30 filmų

2023 gruodžio 8

Baby Shark is forced to leave the world he loves behind after his family’s move to the big city, and must adjust to his new life without his best friend, William. When Baby Shark encounters an evil pop starfish named Stariana who plans to steal his gift of song in order to dominate all underwater music, he must break her spell to restore harmony to the seas.

派崔克貝特曼 (《絲絨金礦》、《仲夏夜之夢》、《新小婦人》克里斯丁貝爾飾) 是一個年輕又富有的人,他白天在父親位於華爾街的公司工作,夜晚則行蹤成謎……。 長得愈大,他對這個世界的恨意愈來愈深,這個沒有靈魂的現代怪物對物質主義的追求和強烈的忌妒心,一再地引燃他殺人的慾望……

在英國摩絲波頓牧場農場裡,農場主人養著各式動物及一群綿羊,其中有隻綿羊名叫尚恩,而整部故事就是以尚恩、農夫以及農場的各種動物日常生活所組合而成。 綿羊尚恩決定放自己一天假,想找點樂子來玩。牠跟著主人的車來到大城市,沒想到牠的好友們也一起偷偷跟來了。一群綿羊的城市大冒險,正要展開! 本片的動畫公司亞德曼所製作的動畫電影獲獎無數,例如《落跑雞》、《酷狗寶貝》系列不僅在全世界都有相當不錯的票房成績,同時他們的短片《引鵝入室》和《剃刀邊緣》分別獲得奧斯卡最佳動畫短片獎。另外《酷狗寶貝之魔兔詛咒》也獲得了奧斯卡最佳動畫電影。

西元2157年,人類文明技術已發展到極致,星際之旅非常盛行。 某天,一個由22歲的俄羅斯小夥子Maxim駕駛的太空船在Saraksh星球墜毀,Saraksh星球上雖然有生物居住,但因為多年前的核子戰爭,環境污染的情況相當嚴重,社會問題叢生,讓得之不易的和平岌岌可危,而這星球上的五個貪婪統治者「父親」則利用特殊晶片控制所有人的心思,勇敢的Maxim將在這裡與新朋友和情人一同起身反抗「父親」的獨裁手段,他們能成功嗎?

小智一行人來到一座大城市,並把皮卡丘留在市中心的一個高樓空中花園玩,約定傍晚來迎接。此時皮卡丘不經意地朝旁邊的大樓望過去,看到了一對可愛的皮丘兄弟。皮丘兄是頭上有一撮毛的沈穩派,但相較之下皮丘弟卻喜歡惡作劇。皮丘弟不聽老哥的勸阻而亂跑,突然間就從樓上掉下去了!皮卡丘趕緊飛奔過去,可是往下面一看才發現所站的地方太高了,一不小心掉下去的話可就完了!沒想到就在此時居然有一群黑暗鴉攻擊皮卡丘… 之後在經歷被戴魯比追趕、把輪胎祕密基地搞壞並重建的過程中,時間一分一秒的流逝。眼看傍晚就要到了,皮卡丘能即時趕回去跟小智會合嗎?

Life changes for a Moscow couple after they allow an old friend of the husband’s to move in.

2015 kovo 15

Bikes vs Cars depicts a global crisis that we all deep down know we need to talk about: Climate, earth's resources, cities where the entire surface is consumed by the car. An ever-growing, dirty, noisy traffic chaos. The bike is a great tool for change, but the powerful interests who gain from the private car invest billions each year on lobbying and advertising to protect their business. In the film we meet activists and thinkers who are fighting for better cities, who refuse to stop riding despite the increasing number killed in traffic.

1953 birželio 10

A man who has a talking mule gets a job on a newspaper, and both get mixed up in a murder trial.

When clairvoyant Pernille meets Journalist Daniel, who is on a mission to write an exposé about Fact & Fiction in the clairvoyant world, Daniel falls in love with her. And funnily enough, she hadn't seen it coming.

1985 spalio 29

In Manhattan's Central Park, a film crew directed by William Greaves is shooting a screen test with various pairs of actors. It's a confrontation between a couple: he demands to know what's wrong, she challenges his sexual orientation. Cameras shoot the exchange, and another camera records Greaves and his crew. Sometimes we watch the crew discussing this scene, its language, and the process of making a movie. Is there such a thing as natural language? Are all things related to sex? The camera records distractions - a woman rides horseback past them; a garrulous homeless vet who sleeps in the park chats them up. What's the nature of making a movie?

1941 kovo 7

Bucolic lawyer John Wayne takes on big-city corruption in A Man Betrayed. He sets out to prove that an above-suspicion politician (Edward Ellis) is actually a crook. The price of integrity is sweet in this instance, since Wayne happens to be in love with the politician's daughter (Frances Dee).

2022 rugpjūčio 18

In the romantic comedy Hart op de juiste plek, we see how the young and successful Eve (Stijn Fransen) lives her dream life. A cool job as a freelance trend watcher, a nice group of friends and living together with her handsome boyfriend Ricardo (Jasper Demollin) in the big city.

1954 spalio 14

The lion is trapped by the safari and brought to New York, where he's accidentally set free, but nobody is intimidated by him.

Young Veronika travels from her Tyrolean village to her aunt’s Viennese apartment for her confirmation. The aunt’s flighty nature and her profession as a prostitute leave her niece in the company of men who assume she is just another new girl on offer.

2021 lapkričio 18

A young woman lost in a nocturnal, dreamlike city, with her twin psychic brothers who try to help her find her way home as she is pursued by a shadowy cult known as The Mysterious Ones.

Johanka and Matyáš have an unusual home. The two live among the animals and plants of an enchanted botanical garden in the middle of the city, but this idyll is under threat. To the children’s horror, the mayor wants to build a theme park on the same spot. The Blue Tiger, an animal with magic powers, comes to their aid. Only he can protect the garden, but Johanka and Matyáš must now stop the mayor from capturing their newfound friend. MODRY TYGR is a colourful, atmospheric and imaginatively told animated fairytale that inspires the viewer to reflect on natural resources and habitats.

One woman taxi driver in Bucharest is hoping for a conventional relationship.

2007 balandžio 19

A character study about a childlike man who believes in signs, but gets himself in trouble when he arrives in the big city to audition for a movie.

1925 spalio 7

Silent comedy about a poor country bumpkin who goes to Hollywood to make good.

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