赤羽根健治 jako Shinichi Sakurai (voice)

Odcinki 25

우자키 양은 놀고 싶어!

10 lipca 202024m

혼자 있는 걸 좋아하는 대학 3학년생 사쿠라이 신이치. 어느 날, 한 학년 아래인 우자키 하나가 나타나면서 그의 학원 생활은 붕괴된다. 평온한 생활을 보내던 사쿠라이는 외톨이를 비웃고, 남자 마음을 뒤흔들고, 닭튀김을 훔쳐 먹는 우자키에게 있는 대로 휘둘리고 마는데…

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마스터는 엿보고 싶어!

17 lipca 202024m

찻집 '아시아'에서 아르바이트 중인 사쿠라이. 가게의 마스터는 생김새는 좀 무섭지만 항상 침착한 사쿠라이를 높게 평가하고 있다. 그러던 어느 날, 우연히 가게에 들른 우자키와 사쿠라이의 대화를 지켜보며 새로운 구경거리가 생겼다며 즐거워하는데...

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아사이 부녀는 지켜보고 싶어!

24 lipca 202024m

찻집 '아시아' 마스터의 딸인 아사이 아미는 사쿠라이와 같은 대학교 4학년이자 직장 상사이다. 취미는 인간 관찰, 근육질을 좋아한다. 그런 그녀가 사쿠라이와 우자키의 모습에 지대한 관심을 갖기 시작하는데…

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연휴엔 같이 놀고 싶어!

31 lipca 202024m

마스터 일가가 온천여행을 떠나면서 사쿠라이도 황금연휴를 쉬게 된다. 할일 없이 집에서 게임만 하던 사쿠라이에게 우자키는 드래몬GO를 하러 가자고 제안하고, 그 전에 두 사람은 시력 보호를 위해 안경을 사기로 한다.

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친구 일에 참견하고 싶어!

7 sierpnia 202024m

사카키와 함께 있는 사쿠라이를 본 우자키는 그에게 실제로 친구가 있다는 사실에 경악한다. 그런 두 사람을 보며 분위기가 심상치 않다고 느낀 사카키는 적극적으로 둘을 이어주려 하지만, 갑자기 나타난 아미가 제동을 건다.

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여름방학을 앞두고 용돈이 필요해진 우자키는 사쿠라이의 반대에도 불구하고 찻집 '아시아'에서 아르바이트를 시작한다. 그리고, 여름방학 내내 게임을 하겠다는 사쿠라이에게 우자키는 같이 바다에 가자고 제안한다.

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사쿠라이의 부탁으로 함께 고양이 카페에 간 우자키는 평소 사람에게 대하는 것과는 전혀 다른 텐션의 사쿠라이를 보고 징그러워한다. 한편, 사쿠라이가 동행해 준데 대한 답례를 하겠다고 하자, 우자키는 며칠 후면 자신의 스무 살 생일이라며 기대하겠다고 말하는데…

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둘이서 불꽃놀이를 보고 싶어!

28 sierpnia 202024m

자신의 생일날 과음으로 사쿠라이의 이불에 토해 버린 우자키는 우울해 하며 이불 값을 건넨다. 조용하게 변해 버린 우자키의 모습에 오히려 당황한 사쿠라이는 그녀를 다시 기운 내게 할 방법을 고민하는데...

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우자키 츠키는 두근거리고 싶다?

4 września 202024m

사쿠라이는 전해 받은 이불값이 너무 많다며 잔돈을 직접 돌려 주기 위해 우자키의 집을 방문한다. 사쿠라이를 처음 본 우자키의 엄마는 긴장한 탓에 더 눈매가 매서워진 사쿠라이의 얼굴을 보고 겁을 먹는데…

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돗토리에서 놀고 싶어!

11 września 202024m

무료 여행권으로 돗토리에 온 사쿠라이와 우자키는 사구로 향하던 중 렌트카를 탄 아미, 사카키와 조우한다. 별다른 의심 없이 돗토리 여행을 즐기는 두 사람을 보며 아미와 사카키는 의미심장한 미소를 짓는데…

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사쿠라이도 놀고싶다?

18 września 202024m

우자키가 매일 같이 사쿠라이의 집에 놀러오는 것도 습관처럼 돼 버린 어느 날. 사쿠라이는 우자키의 물건들이 자신의 집에 넘쳐난다는 사실을 깨닫고 우자키와 함께 대청소를 시작한다. 한편, 찻집의 마스터는 사쿠라이에게 조리를 맡아 보라고 제안하는데…

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우자키 양은 더 놀고 싶어!

Season Finale
25 września 202024m

무거운 짐을 들던 마스터가 허리를 다치자 사쿠라이는 마스터와 함께 정골원으로 가고, 가게에는 아미와 우자키만 남는다. 커피를 마시며 두 사람의 고등학교 시절을 묻는 아미에게 우자키는 사쿠라이와의 첫 만남을 들려주는데...

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우자키 양은 역시 놀고 싶어!

1 października 202224m

When Hana becomes depressed due to summer break being over with, Sakaki cheers her up after they have a conversation about Shinichi. They then decide to go bowling, and knowing that Shinichi is bad at it, Hana proposes a penalty game and uses underhanded tactics to try to throw him off. On another day, the café is closed and Ami uses the opportunity to make Hana and Shinichi try on new sexy uniforms. On campus, Shinichi is sleepy from playing video games with Hana into the wee hours of the morning. She later finds him taking a nap between classes and also falls asleep next to him.

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놀고 난 후에는 우동을 먹고 싶어!

