49 本の映画





全宇宙の運命を賭けた魔人ブウとの壮絶な戦いから4年後。平和な地球に再び危機が訪れようとしていた。創造神である界王神と対を成す全宇宙のバランスを保つ存在、破壊神ビルスが長い眠りから目覚めた。その目的は、破壊神である自身に比肩しうる力を持つ可能性を秘めた“超サイヤ人ゴッド”なる存在が、39年後に現れるという予言を信じてのことだった。 付き人であるウイスから、フリーザを倒したというサイヤ人の話を聞き、界王星に修行に来ていた孫悟空の前に現われる。「強さの次元が違う」という未知の存在を目の前にワクワクする悟空は、界王の忠告を聞かずにビルスに闘いを挑む。


As a new day begins in the small American town of Minninnewah, the residents start their day as ordinary as the next. Mother Nature, however, has other plans for them. Inhabitants have just 13 minutes to seek shelter before the largest tornado on record ravages the town, leaving them struggling to protect their loved ones and fighting for their lives. Left to deal with the aftermath, four families must overcome their differences and find strength in each other in order to survive.


ゴジラシリーズ第29作。総監督・脚本に庵野秀明、監督・特技監督に樋口真嗣を迎え製作された完全新作。 東京湾アクアトンネルが崩落する事故が発生。首相官邸での緊急会議で内閣官房副長官・矢口蘭堂(長谷川博己)が、海中に潜む謎の生物が事故を起こした可能性を指摘する。その後、海上に巨大不明生物が出現。さらには蒲田に上陸し、街を破壊しながら突進していく。政府の緊急対策本部は自衛隊に対し防衛出動命令を下し、“ゴジラ”と名付けられた巨大不明生物に立ち向かうが……。




When his dysfunctional family clashes over the holidays, young Max is disillusioned and turns his back on Christmas. Little does he know, this lack of festive spirit has unleashed the wrath of Krampus: a demonic force of ancient evil intent on punishing non-believers.



When another Mega Shark returns from the depths of the sea, world militaries go on high alert. Ocean traffic grinds to a standstill as everyone lives in fear of the insatiable beast. Out of options, the US government unleashes the top secret Mecha Shark project -- a mechanical shark built to have the same exact characteristics as Mega. A pair of scientists pilot the mechanical creature as they fight Mega in a pitched battle to save the planet. But when faulty mechanics cause the Mecha to go after humans, the scientists must somehow guide Mega to Mecha in hopes that the two titans will kill each other - or risk untold worldwide destruction.

Inspector Tellini investigates serial crimes where victims are paralyzed while having their bellies ripped open with a sharp knife.

Chronicles three years of a middle class family seemingly caught up in their daily routines, only troubled by minor incidents. Behind their apparent calm and repetitive existence however, they are actually planning something sinister.


Various interconnected people struggle to survive when an earthquake of unimaginable magnitude hits Los Angeles, California.


A happy little potter is approached by a huge hand which wants him to sculpt its statue. The potter refuses, wanting nothing more than to be left alone with his only friend, a potted plant. As the hand's request gives way to bribery, demands, and threats, the potter becomes more desperate to escape its clutch, leading to tragedy.

The inhabitants of an institution in a remote country rebel against their keepers. Their acts of rebellion are by turns humorous, boring and alarming. An allegory on the problematic nature of fully liberating the human spirit, as both commendable and disturbing elements of our nature come forward. The film shows how justifiable revolt may be empowering, but may also turn to chaos and depravity. The allegory is developed in part by the fact that the film is cast entirely with dwarfs


A young man finds himself attracted to a cold and unfeeling waitress who may ultimately destroy them both.

An account of the last two centuries of the Anthropocene, the Age of Man. How human beings have progressed so much in such a short time through war and the selfish interests of a few, belligerent politicians and captains of industry, damaging the welfare of the majority of mankind, impoverishing the weakest, greedily devouring the limited resources of the Earth.

「ヱヴァンゲリヲン新劇場版:Q」と同時上映の特撮短編。宮崎駿監督の「風の谷のナウシカ」に登場した巨神兵を主役に、ミニチュア特撮技術の粋を集め、巨神兵が東京の街を燃やし尽くすスペクタクルを展開する。2012年7月10日~10月8日に東京都現代美術館で開催された「館長 庵野秀明 特撮博物館 ミニチュアで見る昭和平成の技」の展示映像として制作された短編に、映像・音声の調整を加えた「劇場版」として上映。


After a collision with a comet, a nearly 8km wide piece of the asteroid "Orpheus" is heading towards Earth. If it hits it will cause an incredible catastrophe which will probably extinguish mankind. To stop the meteor NASA wants to use the illegal nuclear weapon satellite "Hercules" but discovers soon that it doesn't have enough firepower. Their only chance to save the world is to join forces with the USSR who have also launched such an illegal satellite. But will both governments agree?



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