26 filmų

Trečias nuotykių ieškotojo Indianos Džounso žygis bus dar pavojingenis ir įdomesnis. Dabar jam reikės surasti šventąją taurę, kurią, anot legendų, paskutinės vakarienės metu naudojo Jėzus Kristus. Teigiama, kad bet kuris žmogus, išgėręs iš šios taurės, taps amžinai jaunu.Šiuo paslaptingu grobiu susidomi ir didžiausi Indianos Džounso priešai - naciai. Hitlerio vadovaujami galvažudžiai pagrobia jo tėvą profesorių Henry Džounsą, kuris turi specialų dienoraštį ir detalius žemėlapius, pagal kuriuos galima surasti paslaptingiausius lobius, o tarp jų ir šventąją taurę. Indiana Džounsas išvyksta į Vokietiją gelbėti tėvo ir viso pasaulio.

Filmo siužetas suskaidytas į epizodus, kuriuos sieja Šventojo Gralio užduotis ir Terry Gilliamo animaciniai intarpai. Filmo pradžioje karalius Artūras renka riterius savo Apvaliajam Stalui. Po kelių nesėkmių galiausiai prie jo prisijungia seras Bedeveras Išmintingasis seras Lanselotas Narsusis, seras Galahadas Tyrasis, seras Robinas Ne Toks Narsus Kaip Seras Lanselotas ir seras Kuris Šiame Filme Nepasirodo. Riteriams Dievas duoda užduotį surasti šventąjį Gralį. Beieškodami riteriai susiduria su įvairiais pavojais: Juodligės pilies merginomis, Riteriais, kurie sako Ni, triušiu žudiku ir kt. Filme gausu kitų epizodinių veikėjų: valstiečiai anarchosindikalistai, vienuoliai, giedantys lotyniškai, ragana, Pelkės pilies karalius ir jo sūnus, burtininkas, Mirties Tilto sargas, prancūzai. Periodiškai pasirodo elementų, susijusių su kregždėmis.

Harvardo universiteto profesorius Robertas Lengdonas (akt. Tomas Hanksas) atvyksta į Paryžių, kur planuoja susitikti su Luvro muziejaus kuratoriumi Žaku Sonjeru. Tačiau naktį viešbutyje netikėtai apsilankę Prancūzijos policijos atstovai informuoja apie prieš kelias valandas įvykdytą kraupią Žako žmogžudystę. Prieš pat mirtį buvęs Siono vienuolyno bendruomenės narys krauju užrašo keletą šifruotų užuominų, kurių policijos pareigūnai nesupranta.

1981 balandžio 10

A surreal adaptation of Sir Thomas Malory's "Le Morte d'Arthur", chronicling Arthur Pendragon's conception, his rise to the throne, the search by his Knights of the Round Table for the Holy Grail, and ultimately his death.

1991 rugsėjo 20

Two troubled men face their terrible destinies and events of their past as they join together on a mission to find the Holy Grail and thus to save themselves.

Shirou Emiya finds himself an unwilling participant in a deadly competition where seven Mages summon heroic spirits as servants to duel each other to the death. They compete for the chance to make a wish from the Holy Grail, which has the power to grant any wish. Shirou is unskilled as a mage and knows nothing of the Holy Grail War, but he and his servant, Saber, enter into a temporary partnership with another Mage, Rin Tohsaka. However, problems arise between Shirou and Rin's servant, Archer, who seems to seriously despise him.

As Sakura drowns in the murky darkness of the sins she has committed, Shirou's vow to protect her at all costs leads him into a raging battle to put an end to the Holy Grail War. Will Shirou's wish reach Sakura even as he challenges fate itself in a desperate battle against the rising tide?

The best of Led Zeppelin's legendary 1973 appearances at Madison Square Garden. Interspersed throughout the concert footage are behind-the-scenes moments with the band. The Song Remains the Same is Led Zeppelin at Madison Square Garden in NYC concert footage colorfully enhanced by sequences which are supposed to reflect each band member's individual fantasies and hallucinations. Includes blistering live renditions of "Black Dog," "Dazed and Confused," "Stairway to Heaven," "Whole Lotta Love," "The Song Remains the Same," and "Rain Song" among others.

