16 Serien

6. November 2020

Im 8. Jahrhundert vor Christus begann die Geschichte des römischen Imperiums in der italienischen Region Latium. Hier herrscht das Gesetz der Götter und das Leben ist hart. König Numitor sorgt sich um sein Volk, das bereits seit Längerem Hungersnöte erleidet. Ein Orakel rät ihm, den Thron auf- und an seine Enkel abzugeben: Enitos und Yemos. Doch sein Bruder Amulius akzeptiert diese Entscheidung nicht. Er will den Thron für sich selbst und tötet Enitos. Yemos hingegen kann vor der Gewalt seines Großonkels entkommen.

Experteninterviews und fesselnde Nachstellungen enthüllen das außergewöhnliche Leben von Alexander dem Großen und sein brennendes Verlangen nach der Weltherrschaft.

29. Juni 2003

Twenty year-old Julius Caesar flees Rome for his life during the reign of Sulla but through skill and ambition rises four decades later to become Rome's supreme dictator.

5. April 1981

TV-Monumentalfilm von 1981 mit Peter O’Toole als charismatischen Anführer Flavius Silva und Peter Strauss als Eleazar Ben Yair. Eleazar Ben Yair, Anführer einer Gruppe jüdischer Rebellen, der sog. Zeloten, ist der Brandschatzung Jerusalems durch die römischen Besatzer entkommen. Gemeinsam mit 900 Männern, Frauen und Kindern, die das Inferno ebenfalls überlebt haben, verschanzt er sich in Masada...

Tutored by Aristotle, helpless witness to his father's assassination, and a brilliant, pioneering tactician, Alexander the Great had conquered the known world--and sealed his legacy as one of history's most remarkable rulers--by the age of 25. In the year 334 B.C., 20-year-old King Alexander of Macedonia decided to bring the farthest reaches of the world under one domain. Over the next 12 years, he led a grand army across more than 20,000 miles and eventually brought all of Asia under his control, only to perish from battle wounds at the age of 32. Incorporating dramatic onsite reenactments with high-end computer graphics and the expertise of renowned scholars, THE TRUE STORY OF ALEXANDER THE GREAT is a special presentation from THE HISTORY CHANNEL®, examining the life and career of this military genius, impassioned lover, and fearless leader.

Bettany Hughes take viewers on armchair travels to explore household-name treasures and new finds from across the world.

How was everyday life in Ancient Greece? Did it have anything in common with our lives today? With the help of specialized scientists and a rich audiovisual material, a journey back in time begins!

Bettany Hughes searches out the real truth about the birth of democracy in ancient Athens 2500 years ago

Chu Yuan is at the palace courtroom while Duan Baiyue is at the Southwest. Everyone believes they’re in opposition to each other, but turns out that may not be the case. Chu Yuan needs to become a good Emperor, and Duan Baiyue will be his best assistant.

7. September 1997

John Romer recreates the glory and history of Byzantium. From the Hagia Sophia in present-day Istanbul to the looted treasures of the empire now located in St. Marks in Venice.

1. April 1984

1984 Channel 4 documentary series surveying the history of New Testament scholarship, giving an overview of the contemporary New Testament scholarship, and finally a tracing of the history of the development of Christianity.

23. November 2022

Egyptian archaeologist Dr. Yasmin el-Shazly and photographer Mahmoud Rashad investigate the life and burial of King Tut.

In 1072, King Ly Thanh Tong died, 7 years old Crown Prince Can Duc ascended the throne, alias Ly Nhan Tong. At the same time in the north, the Song dynasty was disturbed by the reforms of Vuong An Thach, and the Song Dynasty plotted to attack the South.

A guided tour of the history of numbers and how they’ve shaped the development of humankind is at the heart of this unique series. In five episodes that take us across time and around the world, we see how mathematics played an important role in ancient Egypt and Greece, early India, medieval Europe, and our own modern world. Computer graphics make mathematical formulae accessible and interesting, while dramatic reenactments of history pique the viewer’s interest.

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