2 films

22 februari 1947

Spike is guarding a private fishing hole - in his sleep. Tom sneaks in to do some fishing - with Jerry as bait. But one particularly vicious fish turns out to be more than Tom or Jerry bargained for, particularly when he wakes up Spike.

Fèlix is a farmer who lives in the quiet vineyards of the Catalan Penedès. One day, he receives a visit from his grandfather, an old wizard, who asks him for help. Fèlix's sister, Sara, has been kidnapped by the dark wizards who live in the castle of the Sant Cebrià’s mountain. She will be sacrificed to the evil Wizard King Morden, who thousands of years ago was imprisoned by Fèlix's grandfather in that castle. Being Fèlix the only one able to save Sara, he will arm himself with his grandfather's ancient stick; he will walk to the wizards' castle and will cope with Morden.

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