Shiro Emiya is a young magus who attends Homurahara Academy in Fuyuki City. One day after cleaning the Archery Dojo in his school, he catches a glimpse of a fight between superhuman beings, and he gets involved in the Holy Grail War, a ritual where magi called Masters fight each other with their Servants to win the Holy Grail. Shiro joins the battle to stop an evildoer from winning the Grail and to save innocent people, but everything goes wrong when a mysterious "Shadow" begins to indiscriminately kill people in Fuyuki...

Having failed in their quest for the Holy Grail, the knights of the Round Table return to Camelot, their number reduced to a mere handful. Seeing a rift developing between Lancelot and Mordred, Arthur urges his knights to bury their differences and become friends. However, the king is unaware that Lancelot is having an affair with his queen, Guinevere. Lancelot is torn between his duty to his king and his love for the queen, whilst Mordred is determined to use his infidelity to destroy him.

Following the end of the acclaimed tv series, King Arthur will oppose Lancelot's army to get the throne back after his flee to Rome.

1953 gruodžio 22

In Camelot, kingdom of Arthur and Merlin, Lancelot is well known for his courage and honor. But one day he must quit Camelot and the Queen Guinevere's love, leaving the Round Table without protection.

18-year old David grew up assuming that his mother and his father have died when he was a baby. He was raised by a monk and is close to completing High School. He gets into a fight during a party and discovers he is stronger than he thought he was- also, the blooding of an injury stops immediately and the wound heals within an hour. All of a sudden, the Priory of Sion and the Knights Templar show interest in the boy and the quest for the Holy Grail begins once again, with David being the one who can lead them to it.

2011 gruodžio 31

Fate/Prototype is a reimagined version of Kinoko Nasu's original version of Fate/stay night. The storyline takes place eight years after the tragic Heaven's Feel. Here, the Holy Grail is still the so desired object. However, the darkness under this so-called "Grail" is revealed while the characters proceed to fight against each other in order to win.

2014 sausio 21

Hunted by raiders, a band of crusading knights escort the holy grail through a valley of black death where they must hack and slash their way to freedom.

Egypt, 11th century. When a famine ravages the country, the prosperous Andalusian kingdom of Denia comes to the aid of the sultan, who, in gratitude, gives Denia the most sought-after and coveted object in all of Christendom.

Julian Marsh is an out of work ladies' man who lands a job directing a bizarre adaptation of Hamlet. After casting his best friend and his ex-girlfriend in the show, Julian finds himself in the middle of a two thousand year old conspiracy that explains the connection between Shakespeare, the Holy Grail and some seriously sexy vampires. It turns out that the play was actually written by a master vampire name Theo Horace and it's up to Julian to recover the Grail in order to reverse the vampire's curse...If only being undead wasn't so much God-damned fun!

2005 rugpjūčio 30

The lonely artist Jack Fender still grieves the death of his beloved lover Tina three years ago. He lost his inspiration and his faith in God and presently he is taking pornographic pictures for the mobster Sparky and his partner Limpy for a pornographic site managed by Nibbles and Scooter under the protest of his agent and friend Alex. When Jack witnesses a car accident in his neighborhood, the wounded passenger gives a box to Jack, asking him to protect and never open it, and he discovers that he is protecting the Holy Grail. From this moment on, weird things happen to Jack: visions, nightmares and the permanent sensation that strangers are watching him. While swimming late night in a club, Jack meets the sexy Iona and his inspiration returns but he also finds the hidden reality.

A beautiful young woman sets her sights on an aging millionaire. She seduces him, and moves into his mansion with him. She soon tires of him, though, and after she gets rid of him, she goes after his son.

2009 rugsėjo 20

In 1898, a Minnesota farmer clearing trees from his field uprooted a large stone covered with mysterious runes that tell a story of land acquisition and murder. The stone allegedly dates back to 1362. Initially thought to be a hoax, new evidence suggests the find could be real, and a clue that the Knights Templar discovered America 100 years before Columbus, perhaps bringing with them history's greatest treasure... the Holy Grail. Follow the clues as experts use erosion studies on the rune stone and match symbols in Templar ruins all over Europe to support this theory. Stones with similar markings have been found on islands across the Atlantic Ocean, and in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Is it possible the Knights Templar, long thought to have been massacred, escaped on an incredible journey and were leaving clues to the whereabouts of the stone?

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