team works to find out her true identity and track her down. Also, Ortiz is put in a tough place when Hana's brother asks a favor.

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A Man Without a Country

Season Finale
5월 24, 202240m

The team chases an oligarch who goes on a terror spree in New York City in a desperate attempt to escape his impossible situation.

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Iron Pipeline

9월 20, 202242m

When a family of four from New York is found dead in a Georgia motel room, the Fugitive Task Force investigates a connection between the victims and the sale of illegal firearms. Also, Barnes struggles with Remy's leadership style upon her return from maternity leave, and Remy and his sister plan for their mother's care.

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9월 27, 202243m

Rookie agent Ray Cannon joins the Fugitive Task Force as they hunt down a mysterious killer targeting IRS offices.

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10월 4, 202240m

After a heist in the Diamond District leaves three dead, the team's search for the fugitives reveals a dangerous connection to Kristin’s undercover past in Miami.

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Gold Diggers

10월 11, 202240m

The murder of a geology professor leads the team to uncover an ancient legend regarding a secret treasure dating to the civil war, and they encounter a deadly fugitive determined to kill to find the gold. Meanwhile, an old friend from Remy's past shakes up his relationship with April.

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10월 18, 202243m

After Hana is kidnapped while trying to help a young girl in peril at a rest stop that's on the way to her sister's house in Connecticut, Remy and the team pull out all the stops to find her.

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Patent Pending

11월 15, 202243m

After a tech entrepreneur is abducted from a rave in Brooklyn and found bludgeoned to death at his estate in Connecticut, Remy and the team must dive into the world of psychedelics to find his killer.

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11월 22, 202243m

The team's Thanksgiving plans are put on hold when they are brought in to investigate whether a shooting at a Buddhist temple was a hate crime or something more personal. Also, Remy and April make a tough decision.

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12월 13, 202243m

When three prosecutors are assassinated outside a bar in their small Arkansas town, the team is called in to determine if this was a personal vendetta; Ray feels compelled to help a woman and her young son combat an injustice.

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1월 3, 202342m

When a celebrity child psychiatrist is kidnapped by the relative of a former client, the team races to track down the perpetrator and learns what really happened to the psychiatrist's client; Kristin confronts her deep-rooted trauma.

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False Flag

1월 10, 202342m

The team is thrown for a loop when they discover the abductor of a disgraced state police detective is connected to someone from a recent case.

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Crypto Wars

1월 24, 202342m

As the team chases after the suspects behind an explosion at an Ohio energy plant, they are led towards a major crypto company with enemies looking to take it down; Remy and his sister close a chapter in their lives.

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Black Mirror

2월 14, 202342m

When two Vermont teens are kidnapped on their way home from a basketball game, the team is led to a wayward pastor and his brother. Also, Remy attends a hearing for his brother's murderer.

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2월 21, 202342m

The team must navigate the mistrust of authorities in a tight-knit Somali community in Minnesota as they race to find a kidnapped 14-year-old girl.

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Wanted: America

2월 28, 202341m

When a rising star athlete is found violently murdered, the team chases after one of her teammates and his girlfriend; Remy reunites with a true crime show producer from his past.

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Double Fault

3월 14, 202341m

The Fugitive Task Force springs into action to find a famous foreign tennis player after she's kidnapped from a tennis court in Brooklyn.

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Imminent Threat (III)

4월 4, 202342m

The clock ticks as the FBI and FBI: Most Wanted teams join forces to hunt down the fugitive terrorists as they get closer to carrying out a plot to destroy a major New York City landmark and cause devastating civilian casualties.

The crossover starts on FBI: International S02E16 Imminent Threat (I) and FBI S05E17 Imminent Threat (II).

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The Miseducation of Metcalf 2

4월 11, 202342m

The team jumps into action to find two missing coeds after their roommate Carly Cassidy’s older brother is involved in a homicide that took place in their dorm room. Also, Hana becomes distracted when she meets someone online.

