47 movies

jūnijs 12, 1987

A team of elite commandos on a secret mission in a Central American jungle come to find themselves hunted by an extraterrestrial warrior.

septembris 26, 2014

Asa sižeta filmā Stabilizators tās galvenais varonis, izbijis ASV specvienības kareivis, ir inscenējis savu nāvi, lai dzīves atlikušo daļu pavadītu mierā, dzīvojot klusu dzīvi Bostonā. Viņš ir spiests nomainīt mierīgo dzīvi pret ieročiem brīdī, kad viņš uzņemas izglābt nolaupītu meiteni vārdā Terija. Lai to izdarītu, viņam ir jāuzsāk nežēlīga cīņa pret īpaši vardarbīgiem krievu gangsteriem. Palīdzot nelaimē nonākušajiem, viņš atgūst degsmi pēc taisnīguma. Ja kāds ir nonācis nelaimē un viņam nav neviena pie kā griezties pēc palīdzības, viņš palīdzēs. Viņš ir Stabilizators.

Noziedznieku banda sagrābj lidostas vadības pulti savās rokās. Lidmašīnas vairs nevar nolaisties, tāpēc Džonam ir jātiek galā ar teroristiem pirms lidaparātiem beidzas degviela.

jūnijs 7, 1996

When vengeful General Francis X. Hummel seizes control of Alcatraz Island and threatens to launch missiles loaded with deadly chemical weapons into San Francisco, only a young FBI chemical weapons expert and notorious Federal prisoner have the stills to penetrate the impregnable island fortress and take him down.

oktobris 21, 2005

A team of space marines known as the Rapid Response Tactical Squad, led by Sarge, is sent to a science facility on Mars after somebody reports a security breach. There, they learn that the alert came after a test subject, a mass murderer purposefully injected with alien DNA, broke free and began killing people. Dr. Grimm, who is related to team member Reaper, informs them all that the chromosome can mutate humans into monsters -- and is highly infectious.

jūnijs 15, 1967

12 American military prisoners in World War II are ordered to infiltrate a well-guarded enemy château and kill the Nazi officers vacationing there. The soldiers, most of whom are facing death sentences for a variety of violent crimes, agree to the mission and the possible commuting of their sentences.

marts 12, 1969

World War II is raging, and an American general has been captured and is being held hostage in the Schloss Adler, a Bavarian castle that's nearly impossible to breach. It's up to a group of skilled Allied soldiers to liberate the general before it's too late.

septembris 11, 1998

A group of covert CIA operatives trailing a potential new energy source are double-crossed by corrupt agent Morgan, who causes a helicopter crash in remote South Africa. The sole survivor, suffering severe amnesia, is nursed to recovery by a kindly native tribe who call him "Whoami" after the question he keeps asking. With the help of a mysterious reporter Christine, Whoami pieces together his past and tracks the turncoat agent and his criminal cohorts.

oktobris 13, 2006

A group of diamond thieves on the run kidnap the wife of a recently discharged marine who goes on a chase through the South Carolinian wilderness to retrieve her.

decembris 8, 1978

World War II, 1943. Mallory and Miller, the heroes who destroyed the guns of Navarone, are sent to Yugoslavia in search of a ghost from the past.

2009.gada aprīlī kravas kuģis Maersk Alabama kapteiņa Ričarda Filipsa vadībā devās uz Mombasas ostu Kenijā, šķērsojot Adenas līci pie Somālijas krastiem. Bruņoti somālieši ieņēma kuģi un, pieprasījuši izpirkuma maksu, saņēma gūstā kapteini. Dreifējot glābšanas laivā kopā ar sagūstītājiem necilvēcīgos apstākļos, aci pret aci ar pirātu vadoni Musē, Filipsam atlika tikai cerēt uz brīnumu. Ar pirātiem kopā pavadītajā laikā, kapteinis atskārst, ka noziedznieku motīvi nemaz nav tik viennozīmīgi. Filmas scenārijs balstīts uz kapteiņa Filipsa biogrāfiskās grāmatas pamata.

Trešās filmas darbība risinās ne tikai uz Zemes, bet arī uz Mēness, kas glabā kādu tumšu noslēpumu. Šis noslēpumainais pagātnes notikums draud izraisīt karu uz Zemes – tik plašu, ka pat autobotiem varētu nebūt pa spēkam glābt cilvēci. Sems Vitvikijs (Šaja Labafs) kopā ar draugiem dodas palīgā autobotiem uzveikt maldikonus, kurus vada ļaunais Šokvilnis. Šo cīņu apgrūtina valdības lēmums par autobotu izsūtīšanu no Zemes. Lai šajā nevienlīdzīgajā cīņā uzveiktu maldikonus un glābtu cilvēci, Semam un viņa draugiem nāksies izzināt visu par pagātnes noslēpumu.

septembris 23, 1983

When SAS Captain Peter Skellen is thrown out of the service for gross misconduct due to unnecessary violence and bullying, he is soon recruited by The People's Lobby, a fanatical group aiming to hold several US dignitaries hostage. But Skellen's dismissal is a front to enable him to get close to the terrorist group. Can he get close enough to stop the Lobby from creating an international incident?

jūnijs 11, 1982

Tim Burstall directs then-up-and-comers Mel Gibson and Sam Neill in this action-packed Cannes Film Festival selection about the grim realities of World War II, a gritty drama based on actual events. Sent to rescue survivors from the site of a plane crash in the South Pacific, Capt. P.G. Kelly (Gibson) and his elite squad of Australian commandos must keep tabs on a defecting Japanese official who could hold the secret to peace.

May 1944, a group of French servicewomen and resistance fighters are enlisted into the British Special Operations Executive commando group under the command of Louise Desfontaines and her brother Pierre. Their mission, to rescue a British army geologist caught reconnoitering the beaches at Normandy.

maijs 15, 1968

At the onset of World War II, American Lt. Col. Robert Frederick is put in charge of a unit called the 1st Special Service Force, composed of elite Canadian commandos and undisciplined American soldiers. With Maj. Alan Crown leading the Canadians and Maj. Cliff Bricker the acting head of the American contingent, there is initial tension -- but the team comes together when given a daunting mission that few would dare to attempt.

jūnijs 1, 1978

The former leader of a commando rescue attempt into Vietnam tries to discover why his squad members are being murdered, one-by-one, after the war is over.

janvāris 5, 2018

A British Special Boat Service commando tracks down an international terrorist cell.

jūnijs 22, 2016

The Vigilante Diaries is a high octane action-adventure film featuring 90's movie heroes, explosive action, and international espionage. The film revolves around a team of black-ops agents turned crime-fighters, led by a brooding anti-hero, known only as "The Vigilante." These jam-packed missions of rescue and revenge take us from the mega-mansions and underbelly of Los Angeles to far away places like Iraq, Armenia, Russia, and The United Kingdom to introduce us to a cast of colorful, dangerous, and hilarious characters. From Beverly Hills filmmaker Mike Hanover, to a trio of Asian femme fatales, to ruthless Armenian mobsters, and at the top, a pair of deep cover super spies hell bent on throwing the world into chaos.

janvāris 23, 2015

An elite counter-intelligence unit learns of a plot, masterminded by a maniacal madman. With the clock ticking, it's up to them to track the terrorists' international tentacles and prevent them from striking at the heart of India.

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