Dean McDermott hahmona WarBlade (voice)

Jaksot 13

Dark Blade Falling

1 lokakuu 199430m

Warblade is recruited by the WildC.A.T.s in their fight against the daemonites.

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Heart of Steel

8 lokakuu 199430m

Spartan is faced with an old flame during a WildC.A.T.s mission.

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Cry of the Coda

15 lokakuu 199430m

War breaks out between the fictional countries of Yurgovia and Lucitain. HALO Enterprises coincidentally has its European headquarters there.

Warblade and Zealot spar in a ""Danger Room"" type setting. She easily defeats him. She chides him for his human weaknesses. Warblade, angered by her cutting remarks stalks out. Grifter tries to explain the human condition to Zealot but it falls on deaf ears.

Jacob Marlowe summons the WildCATs after an ""earthquake"" destroys HALO's European headquarters in Lucitain. Void suspects the earthquake is not natural. She suspects the earthquake to be a secret weapon of the Yurgovians.

The WildCATs teleport to Lucitain. Spartan leads the 'CATs into the front lines. They easily stop the Yurgovian troops until the coda arrive. The Yurgovians retreat. A lone Coda attacks Spartan from the back and retreats. Zealot, shocked at seeing the Coda pursues her. Grifter attempts to stop her, unsuccessfully. Spartan decides not to go after Zealot.

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The Evil Within

29 lokakuu 199430m

Helspont needs a special government spy satellite in order to resume his quest for the Orb. In order to take control of the space program, he has the President of the United States possessed by a Daemonite.

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The Big Takedown

12 marraskuu 199430m

A Daemonite break-in at Halo Optical leads Marlowe to believe they need more security and Grifter knows the man for the job - an ex-accomplice trained by Grifter himself named Lonely.

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Lives in the Balance

19 marraskuu 199430m

A Kherubim stasis pod crashes on Earth after orbiting for thousands of years. It opens to reveal Majestyk, the Kherubim leader who assumes command of the WildC.A.T.S..

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Soul of a Giant

26 marraskuu 199430m

The WildCATS are on a mission in the Arizona desert. This is the episode where we find out about Maul's past.

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3 joulukuu 199430m

Warblade attends a martial arts contest in Japan. Meanwhile, a Daemonite psionic transmitter implanted in Marlowe forces him to crash the WildC.A.T.S. aircraft in Tibet.

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Black Razor's Edge

10 joulukuu 199430m

Helspont now knows that the Orb is buried deep within Samosir Island, located in a Sumatran lake. However, in order to reach it, he needs a powerful digging device - the government's newly developed anti-missile laser.

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And Then There Were None

17 joulukuu 199430m

Warblade is seen watching the TV in a gym as the present martial arts champion struts his stuff. Reno gets angry and breaks several boards with his hands (this is when his hands are blades). Zealot walks in and tells him that fighting a human isn't fair when you're and alien with super strength. Warblade retorts saying: ""I don't need these to defeat him."" After a while, Reno leaves Halo for Japan to chalenge the martial arts champion. While he's gone, the deamonites blow something up catching the atention of the WildCATS. They leave to figure out what happened and Pike sneaks in and takes out Void. He then attacks Marlowe. Pike leaves Marlowe alone on the floor thinking the old man is dead, but after Pike leaves, Marlowe (weak from fighting Pike) calls Reno (who's just about to begin his match against the martial arts champion). Reno hears Marlowe's call and and transforms into Warblade in front of everybody. He leaps off leaving a word of advise to the champion: ""I'll be back.""

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7 tammikuu 199530m

The WildC.A.T.S are locked up in Fort Knox by Grifter's brother Max, the leader of the Black Razors, after a misunderstanding during a presidential press conference. Tensions between Zealot and Grifter escelate.

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The End Game (1)

14 tammikuu 199530m

The Daemonites attack a NASA research facility to obtain an anti-gravity device that will allow the Behemoth to fly again. The WildC.A.T.S. arrive to battle them, but discover they were set up.

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The End Game (2)

Season Finale
21 tammikuu 199530m

With the aid of the anti-gravity device, the Behemoth will, and its guns will quickly blast out the Orb. The WildC.A.T.S. must get the Orb first and use its power against Helspont.

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