8 października 202224m

Sakaki shows pictures of Hana and Shinichi napping together on campus to Ami. The four of them then go clothes shopping, and Hana shares with Ami that she has been going swimming with Shinichi, who complimented her on her bathing suit. Later, they play futsal and meet acquaintances of Sakaki, who challenge him to a game. On another day, Hana daydreams she is Shinichi's upperclassman while they head to her house. After Tsuki taught Shinichi how to make udon, he became good at it but Hana gives him harsh criticism. While Shinichi practices properly cutting the noodles, Tsuki still misinterprets his motivations, and a conversation with Hana only makes the misunderstanding worse. That evening, Hana's younger brother, Kiri, eagerly eats the udon prepared by Hana's senpai, who he erroneously believes is a woman.

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우자키 양은 학교 축제에 가고 싶어?

15 października 202224m

Sakaki convinces Hana and Shinichi to attend the college's festival, bribing them with the opportunity to win a video game console in a lottery. On the first day of the festival, they actually have fun together and decide to have their fortunes read at the Occult Club's stand. They then try to leave when they discover that only romantic fortunes are told, but are forced to comply. Shinichi is left emotionally shaken after he hears their fortune. Later, Hana prepares a meal for Shinichi and herself. She concludes via a self-absorbed thought process that he needs her around and tries unsuccessfully to get him to say it.

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우자키 양은 이겨먹고 싶어!

22 października 202224m

Annoyed that Hana and Shinichi's relationship has not moved forward, Ami and Sakaki decide to shake Hana out of her confident attitude by telling her she might lose Shinichi to other women if she lets her guard down. While teaching Shinichi to cook croquettes at her house, Hana is still bothered by her conversation with Sakaki. Meanwhile, her mother once again misinterprets Shinichi's intentions when he asks what is her first name. The croquettes turn out really good though.

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우자키 일가는 다 같이 모이고 싶어!

29 października 202224m

Hana is upset that Shinichi calls other women by their first name but not her. Shinichi gets a coupon for a gym's free trial, and meets a trainer named Fujio. At the Uzaki household, it is revealed that Fujio is none other than Hana's father. He calls a family meeting when he finds out that her senpai, who he had assumed was a girl, is in fact a guy. The situation escalates when Hana defends Shinichi to her father and younger siblings. Kiri is dismayed to learn that the maker of the udon he had enjoyed is male, while Yanagi is highly amused by it all. Meanwhile, Shinichi tries to sweat out his Hana-induced inner turmoil.

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우자키 양은 축하하고 싶어!

5 listopada 202224m

At the gym, Fujio shares his worries with Shinichi and two other regulars about his daughter having a boyfriend. Since Shinichi spends so much time training, Hana feels neglected by him and reiterates that he is the one who likes her in response to Yanagi's teasing. The next day, still under the delusion that Shinichi has feelings for her, Tsuki spends time at the café and leaves him alone with Hana for his cooking lesson, in the hopes their relationship develops. Later, she bumps into him on her way back home and erroneously believes he and Hana had sex. On November 29, Hana spends time with Shinichi for his 21st birthday and he privately acknowledges she is special to him. Meanwhile, she realizes he will graduate from college in a little over a year, and requests he do something outrageous.

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우자키 양은 고백받고 싶어!

12 listopada 202224m

Hana is worried she will not be able to hang out with Shinichi once he graduates from college. Since she is adamantly convinced that he likes her, and not the other way around, she plots to make him confess his feelings to her. She cooks him lunch, which attracts the interest of her whole family. After Hana refuses to introduce her to Shinichi, Yanagi visits the café.

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야나기랑 키리도 즐기고 싶어!

19 listopada 202224m

Hana has a meltdown at the café because Shinichi does not call her by her first name, although he does with other people and he called Yanagi by her first name not ten minutes after they met. Back home, Yanagi tells her mother about her meeting with Shinichi, making Tsuki spiral down into further misunderstandings. Kiri is stressed studying for exams and lack of physical activity. As such, he goes to exercise at the gym where his father works to cheer himself up. However, when Shinichi also shows up, Kiri ends up feeling completely outclassed.

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The Uzaki family go to a hotsprings resort, minus Kiri who is still traumatized after running into Shinichi. Fujio reminisces of the days when Hana was a child, and soon after arriving at the resort chases off guys hitting on Hana and Yanagi, and then Tsuki. He then gets surrounded by young men admiring his physique, which turns into a photoshoot as he basks in the attention. While the cat gets training from the resort's mascot, Hana goes wandering and runs into Shinichi and Sakaki. She offers to hang out with them but Shinichi tells her to spend time with her family. As they part, Hana gets Shinichi to compliment her bathing suit. Back to the Uzaki household, Kiri regrets not having joined his family's outing, while a now buff cat scares a bunch of the neighborhood's kitties.

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Tensions are high between Sakurai and Hana as the lovers' holiday of Christmas approaches. Sakurai gets a shock when he touches base with his family.

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뭔가 슬슬 제대로 해 두고 싶어!

10 grudnia 202224m

Hana reminisces about high school with Sakurai while his father warns him about their relationship. Sakurai gets solid advice from an unlikely source.

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크리스마스 이브에도 놀고 싶어!

17 grudnia 202224m

It's Christmas Eve, and Hana finds a way to spend it with Sakurai at her home. He's introduced to her father Fujio, who knows him from somewhere...

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내년에도 같이 놀고 싶어!

Season Finale
24 grudnia 202224m

Christmas Eve at the Uzaki house comes to a confusing end for just about everyone involved, leading Sakurai to reexamine his feelings for his junior.

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