426 部电影

2023 年 09 月 29 日

「恐懼鬥室」回歸系列驚典,驚慄鬼才導演溫子仁監製,「鬥室殺人王」Jigsaw爆血扭橋新巔峰!《恐懼鬥室X》將帶你回到《恐懼鬥室》第1集與第2集之間:身患絕症的尊克藍瑪(托賓貝爾 飾)為了治療癌症,不惜遠赴墨西哥,接受一項僅在實驗階段的高危療法。然而,他卻發現整場手術只是個騙局,只為詐騙身心靈最脆弱的病人。「鬥室殺人王」決定重出江湖,精心設計各種殘忍冇底線的機關,用他的招牌「遊戲」,清算這班萬惡老千!

2002 年 01 月 25 日

When the popular, restless Landon Carter is forced to participate in the school drama production, he falls in love with Jamie Sullivan, the daughter of the town's minister. Jamie has a "to-do" list for her life, as well as a very big secret she must keep from Landon.

2015 年 11 月 25 日

艾冬尼斯莊臣 並不知道他出生前已去世的父親,是著名的世界重量級拳王阿波羅克里德 (Apollo Creed)。艾冬尼斯懷著拳王基因,去到阿波羅克里德當年與拳壇新貴洛奇激戰的費城。 他在費城找到洛奇,並拜他為師。雖然,洛奇已經收山,但他被艾冬尼斯的潛質,和他遺傳自昔日戰友阿波羅的毅力所打動;即使正面對人生更嚴峻的戰役,洛奇仍答應收他為徒。 有洛奇坐陣教路,艾冬尼斯很快就打響名堂。但他能否在參加真正對決之前,領略到身為拳手的真諦?

2018 年 02 月 23 日

生物學家(妮妲莉寶雯 飾),為了尋找因執行任務而失蹤的丈夫,自願加入一隊全由女性組成的探險隊,進入被政府封鎖的X禁區進行勘探。隨著離奇自然現象及怪異生物不斷出現,她們發現這個位於佛羅里達州南端的神秘荒原,隱藏著一股足以滅絕一切的黑暗力量…

2005 年 08 月 31 日

Justin Quayle is a low-level British diplomat who has always gone about his work very quietly, not causing any problems. But after his radical wife Tessa is killed he becomes determined to find out why, thrusting himself into the middle of a very dangerous conspiracy.


2020 年 12 月 11 日


2018 年 01 月 27 日

Agnès Varda eloquently captures Paris in the sixties with this real-time portrait of a singer set adrift in the city as she awaits test results of a biopsy. A chronicle of the minutes of one woman’s life, Cléo from 5 to 7 is a spirited mix of vivid vérité and melodrama, featuring a score by Michel Legrand and cameos by Jean-Luc Godard and Anna Karina.

2016 年 12 月 23 日

美國作家柏德烈奈斯 (Patrick Ness) 親自改編其史上第一本同時榮獲童書界最高榮譽卡內基文學獎 (Carnegie Medal) 及凱特格林威獎 (Greenaway Medal) 的同名繪本小說。以動態捕捉技術演繹魔樹,把原著繪本小說中天馬行空、動人心弦的童夢世界栩栩如生地呈現眼前。

2015 年 11 月 06 日

The friendship between two life-long girlfriends is put to the test when one starts a family and the other falls ill.


2018 年 10 月 12 日

1969年美國宇航員太空人尼爾岩士唐Neil Armstrong (賴恩高斯寧 飾)和伯茲·艾德靈Buzz Aldrin參與美國太空總署(NASA)的太陽神計劃,進行史上首個載人登陸月球的任務。在這太空科技剛起步的時代,國家不惜工本,甚至犧牲性命,誓要達成史無前例的成就;而這個人類史上最危險的任務,為岩士唐帶來怎樣的衝擊及代價?

2006 年 12 月 20 日

His Wife is dead and his Son hates him, but this old man still has fight in him! When he loses a highly publicized virtual boxing match to ex-champ Rocky Balboa, reigning heavyweight titleholder Mason Dixon retaliates by challenging Rocky to a nationally televised, 10-round exhibition bout. To the surprise of his son and friends, Rocky agrees to come out of retirement and face an opponent who's faster, stronger, and thirty years his junior.

In this belated sequel to 'The Decline of the American Empire', middle-aged Montreal college professor, Remy, learns that he is dying of liver cancer. His ex-wife, Louise, asks their estranged son, Sebastian, a successful businessman living in London, to come home. Sebastian makes the impossible happen, using his contacts and disrupting the Canadian healthcare system in every way possible to help his father fight his terminal illness to the bitter end, while reuniting some of Remy's old friends, including Pierre, Alain, Dominique, Diane, and Claude, who return to see their friend before he passes on.

2016 年 11 月 18 日

電影改編自奧斯汀萊特暢銷小說《Tony and Susan》,描述一對離婚夫妻,不經意發現彼此黑暗的真相。藝術品收藏家蘇珊收到了前夫愛德華寄來的小說手稿,她在閱讀故事的同時也陷入對往事的回憶當中,原來,這本小說是為她而寫…… 小說內容充滿暴力與毀滅。蘇珊深受愛德華的作品所感動,忍不住回想起兩人戀愛時光。她過著光鮮亮麗的生活,但總覺得缺少些什麼,她突然驚覺這本書是在復仇。這個故事迫使她重新評估自己的選擇,重燃她害怕逝去的愛…

2015 年 07 月 10 日

An extremely wealthy elderly man dying from cancer undergoes a radical medical procedure that transfers his consciousness to the body of a healthy young man but everything may not be as good as it seems when he starts to uncover the mystery of the body's origins and the secret organization that will kill to keep its secrets.

2016 年 12 月 16 日

A psychic doctor, John Clancy, works with an FBI special agent in search of a serial killer.


1983 年 11 月 20 日

Aurora, a finicky woman, is in search of true love while her daughter faces marital issues. Together, they help each other deal with problems and find reasons to live a joyful life.

2011 年 02 月 03 日

A guarded woman finds out she's dying of cancer but, when she meets her match, the threat of falling in love is scarier than death.



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