関口雅浩 — Animaatio-ohjaaja

Jaksot 16

Unqualified Heroes

2 lokakuu 202024m

Shindou Yuu is an amateur model at the top of her class, and Hakozaki Kusue is a physically weak girl who misses school a lot. One moment, Yotsuya Yuusuke is thinking that the sight of these two together seems unusual… and the next, he finds himself in another world. Suddenly Hakozaki, a warrior who can’t even swing a sword, and Yotsuya, whose only weapons are a hoe and a sickle, are a party with zero combat experience stuck with the task of defeating a powerful troll.

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Kahvel of Cortonel

30 lokakuu 202024m

The party heads toward Radodorbo, a village far to the west, to complete the latest stage of their quest. However, Shindou is captured by bandits on the way. Tokitate and Hakozaki want to save her, but Yotsuya just wants to hurry on, so the three of them end up parting ways. Yotsuya then enters a martial arts tournament in Cortonel in hopes of winning some horses they can use, and there, he meets a woman knight named Kahvel.

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What a Life Is Worth

30 lokakuu 202024m

Yotsuya has succeeded in saving the other party members with Kahvel’s help. Kahvel agrees to accompany them to Radodorbo if they’ll allow her to train them in swordsmanship, since they are the players and therefore can’t die. They encounter a village of goblins on the way and engage them in battle. Hakozaki, who only slowed everyone down in battle before due to her lack of strength and resignation, finally finds her resolve and manages to slay a goblin on her own.

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Yotsuya’s party has saved the people who were under attack by kobolds. They then find out the group is a squad of soldiers from the dictatorial Kingdom of Deokk, and they’re escorting heretics to Radodorbo to be executed. The party still isn’t sure how they should interpret their quest, so for the time being, they accompany the soldiers and heretics on the way to Radodorbo.

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Yotsuya’s party is trapped by the Deokk soldier Kamilto in a cave filled with ancient traps. Yotsuya becomes separated from the group, leaving the other three party members and Kahvel to fight a formidable gargoyle. Things look desperate when the gargoyle takes down Kahvel, but then Shindou reaches rank 10 and job-changes to a Warrior (Sword), allowing her to put up a fight against the gargoyle.

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Yotsuya Yuusuke Dies

4 joulukuu 202024m

After successfully delivering their cargo to Radodorbo, Yotsuya and the others part ways with Kahvel and split up to cover ground in four different directions so they can complete their quest to cover 5% of the map. It shouldn't be a difficult task if all went as expected, but a sudden blizzard impedes their progress...

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Majiha Forever

11 joulukuu 202024m

The progress of all four party members is halted by heavy snow as time continues to tick away. What's worse, if anyone freezes to death, they can't come back to life until the weather they revive in becomes survivable again. The party grows desperate. Yotsuya gets lost in an underground dungeon that he unexpectedly fell into, Shindou walks across a frozen lake without realizing how thin the ice beneath her feet is, and Hakozaki is unable to progress any further. As the party members lose their lives one by one, Tokitate, the last one alive, is ready to give up...

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A Murderer’s Summer

Season Finale
25 joulukuu 202024m

As her reward for completing the quest, Tokitate gets to ask the Game Master whether this alternate world is actually virtual or not... and the answer is that it's an alternate Earth that branched off of the original Earth's timeline. Upon hearing that it's an existing world, Yotsuya trembles with the realization that he killed real people. Once he returns to the real world and resumes his normal life, the Game Master appears before him in the form of a young girl and leads him to a meeting with the next new player.

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I Know, Let's Go to Jiffon

10 heinäkuu 202124m

The boy Yotsuya saved in the Chinese restaurant, Torii Keita, turns out to be the fifth player. They're sent to the alternate world again, and after receiving the fifth quest, they head for Cortonel to track down some leads. There they find Kahvel, who is now a mother. The party is shocked to learn that 15 years have passed since their fourth quest, but that isn't the only thing that's changed in this world.

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Yana & Aoiu Are the Väikedaam

17 heinäkuu 202124m

The current quest is to make Jiffon Island's harvest festival a success, but the festival can't be held because some orcs that strayed onto the island have taken over all of the Buffo that are traditionally offered as sacrifices. On top of that, the increasing number of orcs threatens the islanders' very lives. With the festival date only 11 days away, Yotsuya begins leveling up to raise his rank so he can help fight them, and his job changes to Blacksmith.

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We Can't Be Heroes of Justice

24 heinäkuu 202124m

After becoming a Blacksmith, Yotsuya developed two new tactical weapons to use against the orcs: the Storc for close-range combat and the Orc Eater for shooting from a distance. Although they successfully use these to fight off the orcs attacking the stronghold, the orcs learn how to throw projectiles by observing the long-range weapon. Both the humans and the orcs have suffered substantial damages as the battle enters its final stages.

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The Island That Flows

31 heinäkuu 202124m

The islanders have sent the women and children away on a boat to protect them from the upcoming battle, but the orcs find and target them. Shindou and Cantil move to stop them, but in the midst of the fight, the earth begins to shake violently as the volcano on the island erupts. Pandemonium breaks loose as volcanic bombs rain down on the island... but this is only the prologue to a much greater disaster.

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A Short Film and the Sixth Hero

21 elokuu 202124m

After completing the fifth quest, Yotsuya is back in his hometown when a woman named Glenda pays him a visit. She knows about the other world he's been to, and she claims to know at least three other people who have been there. Glenda hopes to get in touch with these parallel world explorers, but she's had no luck contacting them through social media. So she decides to produce a video of Yotsuya and his fellow party members that only people who have been to the other world would understand.

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The Monsters Attack

4 syyskuu 202124m

Cox, who had achieved peace in the village by closing it off and reducing the number of mouths to feed, attempts to get rid of the heroes, but then a monster's voice resounds throughout the village. Yotsuya and the villagers are powerless as a multitude of monsters swarms the village, as if under someone's control. After determining that it would be impossible to defend against the monsters' attack, they decide to flee the village.

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A Will to Destroy

11 syyskuu 202124m

Yotsuya's party manages to escape the village, and then they encounter a large group of people. They turn out to be the ones who had been run out of the village under the pretext of going on the Journey of Hope to find the so-called New Eden. The party accompanies the villagers in their hurried search for a new permanent residence, even as monsters close in on them...

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On a Million Lives

Season Finale
25 syyskuu 202124m

Glenda has figured out the identity of the Dragon Bishop who's been secretly at work in the area. With her identity exposed, the Dragon Bishop confesses that she was behind everything that's happened since they began the current quest, and explains that she approached Yotsuya's party while searching for a hidden village in order to complete her ritual. Thus begins the battle between the Dragon Bishop and the party of heroes.

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