15 件を表示

Cada temporada de Kamen Rider presenta una historia diferente con personajes y tramas independientes, aunque todas siguen un esquema similar. El protagonista suele ser un motorista que por diversos medios, la mayor de las veces tecnológicos y a veces mágicos o combinación de ambos según la temporada, se transforma, siempre utilizando la frase Henshin ("transformación") en un superhéroe llamado Kamen Rider con un traje blindado y una máscara que generalmente está decorada recordando a un insecto.En unas temporadas hay un solo Kamen Rider, mientras que en otras hay dos o más, habiendo algunas que presentan más de diez Riders diferentes. Estos Riders luchan contra enemigos diversos o incluso a veces entre ellos. Los poderes del Kamen Rider siempre tienen un origen estrechamente relacionado con los villanos, pero usa esos poderes para el bien en lugar de para el mal, y esta relación se convierte en fuente de conflictos argumentales según la temporada.


Survivor es un popular reality estadounidense emitido por el canal CBS en el que un grupo de americanos son abandonados en un lugar remoto (normalmente una isla), con el fin de ganar un millón de dólares. Los concursantes deben superar pruebas para obtener recompensas (comida e higiene, entre otros) y para evitar ser eliminados. Las eliminaciones se producen por el voto directo de los concursantes. Uno a uno son eliminados hasta llegar a los dos finalistas (tres desde la decimotercera temporada, Survivor: Cook Islands). Survivor ha sido conducido desde su comienzo hasta la actualidad por Jeff Probst, encargado de explicar y comentar las diversas pruebas, de recibir a los concursantes en el consejo tribal (lugar donde se producen las eliminaciones) y de leer los votos que deciden quién deja el programa.

Five young warriors from the ancient civilization of Dinosaur-evolved Humans are awakened in the present day after 170 million years of suspended animation when their sworn enemy, Bandora the Witch, is inadvertently released from her magical container on Planet Nemesis by two astronauts.

The five warriors, the Zyurangers, must summon the power of mechanical-looking deities known as the Guardian Beasts, each modeled after a different prehistoric beast, in order to protect mankind from Bandora's evil forces.

Una chica inmortal de la tribu Po Xin perdió su tribu a manos del Señor de los Demonios, Dong Fang Qing Cang. Renació diez mil años más tarde como una humilde inmortal de la Tribu Celestial, Xiao Lan Hua (Pequeña Orquídea). Lan Hua, sin saberlo, revivió a Dong Fang Qing Cang, su enemigo mortal, que estaba atrapado en la Torre Hao Tian. Para recuperar su libertad, Dong Fang Qing Cang quiere sacrificar el alma inmortal de Xiao Lan Hua para desatar la maldición que pesa sobre su cuerpo. En el proceso, el desalmado demonio se enamora de la gentil y adorable joven hada...


Cuenta la historia del sheriff de una pueblo en el que convive con ciertas dificultades la población blanca y los miembros de una tribu india que no está reconocida por el gobierno federal. Su mujer se verá envuelta en una trama que la obligará a aliarse con un peligroso indígena.


Ahora que Poppy sabe que hay otros trolls musicales esparcidos por el bosque, reprime su infinita positividad e invita a los delegados de todas las tribus trols del bosque a vivir juntos en armonía en un gran experimento que ella llama TrollsTopia.


Young healer Draha finds a mortally wounded man in the wood. It is not clear from his appearance and clothes what tribe he belongs to. Due to Draha's healing skills, he manages to survive but he does not remember anything about his previous life. Draha names him Vlad.

Un extraño amuleto, descubierto en lo más profundo de la jungla africana por un aristócrata aventurero obliga a Tarzán a viajar hasta su tierra natal para detener a su archienemigo Rokoff de sus planes para apoderarse del amuleto y liberar sus terribles poderes sobrenaturales


For over 40 days days, 20 players isolated on an exotic island in the Philippines will face extreme mental and physical challenges. They will have to use strategy to survive the eliminations in order to become the sole survivor and get their hands on the $100,000 grand prize!

The drama tells the story of a female chief from a mysterious primitive tribe and an elite urban man from the city. The two are completely different “species” who meet unexpectedly and “tame” each other.


Amazon was a syndicated television show created by Peter Benchley. It was developed by Canadian production companies Alliance Atlantis Communications & WIC Entertainment and German company Beta Film GmbH. The 22 episodes of the series were in first-run syndication between 1999 and 2000.

The drama series focused on the six survivors of a crashed airline flight in the Brazilian Amazon jungle. The group soon comes into contact with a Native American tribe, and relations are anything but friendly. The group is taken in by a mysterious tribe, who descended from 16th century British colonists who were lost in Amazon. Relations with the Chosen are tenuous at best. Most of the group escapes the Chosen only to stir up a hornets nest with a tribe of cannibals, led by an insane American woman bent on domination of all the local tribes. The first season ended in a cliff-hanger, and a second season was never produced. The series retained sufficient interest that it was released on DVD in 2011.

A novelization of the 2-hour pilot was written by Rob MacGregor, and a mass-market paperback was released by Harper on 8 Aug 2000.

The German title was Amazonas - Gefangene des Dschungels.


Kid Nation was an American reality television show hosted by Jonathan Karsh that premiered on the CBS network on September 19, 2007 created by Tom Forman Productions and Endemol USA and aired on Wednesdays at 8:00 p.m. ET . The show, featuring 40 children aged 8 to 15, was filmed on location at the Bonanza Creek Movie Ranch, a privately owned town built on the ruins of Bonanza City, New Mexico, eight miles south of Santa Fe, with production beginning on April 1, 2007. In the show, the children try to create a functioning society in the town, including setting up a government system with minimal adult help and supervision.

18 people, carefully selected from across the UK, are marooned in a tropical location where they are divided into two tribes, competing against each other in a range of physical and mental challenges for reward or immunity.

One by one, players are voted out of their tribes at the iconic Tribal Council until the two tribes eventually merge and the game becomes a head-to-head battle. Ultimately only one person can triumph, winning the cash prize of £100,000 and the title of Sole Survivor.


Guillaume Dulude, doctor of neuropsychology, sets out to find the last nomadic tribes in the world in an effort to understand how they manage to survive while retaining their traditional way of life.




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