梅崎ひろこ — طراحی رنگ

قسمت‌ها 20

Un attaccamento già visto

اکتبر 23, 202225m

Fushi, having spent several decades alone on an island, learns that a village was attacked by the Nokkers.

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Le ultime vibranti volontà

اکتبر 30, 202225m

Things do not go well when Tonari tries to remove the Nokker from Hisame's arm.

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L'individuo tanto atteso

نوامبر 6, 202225m

Kahaku, the sixth of Hayase's descendants, introduces himself to Fushi. Much time has passed, and the Guardians have expanded their influence.

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Un giovane capace di vedere

نوامبر 13, 202225m

Fushi must stay on the move in order to keep the Nokkers from attacking, so Prince Bon accompanies him out of the castle town.

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La spedizione del santo

نوامبر 20, 202225m

Fushi, along with Kahaku, Bon and Bon's army, travel through several towns, spreading word of the Nokkers along the way.

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Gli eretici

نوامبر 27, 202225m

Kahaku asks Fushi to marry him. He seems confident that they can overcome the complications of Fushi being a shape-shifting immortal, but Fushi isn’t. Cylira returns.

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La punizione e il perdono

دسامبر 4, 202225m

Fushi attempts to escape from his iron cell, while Bon and Todo await their trial in their own cells.

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Oltre il sogno

دسامبر 11, 202225m

The Kingdom of Ularis, along with Fushi, Todo, Bon's family, and Baron Spring Roll, prepare for life without Bon.

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Ampliare le proprie percezioni

دسامبر 18, 202225m

As warned by Kahaku’s arm, the Nokkers attack the head church of the Church of Bennett, causing terrible devastation.

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دسامبر 25, 202225m

Fushi trains his senses in preparation for the Nokkers’ attack on Renril. He discovers a strange girl in a circus tent.

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Il valore della carne

ژانویه 8, 202325m

Having finished training on the derelict ship, Fushi travels to Renril, where the Nokkers are threatening to attack.

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Ciò che il velo nasconde

ژانویه 15, 202325m

Fushi and his allies work to win over the trust of the people of Renril in preparation for the Nokkers’ attack.

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La vera natura del saggio

ژانویه 22, 202325m

The team works to prevent the Nokkers from making use of the waterways and sewers. Fushi works non-stop rebuilding all the homes, and the exhaustion begins to show.

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Logorare il proprio io

ژانویه 29, 202325m

The city of Renril bands together around Fushi in preparation for the Nokkers’ attack. The princess introduces him to her father, King Boldron of Sonia.

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Logorare il proprio io

فوریه 5, 202325m

Fushi fends off the Nokkers miles away from Renril, but the Nokkers had already devised a more cunning plan.

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I tre guerrieri immortali

فوریه 12, 202325m

The death of his three friends turns Fushi mad, and he begins defeating the Nokkers at a furious pace. But as it turns out, he may not be the only immortal.

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Ciò che lui vuole proteggere

فوریه 19, 202325m

Amidst the brutal battle against the Nokkers, Bon and Kahaku both share a desire to protect Fushi’s humanity. How they go about it, however, puts them at odds.

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La morte dell'immortale

فوریه 26, 202325m

March begins her desperate search for Fushi, whose absence has led to the city being overrun by the Nokkers.

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E poi il sorgere del sole

مارس 5, 202325m

In the beginning, it was an orb. And Fushi was an orb once again. But though there was no certainty, there was hope.

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La fine di un'era

انتهای فصل
مارس 12, 202325m

With the Nokkers defeated, the people of Renril rejoice, and Fushi and his friends discuss their hopes for the future.

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