114 movies

janvāris 5, 2024

Forced into early retirement by a degenerative illness, former baseball player Ray Waller moves into a new house with his wife and two children. He hopes that the backyard swimming pool will be fun for the kids and provide physical therapy for himself. However, a dark secret from the home's past soon unleashes a malevolent force that drags the family into the depths of inescapable terror.

novembris 2, 2018

A fraternity house throws their big "Winter Luau" party but when fraternity brothers and coeds begin dying horrible deaths they discover an evil entity has taken over the house.

aprīlis 1, 2011

Kādas dienas rītā vecāki mēģina pamodināt savu desmitgadīgo dēlu Daltonu. Viss liecina par to, ka puika ir komā, bet varbūt viņš vienkārši nespēj pamosties?

oktobris 17, 1997

Aspiring Florida defense lawyer Kevin Lomax accepts a job at a New York law firm. With the stakes getting higher every case, Kevin quickly learns that his boss has something far more evil planned.

jūlijs 30, 2020

Six friends hire a medium to hold a séance via Zoom during lockdown — but they get far more than they bargained for as things quickly go wrong. When an evil spirit starts invading their homes, they begin to realise they might not survive the night.

augusts 15, 1997

In 2047, a group of astronauts are sent to investigate and salvage the starship Event Horizon which disappeared mysteriously seven years before on its maiden voyage. However, it soon becomes evident that something sinister resides in its corridors.

augusts 27, 2010

After years of performing “exorcisms” and taking believers’ money, Reverend Marcus travels to rural Louisiana with a film crew so he can dispel what he believes is the myth of demonic possession. The dynamic reverend is certain that this will be another routine “exorcism” on a disturbed religious fanatic but instead comes upon the blood-soaked farm of the Sweetzer family and a true evil he would have never thought imaginable.

augusts 21, 2015

Otrā daļa panākumus iekarojušajai šausmu filmai, kuras pirmās daļas kases ienākumi pārsniedza 100 miljonus. Šajā filmā stāstīts par jaunu šerifu, kurš izmeklē noslēpumainas slepkavības, kuru aizsākums meklējams filmas pirmajā daļā. Savulaik, izmeklējot šīs slepkavības, gājis bojā viņa draugs seržants Elisons Osvalfs. Izmeklējot noziegumus, viņš nonāk fermā, kur iepazīstas ar draydzīgu ģimeni - dvīņiem Zeku un Dilanu un viņu māti Kortniju, kuri aizbēguši no vardarbīgā tēva. Katra diena, kas pavadīta šajā mājā, var kļūt par pēdējo, tāpat, kā tas bijis ar visiem, kas šeit dzīvojuši pirms viņiem un nonākuši nežēlīgā dēmona Bagula redzeslokā.

novembris 5, 2015

To save a girl in danger, a priest and deacon jump into a mysterious case.

februāris 4, 1983

Carla Moran, a hard-working single mother, is raped in her bedroom by someone — or something — that she cannot see. Despite skeptical psychiatrists, she is repeatedly attacked by this invisible force. Could this be a case of hysteria or something more horrific?

In a far-away village, lived an innocent teenage girl, Sai, who later discovered herself inheriting the curse of Krasue. At night, her head would detach from her body and hunts for flesh and blood. Villagers are terrified by the deaths of their livestocks and that is when the Krasue hunt begins. Jerd, a friend joined the hunt with an unknown reason while Noi, the childhood friend who had just came back to the village decided to stand beside Sai despite knowing the horrifying truth.

februāris 3, 2017

A mother desperate to reconnect with her troubled daughter becomes embroiled in the urban legend of a demonic witch.


oktobris 7, 2005

An orphan girl taught magic by her sick grandma must find work in seedy Bangkok, where she encounters a number of unsavory characters. She uses the magical skills her grandmother taught her to her advantage and to increasingly horrific consequences.

septembris 1, 2017

Three American tourists follow a mysterious map deep into the jungles of Japan searching for an ancient temple. When spirits entrap them, their adventure quickly becomes a horrific nightmare.

novembris 21, 2019

While on a romantic getaway in the Indian wilderness, a couple from Los Angeles accidentally witnesses the haunting exorcism of an 11-year old girl. They decide to rescue her.

A TV production crew are making a documentary about the infamous painter Mamiya Ichiro. When they start filming at his old home, they come under attack from the ghost of the painter's wife.

oktobris 9, 2020

A bereaved Satanist couple kidnap a pregnant woman so they can use an ancient spellbook to put their dead grandson's spirit into her unborn child, but they end up summoning more than they bargained for.

jūlijs 26, 2002

Soon after getting a new phone, a woman notices strange things starting to happen. When she investigates, she discovers that everyone who has had her phone number before her has died suddenly and mysteriously.

Holy Night is team that fights against groups that worships demons. The members of the Holy Night team are Bau (Ma Dong-Seok), Sharon (Seohyun) and Kim-kun (David Lee). Bau's special ability is his powerful physical strength. Sharon has an ability to identify demons and performs exorcisms. Kim-kun helps Bau and Sharon. Meanwhile, Psychiatrist Jung-won (Kyung Soo-Jin) visits the Holy Night team to save her younger sister Eun-seo (Jung Ji-So). A demon resides in Eunseo’s body.

septembris 14, 2018

An estranged family take a trip to the desert in their used RV and become stranded and isolated in the scorching terrain. They soon learn their RV holds terrible, haunting secrets, and it starts killing them off one by one.

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