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4월 18, 202343m

After two agents from the Bureau of Land Management go missing while executing a land seizure warrant in Wyoming, the Fugitive Task Force heads west to track them down in an unwelcoming county; Hana receives a threat.

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Bad Seed

4월 25, 202342m

When a news anchor is shot dead in the station's parking lot, the task force must dive into a story she was working on to track down her killer; Remy debates revisiting the case around his brother's murder.

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These Walls

5월 9, 202342m

The witness Remy and Kristen are visiting in prison is put in danger when a riot breaks out, leaving the staff and visitors held hostage by two murderous gangs.

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Clean House

5월 16, 202342m

The Fugitive Task Force searches for a missing migrant teen they believe was lured into unlawful work by a dangerous man. Also, Remy learns of a previously undisclosed witness in his brother’s murder case.

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Heaven Falling

Season Finale
5월 23, 202342m

The team helps Remy try to catch his brother’s real killer 25 years after Mikey was murdered.

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Above & Beyond

2월 13, 202444m

When a mysterious deal goes south, leaving behind multiple bodies, the Fugitive Task Force heads to Virginia to put the pieces together with the help of a familiar face and new addition to the team, Special Agent Nina Chase.

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2월 20, 202443m

The Fugitive Task Force launches into full gear after multiple bombings appear to be targeting retired NYPD officers. Also, Ray decides he's ready to take the next step in his relationship with Cora.

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Ghost in the Machine

2월 27, 202443m

When the woman whose visage is the face of a popular AI bot is found violently murdered inside a Brooklyn hotel room, the Fugitive Task Force jumps into action to find out who lured her there in the first place.

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3월 12, 202444m

The Fugitive Task Force heads upstate to assist in a search for missing and murdered Indigenous women and hunt down the serial killer responsible. Meanwhile, Barnes struggles to find time to bond with her wife.

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3월 19, 202442m

When a high school debate team and their English teacher are kidnapped in rural Pennsylvania, the Fugitive Task Force rushes to the scene to find out who took them and what they want before it's too late. Also, Remy helps Corey out of a bind.

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Fouled Out

3월 26, 202443m

After the Fugitive Task Force mobilizes to help apprehend an active shooter on a college campus in Queens, they find themselves in the middle of the glitzy world of college basketball. Also, Barnes and Charlotte attempt to work on their relationship.

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4월 2, 202443m

The Fugitive Task Force springs into action after four detectives are shot dead during a prisoner exchange outside of a diner in New Jersey. Meanwhile, Remy struggles with having Corey as a roommate.

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Supply Chain

4월 9, 202443m

A drug deal between two teens is interrupted when a middle-aged woman abducts them at gunpoint, sending the Fugitive Task Force on the hunt to rescue them. Also, Nina and Scola bump heads over parenting styles.

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The Return

4월 16, 202444m

When two armed guards are gunned down while transporting millions of dollars' worth of Nigerian artifacts to a Brooklyn museum, the Fugitive Task Force races to catch the thieves. Also, Ray speaks to his father about taking his relationship with Cora to the next level.

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Bonne Terre

4월 23, 202443m

When a federal judge and his wife are shot dead in New York, the Fugitive Task Force goes on the hunt and finds a connection to a man who is hours away from being executed in Missouri. Meanwhile, Remy and Hana both grapple with being single and living alone.

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Radio Silence

5월 7, 202442m

When two NYPD officers are gunned down by a mystery assailant while responding to a robbery, the Fugitive Task Force must act quickly to catch the culprit before more officers are targeted. Meanwhile, Barnes struggles when Charlotte wants to proceed with a divorce and threatens to relocate with the kids.

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Derby Day

5월 14, 202443m

When a mob-connected police informant is found murdered before a major crime boss is being indicted on federal charges, the Fugitive Task Force goes on a hunt for the killers. Meanwhile, Hana grows closer to Ethan.

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Season Finale
5월 21, 202443m

The Fugitive Task Force races to catch the culprit threatening Manhattan with a dirty bomb. Meanwhile, Ray prepares to celebrate a major life milestone as his wedding to Cora approaches.

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