18 本の映画

Rok 1984. Młody programista zaczyna kwestionować rzeczywistość, pracując nad grą wideo na podstawie mrocznej powieści fantasy.


Nemo Nobody wiedzie zwykłe życie u boku swej żony Elise i trójki dzieci. Wszystko się zmienia, gdy budzi się pewnego dnia jako staruszek w 2092 roku. Ma wówczas 120 lat i jest najstarszym człowiekiem chodzącym po globie, jak i ostatnim ze śmiertelnych ludzi. Ale to zdaje się nie interesować głównego bohatera. Jedyną rzeczą jak zaprząta głowę Pana Nobody jest odpowiedź na pytanie, czy w teraźniejszości żył dobrym życiem, kochał kobietę, którą miał kochać oraz miał dzieci, które były mu przeznaczone. (Hsi_Nao) Nemo Nobody (Jared Leto) prowadzi beztroskie życie u boku żony i trójki dzieci. Jednak pewnego dnia budzi się jako 120-letni starzec w przyszłości, w 2092 roku. Jest najstarszym człowiekiem na Ziemi i ostatnim śmiertelnikiem w świecie nieśmiertelnych.

Juliette ma ogromne problemy z podejmowaniem decyzji. Nawet w wieku czterdziestu lat musi często prosić o pomoc w dokonaniu najprostszego wyboru ojca lub dwóch najlepszych przyjaciół. Pewnego dnia kobieta poznaje czarującego Paula. Chwilę później wpada na przystojnego Étienne'a. Jej życie coraz bardziej się komplikuje. Kobieta szybko uświadamia sobie, że będzie zmuszona podjąć ważną decyzję dotyczącą swojej przyszłości.


Neglected by her workaholic husband, a young wife, Maren Abbott, meets a man through Wandering Eye - a networking website designed to facilitate extramarital liaisons. Charming as he is, she realizes she can't go through with the affair. When he is found brutally murdered in their hotel room, infidelity is the least of Maren's worries as she finds herself in the cross-hairs of a serial killer who uses the website to trawl for his next victims.


For forty years Lilian Singer has been locked up in a 'loony bin' by her father. Her release is eventually secured by her eccentric Aunt Kitty and her brother, John. Lilian starts to carve out a place for herself. As she explores Sydney and the people who live and work around her she sees others looking for love. Lilian shows us it is never too late to change your life and that even unusual choices can bring contentment.


Believing in God is important, but what about God believing in us? Believing that we can actually be the kind of people we were meant to be. People of love, compassion, peace, forgiveness, and hope. People who try to do the right thing all of the time. Who act on the endless opportunities around us every day for good, beauty, and truth. It's easy for us to sometimes get down on ourselves. To feel "not good enough" or feel like we don't have what it takes. But maybe if we had more insight into the culture that Jesus grew up in and some of the radical things he did, we'd understand the faith that God has in all of us.



An electricity blackout sent the world into panic. Cities and infrastructures were torn down, vegetation overgrown and populations desolated. A group of survivors tried to pick up the pieces of the broken world, but their moralities were overtaken by greed and wealth, now they control the city. A small group attempt to build a rebellion to fight against the corruption that has flooded through the city.


Due to his poor health, Dante Kathlego loses his job, which causes some friction between him and his wife, Alisha. She still decides to travel to Melbourne to promote Dantes new novel. While Alisha is away, Dante is unable to drive so he enlists his best friend Mike to be his driver and companion, however; Mike is reckless, known to take risks and put himself, and others, in serious danger. Meanwhile, in Melbourne, Alisha meets the rich, handsome and dangerous Nate who convinces her to abandon her children and family. This starts a chain reaction of violence, death, heartbreak and trauma where no one is left unharmed by these irreversible choices.


A Looney Tunes parody of the iconic 1999 film The Matrix.


A father is working the controls of a railroad track, allowing approaching passenger trains to cross safely over the bridge. As one approaches, he sees his young son coming toward him on the tracks. It is at this moment the father must decide whom to save - the train full of passengers -- or his son. This powerful film poignantly illustrates the meaning of God allowing His son to die to save us.


In Corsica, four girlfriends share the last days of an endless summer. It's hot, too hot to do anything. While they share their secrets, Camille, the youngest of them, says she's pregnant.


Izza has to wear hijab to fit in with her friends during Islamic Education class, but her lack of confidence and her boyfriend stand in her way.

Andrea is a shocked boxer who arrives late for a worthless fight, but he's finally determined to change everything.


Regina receives news, she has obtained a scholarship to study abroad; she must decide whether to make the decision to leave or stay beside the people she loves.


Over two nights, a young Chinese immigrant has sexual encounters with two very different men. Consequently, he has to choose between the one he wants or the who wants him.


Yazmín and Zenaida, daughter-in-law and mother-in-law, live awaiting the arrival of their husbands. Time that will reveal infinite possibilities.


Four people are thrust into four unknown situations, and required to make a choice. With their happiness, lives and families hanging in the balance, what consequence will they face?



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p プロファイルメニューを開く
esc 開いているウィンドウを閉じる
? キーボードショートカットウィンドウを開く


b 戻る(または該当する場合は親に)
e 編集ページに行く






a 画像追加ウィンドウを開く


t 翻訳選択を開く
ctrl+ s フォームを送信する


n 新しいディスカッションを作成する
w 監視ステータスを切り替える
p 公開/非公開を切り替える
c 閉じる/開くを切り替える
a アクティビティを開く
r ディスカッションに返信
l 最後の返事に行く
ctrl+ enter メッセージを送信する




