29 部电影

2017 年 02 月 17 日

Didžiausias istorijoje žmogaus rankų darbo statinys – Didžioji kinų siena – iki šiol stebina žmoniją. Statyta 1700 metų (ir išsilaikiusi iki šių dienų), besidriekianti 8800 kilometrų (kai kuriais duomenimis, su visomis atšakomis jos ilgis siekia daugiau nei 21 tūkst. km.) ir puikiai matoma iš kosmoso. Kokiu tikslu ji buvo pastatyta? Nuo ko reikėjo saugotis tokiomis drastiškomis priemonėmis? Vienas stilingiausių mūsų laikų režisierių – Shang‘as Yimou („Didvyris“, „Skraidantys durklai“, „Auksinės gėlės prakeiksmas“) turi netikėtą atsakymą. Viduramžių Kinija. Klajoklis iš Vakarų – Viljamas (aktorius Matt‘as Damon‘as) – prisijungia prie kinų armijos, susitelkusios prie Didžiosios sienos. Bendromis pastangomis, pasitelkdami visas turimas priemones, sąjungininkai turi atremti nežemiškų jėgų, grasinančių Kinijai pražūtimi antpuolį.

2020 年 12 月 18 日

Kai kapitonė Artemidė ir jos ištikimi kariai perkeliami į naują pasaulį, jiems dėl išgyvenimo tenka kovoti su milžiniškais priešais, turinčiais nepaprastų galių.

2012 年 05 月 16 日

The heroic story of a dictator who risks his life to ensure that democracy would never come to the country he so lovingly oppressed.

Seniai seniai, kai Snieguolė dar nebuvo gimusi, piktajai raganai Ravenai (aktorė Charlize Theron) buvo išpranašauta, kad jos sesers Frėjos (akt. Emily Blunt) naujagimė bus gražiausia karalystėje. Negalėdama su tuo susitaikyti, Ravena pražudo savo dukterėčią. Iš skausmo paklaikusi Frėja pasitraukia į atokią ledo pilį, kur ima augintis mirtinų žudikų – Medžiotojų – armiją.

2014 年 10 月 17 日

A young woman joins the military to be part of something bigger than herself and her small-town roots. Instead, she ends up as a new guard at Guantanamo Bay, where her mission is far from black and white. Surrounded by hostile jihadists and aggressive squadmates, she strikes up an unusual friendship with one of the detainees.

2017 年 06 月 09 日

Filmas pagrįstas realia istorija, apie jauną Meganan Lyvi, kuri Irake sugebėjo išgelbėti daugelio žmonių gyvybes dėl savo unikalios drausmės ir atsidavimo,kartu su šunimi "Rex". Per metus "Megan" ir "Rex" atliko daugiau nei 100 misijų, kol vieną dieną, savarankiškai pagamintos bombos jie buvo rimtai sužeisti, tai atsiliepė jų ateičiai

2020 年 12 月 14 日

Ekscentriškas statybininkas Garis Falkneris (akt. Nicolas Cage‘as) sulaukia svečių – pono Dievo (akt. Russellas Brandas). Po gyvenimą pakeitusio vizito statybininkas atranda savo pašaukimą ir leidžiasi į Pakistaną, pas „Al Kaidos“ lyderį Osamą bin Ladeną atlikti šventos misijos.

1980 年 10 月 06 日

A sheltered young high society woman joins the US Army on a whim and finds herself in a more difficult situation than she ever expected.

In a remote village in Karelia, Sergeant Vaskov commands an anti-aircraft unit that protects a rail depot. While his men are transferred to the front line, he is reprimanded for their unruly behavior. He retorts that he wants replacements that aren't drunks or womanizers. In response, he is assigned a unit made up entirely of young women, fresh from training.

2016 年 01 月 31 日

When National Guard soldier Samantha Harrison returns from the front lines of Iraq, she realizes that none of her training helps her deal with PTSD or the struggles of returning to a normal life. Samantha comes home to find out she's being blamed for a friendly fire incident that killed two Americans and she becomes the target of an obsessed soldier seeking revenge for their deaths. She tries to reassemble her fragmented memories of that horrific night in order to convince everyone, including herself, that she didn't do it. Who do you turn to when you can't trust your own memories and the few people you do trust are being killed off one by one?

2017 年 01 月 09 日

At the end of their tour of duty in Afghanistan, two young military women, Aurore and Marine, are given three days of decompression leave with their unit at a five-star resort in Cyprus, among tourists. But it's not that easy to forget the war and leave the violence behind.

Filmmaker Talya Lavie steps into the spotlight with a dark comedy about everyday life for a unit of young female Israeli soldiers. The human resources office at a remote desert base serves as the setting for this cast of characters, who bide their time pushing paper, battling for the top score in Minesweeper, and counting down the minutes until they can return to civilian life. Amidst their boredom and clashing personalities, issues of commitment—from friendship to love and country—are handled with humor and sharp-edged wit.

2020 年 10 月 08 日

Rojda, a native of Iraqi Kurdistan and a soldier in the German army, travels to a refugee camp in Greece where she manages to meet her mother, who has bad news about her sister Dilan.

1945 年 04 月 01 日

A debutante, a serviceman's bride and a girl from a military family join the Women's Army Corps.

After spending months as a prisoner in Donbass, Ukrainian aerial reconnaissance expert Lilia returns home to her family. But the trauma of captivity continues to torment her and surface in dreamlike ways. Something growing deep within Lilia will not allow her to forget, yet she refuses to identify as a victim and will fight to liberate herself.

1997 年 01 月 01 日

Five soldiers and their punishment.

2014 年 07 月 09 日

After Sergeant Stacy Armstrong returns from three deployments with PTSD, Jesse and Stacy are determined to save their twenty-year marriage from being another casualty of war. Infidelity, addiction, and a tragic accident test the couple's commitment as Jesse struggles to keep Stacy and their marriage alive.

1968 年 08 月 12 日

This romantic and grandiose historical film depicts the era of the constant incursions and heroic battles fought by the defenders of the castle of Eger, led by captain István Dobó, against the heavy odds of superior numbers through the lives and love of Bornemissza Gergely and Cecey Éva. Gergely is inaugurated as a fighter already at the age of 7, when he escapes the captivity of the half-eyed Turk, Jumurdzsak, with Vica and the war-booty. In thirty years' time he becomes the first assistant of captain Dobó and the brain of the castle in the defence of Eger.

1959 年 06 月 30 日

During World War II, a Royal Artillery officer is assigned to an anti-aircraft battery that is filled with female soldiers of the Auxiliary Territorial Service. His wife who has enlisted is mistakenly posted to the battery in violation of regulations of husbands and wives serving together in the same formation. She becomes jealous of what she perceives as him paying too much attention to the other Auxiliary Territorial Service women.

The Adamastos family consists of the father, Major Adamastos, the mother, Captain Eugenia and their daughter, Soldier Vicky. The father defies women in the army while the daughter falls in love with a second lieutenant justifying her father's opinion, but the mother manages to highlight the all-female Company's work.



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