15 本の映画


Benson Winifred Payne es un veterano del ejército en su última misión. Una vez jubilado intenta reinventar una vida al margen de las duras leyes militares, pero no es una tarea fácil. Las cosas cambian cuando lo llaman a una academia militar para entrenar a un grupo de reclutas muy jóvenes para los juegos militares de Virginia. A los chicos no les gustan sus maneras bruscas y su riguroso entrenamiento, pero después de algunos malentendidos aprenderán a apreciarlo en vista de su mayor logro.


M.A.S.H. narra las aventuras de dos cirujanos del ejército destinados a una unidad móvil médica en Corea durante la guerra. Tanto ellos como su equipo de enfermeras se toman el trabajo muy en serio pero, en su tiempo libre, las bromas constantes y la ironía hacen más llevadera la situación.


John Winger, an indolent sad sack in his 30s, impulsively joins the US Army after losing his job, his girlfriend and his apartment.

Ernest G. Bilko es un sargento del ejército de los Estados Unidos que se vale de su posición para hacer toda clase de pequeños trapicheos, incluyendo las apuestas ilegales, en una base militar de Kansas. Su oficial superior, el comandante Hall, permanece ignorante de todo esto. Los problemas se sucederán con la llegada de un viejo rival del sargento: el Mayor Thorn.

The "Bulldozer", a former football star, is now working as a fisherman. As a group of street-people arranges a football match against the local Armybase, he is asked to be their trainer. His boat was damaged by a submarine and he currently has no work, so he agrees.


Fall in for the first ever film in the highly successful Carry On comedy series—now an acclaimed British institution. Kenneth Connor and Charles Hawtrey are the prankish misfits who become the hilarious bane of Army Officers existence when he makes a bet he will turn them into ‘Star Squad’ Award soldiers—or bust!


After causing the collapse of their own planet, the Anatar people of humanoid aliens who evolved from ducks, are searching for a new celestial body to call a nest. During their wanderings in space they land on Pandono, a place where living beings and nature have found their strange balance. Love, war, spaceships and space ducks are the ingredients of this grotesque modern fairy tale about accepting what is different from us.


Four women graduate the US Navel Top Gun academy. When 2 of them are promptly shot down on their first Gulf assignment, the other 2 and their instructors head out to rescue them.


The stooges are sailors working in a ships' tailor shop. When they can't get passes to go ashore, they steal officers uniforms and go to a party with Curly passing himself off as Admiral Taylor and Moe and Larry as his aides. Two spies, one of them a beautiful woman, trick the stooges into stealing a new submarine. The boys turn the table on the spies and capture them. When the real Admiral shows up, Curly's reenacts the capture and accidentally detonates a bomb, blowing them all to kingdom come.

Private Johnny Less, codename: Ramboner is out for a Sunday stroll through Mellowsville when the local sheriff, Chief Beheiny, decides to have some fun with him. It may be the last mistake Beheiny ever makes! Even with the advice of Col. Robert Young, can the law stop the man whom combat excites?


When a group of generals from the Pentagon notify General Halftrack that they want to inspect a model of the modern soldier, Beetle Bailey probably wasn't what they had in mind.

The adventures of smart soldier Gustav Diestelbeck include managing his superior officer, competing for the canteneer's daughter, evading punishment for discipline faults and hosting Prinz Willibald during his visit to the regiment.


A mosquito army trains for, then goes on, an attack mission.


Videogamer Forest Bullard and his slacker buddy Spencer learn how to control Forest's overbearing ex-army sergeant grandpa via a microchip the army implanted in his brain as a mind control experiment.

Ramboner is back! When his good friend, Col. Robert Young is kidnapped by a Nazi general and an Iranian terrorist, Ramboner hits the trail with an unwilling President Grimm as bait for a switch! Watch Ramboner fight everyone! The man whom combat excites is definitely back for more!



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