157 филмова

11. октобар 2019.

Сви су незапослени у Ки-таековој породици. Они показују велико интересовање за богате и гламурозне Паркове, све док не постану протагонисти веома чудног и неочекиваног догађаја.

10. новембар 2023.

Хирајама је задовољан својим животом чистача тоалета у Токију. Изван своје структуриране рутине, негује музику на касетама, књигама и фотографисање дрвећа. Кроз неочекиване сусрете размишља о проналажењу лепоте у свету.

04. новембар 2015.

Филм Бруклин Џона Краулија је дубоко дирљива прича о Еилиси Лејси, младој ирској имигранткињи, која проналази свој пут кроз Бруклин током 1950-их. Привучена обећањима Америке, Еилис напушта Ирску и удобност мајчиног дома и упућује се ка обалама Њујорка. Први окови носталгије брзо нестају када свежа романса баци на Еилис опојне чари љубави. Али, ускоро, њену полетност прекида њена прошлост и Еилис мора да изабере између две земље и живота који нуде.

16. децембар 1987.

Heiress Joanna Stayton hires carpenter Dean Proffitt to build a closet on her yacht—and refuses to pay him for the project when it's done. But after Joanna accidentally falls overboard and loses her memory, Dean sees an opportunity to get even.

Рики и његова породица воде тешку борбу с дуговима још од финансијског слома 2008. Прилику да их се ослободе добијају када се Рики запосли као достављач. Као и посао јунакове супруге, неговатељице, посао достављача је тежак. Породична веза је снажна све до тренутка када им се пословни путеви разилазе, тада долази до слома. Кен Лоуч приказује емотивну кризу једне радничке породице проузроковану све већим класним разликама у друштву.


21. септембар 1970.

Bullied at school and ignored and abused at home by his indifferent mother and older brother, Billy Casper, a 15-year-old working-class Yorkshire boy, tames and trains his pet kestrel falcon whom he names Kes. Helped and encouraged by his English teacher and his fellow students, Billy finally finds a positive purpose to his unhappy existence—until tragedy strikes.

After having a chance encounter with a mysterious character, Wendy, a young working class mother, discovers that she has super powers.

21. децембар 1987.

In the late 19th century, two Swedish emigrants, Lasse Karlsson and his son Pelle, arrive on the Danish island of Bornholm hoping to find work on a farm and save enough money to travel to the United States of America.

07. септембар 2007.

Ironworker Nick lives with his wife, Kitty, and three daughters. When he meets a significantly younger woman, Tula, he starts an affair with her, much to the chagrin of his wife, and his life is thrown into upheaval. Kitty kicks Nick out of the house, and he is forced to make some difficult decisions.

10. новембар 1989.

No one expects much from Christy Brown, a boy with cerebral palsy born into a working-class Irish family. Though Christy is a spastic quadriplegic and essentially paralyzed, a miraculous event occurs when, at the age of 5, he demonstrates control of his left foot by using chalk to scrawl a word on the floor. With the help of his steely mother — and no shortage of grit and determination — Christy overcomes his infirmity to become a painter, poet and author.

23. август 2013.

After experiencing a traumatic misfortune, Jasmine French, a wealthy woman from New York, moves to San Francisco to live with her foster sister Ginger and the firm purpose of getting a new life, but she will be haunted by anxiety and memories of the past.

When a impoverished widow’s family moves to the big city, two of her five sons become romantic rivals with deadly results.

20. јул 1979.

Dave, nineteen, has just graduated high school, with his three friends: the comical Cyril, the warm hearted but short-tempered Moocher, and the athletic, spiteful but good-hearted Mike. Now, Dave enjoys racing bikes and hopes to race the Italians one day, and even takes up the Italian culture, much to his friends and parents annoyance.

04. април 1997.

In the 1950s, brothers Jacey and Doug Holt, who come from the poorer side of their sleepy Midwestern town, vie for the affections of the wealthy, lovely Abbott sisters. Lady-killer Jacey alternates between Eleanor and Alice, wanting simply to break the hearts of rich young women. But sensitive Doug has a real romance with Pamela, which Jacey and the Abbott patriarch, Lloyd, both frown upon.

12. новембар 2021.

Buddy is a young boy on the cusp of adolescence, whose life is filled with familial love, childhood hijinks, and a blossoming romance. Yet, with his beloved hometown caught up in increasing turmoil, his family faces a momentous choice: hope the conflict will pass or leave everything they know behind for a new life.

05. април 2024.

A pub landlord in a previously thriving mining community struggles to hold onto his pub. Meanwhile, tensions rise in the town when Syrian refugees are placed in the empty houses in the community.

Accio and Manrico are siblings from a working-class family in 1960s Italy: older Manrico is handsome, charismatic, and loved by all, while younger Accio is sulky, hot-headed, and treats life as a battleground — much to his parents' chagrin. After the former is drawn into left-wing politics, Accio joins the fascists out of spite, but his flimsy beliefs are put to test when he falls for Manrico's like-minded girlfriend.

This incredibly disturbing story follows the exploitation of an apprentice butcher, Hermógenes, and his trial after he murders his boss in broad daylight. Hermógenes, a farmhand from northern Argentina, relocates to Buenos Aires in search of a better life for himself and his young wife, but soon finds himself at the mercy of a corrupt boss. The film is based on a thorough investigation of a real event that happened in Buenos Aires 10 years ago. Almost every scene in the film is inspired by real facts or based on well documented daily practices of the “meat business” and its environment. Both a shocking exposé of unscrupulous practices in the meat industry and a heart-wrenching personal story, El Patrón became one of the most successful Argentine films of 2014.

03. мај 2019.

Dr. Jean Markham returns to the town she left as a teenager to take over her late father's medical practice. When a school-yard scuffle lands Charlie in her surgery, she invites him to visit the hives in her garden and tell his secrets to the bees, as she once did. The new friendship between the boy and the bee keeper brings his mother Lydia into Jean's world.

27. октобар 1960.

A 22-year-old factory worker lets loose on the weekends: drinking, brawling, and dating two women, one of whom is older and married.

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