Carol Channing hahmona Self

Jaksot 7

Guest Starring Carol Channing

10 marraskuu 196952m

Sketches including Luau cocktail party, Quickies, Letters to Laugh In, Tooth fairy fable, Flying fickle finger of fate award, Maude's world of automobiles, and the joke wall. Featuring Carol Channing and Johnny Carson.

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Jakso 23

23 helmikuu 197052m

Sketches including Cocktail party with Ringo, Goldie explains lending law, Farkle family anniversary with Wally, Lily and Arte shipboard romance, and Ernestine calls Hubert Humphrey. Featuring Ringo Starr and Sheldon Leonard.

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Jakso 26

Season Finale
16 maaliskuu 197052m

Sketches including Tyrone F. Hornie & Gladys' wedding, Quickies, Carol meets the Farkle family, Soul Sister news song, Goldie explains prerecorded television, and Tiny Tim celebrates Gladys' wedding. Featuring Peter Sellers and Carol Channing.

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Jakso 3

28 syyskuu 197051m

Sketches include Goldie's return, Fake commercial, Fake Maude's world, Gladys and Tyrone F. Hornie, Salute to the fabulous Farkle family, Diving rod, Ruth and Lily dropout, Women's liberation, Women in the army, Maude's world salutes women, Cocktail Party, and Goldie presents the news. Featuring Goldie Hawn and Jilly Rizzo.

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Jakso 8

2 marraskuu 197052m

Sketches include Fake cigarette commercial, Rosemenko and Carol runner, Quickies with Carol, Priest quickies, Carol presents Stranger than truth, Broadway cocktail party, Salute to mothers, Adam and Eve revisited, Whistler's mother, Lily and Susie's sorority, Hollywood news of the Future, and modern mothers' song. Featuring Carol Channing, Jilly Rizzo, and Carl Reiner.

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Jakso 19

14 helmikuu 197252m

Sketches include Carol prison cell quickie, Dennis presents the Flying Fickle Finger of Fate, Lily and Dan relatives in Washington, Dick and Carol mean nurse, Maude's world of the theater, Ticket taker, Ruth and the balcony, Lily's stammering lady on pornography, Jesus Christ Superstar, and Faded star sketch. Featuring Carol Channing, Dick Crenna, and Slappy White

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Jakso 23

13 maaliskuu 197252m

Sketches include Tarzan and Jane, William Tell quickie, Cow and Indians, Jean crossovers, Our man in London, Piano bar news, The return of Tiny Tim, Salute to Automobiles, Policeman runner, Drive-through Church, Ernestine calls James Hoffa, and Ralph Nader blackouts. Featuring Hugh Hefner, Willie Shoemaker, Billy Barnes, Jean Stapleton, Joe Namath, Tiny Tim and Sugar Ray Robinson

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