21 elokuvaa

25 joulukuu 2013

本片由卡爾里辛執導,基努李維主演,以西方的敘述手法,融入獨特的奇幻特效和生猛異獸,重新改編18世紀日本江戶時代最悲壯的復仇事件「忠臣藏」。 1800年代的日本是一個虛無縹緲的國度,充滿暴戾之氣和懾人之美,也是歷史和幻想的交界處。一群日本武士因主子遇害身亡而慘遭流放,從此過著顛沛流離的生活,為了報仇並洗脫污名,他們決定向曾被放逐的混血浪人(基努李維飾)尋求協助;這名曾被驅逐而淪為奴隸的浪人是至今最致命的殺手,他將帶領這群落魄武士穿越妖魔蟄伏、危機重重的蠻荒異域,向仇敵步步追擊。 這個在日本家喻戶曉的故事曾經過不同年代的改編,如今又被賦予新意;47名浪人赤膽忠心、視死如歸的傳奇將再次驚奇呈現。 除了巨星基努李維,這部3D史詩動作冒險片也號召了一群相當受歡迎的日本演員,包括《末代武士》真田廣之、《雷神索爾2:黑暗世界》淺野忠信、曾獲金獎提名的菊地凜子、《在世界的中心呼喊愛情 》柴崎幸。

In the middle of the 16th century, Hideyoshi, a power hungry warlord sets out to destroy the Momochi clan. He sends his war commander in search of the clan's hidden gold only to find that two daggers are the key to the hiding place of the treasured gold. Spanning decades, the quest for the missing daggers takes Shiranui through war and ancient tradition.

15 lokakuu 2011

《一命》(日語:いちめい,英語:Harakiri:Death of a Samurai),由三池崇史執導、市川海老藏 (十一代目)與瑛太雙主演的日本古裝電影,2011年上映。


In 1701, Lord Takuminokami Asano has a feud with Lord Kira and he tries to kill Kira in the corridors of the Shogun's palace. The Shogun sentences Lord Asano to commit suppuku and deprives the palace and lands from his clan, but does not punish Lord Kira. Lord Asano's vassals leave the land and his samurais become ronin and want to seek revenge against the dishonor of their Lord. But their leader Kuranosuke Oishi asks the Shogun to restore the Asano clan with his brother Daigaku Asano. One year later, the Shogun refuses his request and Oishi and forty-six ronin revenge their Lord.

11 marraskuu 1980

A Shogun who grew paranoid as he became senile sent his ninjas to kill his samurai. They failed but did kill the samurai’s wife. The samurai swore to avenge the death of his wife and roams the countryside with his toddler son in search of vengeance.

An old swordsman, his former comrade and a young braggart are hired by prostitutes to track down bandits who mutilated one of the women.

Legendary swordplay filmmaker Hideo Gosha's Sword of the Beast chronicles the flight of the low-level swordsman Gennosuke, who kills one of his ministers as part of a reform plot. His former comrades then turn on him, and this betrayal so shakes his sense of honor that he decides to live in the wild, like an animal. There he joins up with a motley group who are illegally mining the shogun’s gold, and, with the aid of another swordsman, gets a chance not just at survival but to recover his name and honor.

In Edo Japan, a kabuki actor seeks revenge against the three men who drove his parents to their deaths years ago.

Fearless Edo-period police inspector Hanzo Itami, nicknamed The Razor, has developed his own unique way of extracting information for his inquiries. His first adventure sees him investigating his superior officer's mistress, whom he suspects of having ties with a reputed criminal on the loose.

Following the death of the second Tokugawa shogun, it is revealed that he was poisoned by retainers of his son Iemitsu in hopes of gaining him the shogunate despite the stammer and birthmark which undermine his respect. Iemitsu and his brother Tadanaga become bitter rivals for the shogunate, and the land is split into factions, eventually erupting into warfare. Iemitsu's mentor, his fencing instructor Yagyu, is fixated upon securing Iemitsu the shogunate and ends up betraying everyone, even his own family, in pursuit of the goal.

A tragic love story involving the 5th Shogun of the Tokugawa dynasty and a woman who became one of his concubines.

16 maaliskuu 2007

A fanciful battle of the sexes ensues when the relationships of the staff and patrons of a quirky London café are unexpectedly turned upside down by sudden revelations of terribly embarrassing secrets having to do with their sexual misadventures. The food is not that good, but you can be yourselves and show yourselves for what you are: maniacs, perverts, gays, cheaters, violent old women, cross-dressers, whining singers, broken hearts... Come in, there is room!

A samurai is ordered by his lord to go to Edo and investigate the truth behind the rumor of a rebellion against him.

This is a standalone movie, based on the long-running television series about Shogun Yoshimune. When the very foundation of the government is shaken by a counter-feiting scandal, Shogun Tokugawa Yoshimune must take to the road as an itinerant ronin in order to find out who's behind the conspiracy. Meanwhile, a woman acting as an avenging angel begins assassin-ating the suspects in the case, causing Yoshimune to not only find his original quarry, but to help her get her revenge against those corrupt individuals that had murdered her family when she was only a child. Matsudaira Ken shines in his most famous role, the 'Roughneck' Shogun who travels the country seeking to stomp out evil and corruption.

9 helmikuu 1974

Deep in the mountains of feudal Japan, a group of children endure cruel and unorthodox training in order to become the Shogunate's most secret and deadly weapons - the Demon Spies! Their true identities are hidden - even from each other. Behind their demon masks, they are educated in the deadly arts of infiltration, espionage, assassination - and seduction! If they survive to become strong enough to kill their teachers, they will become - the Demon Spies! Sent on a suicide mission to uncover a deadly conspiracy, five inexperienced Demon Spies must infiltrate a powerful fief, discover the location of its secret arsenal, and destroy it. But Lord Shogen, the Demon Hunter, plans to brutally interrogate, ingeniously torture, and cruelly execute - the Demon Spies!

21 joulukuu 2008

With cunning and courage the japanese warlord Tokugawa Ieyasu managed to unify Japan after 150 years of civil war.

A mysterious thief called "Yami no Kiba" (Fang of Darkness), who sneaks into the residences of the shogunate one after another and steals the shogun's treasures, has been shaking the public authorities. The identity of the thief is Ichibei, a medicine seller whose father was once killed by the shogunate, and his daughter Oasa. Ichibei had been seeking revenge against the official to avenge the death of his father, Sasajima Hyobu, who was a member of the Kurokuchi clan, the official ninja. He was also plotting to seize the gold orca of the Nagoya Castle keep, aiming at the Owari clan that had slain his father. ......

A public bath house is the scene of illegal female slave trading operations in 18th century Japan and government spy Shinzo is sent in to expose the ringleaders as well as working to get a law passed eliminating coed bathing.

During the latter days of the Tokugawa Era, the tensions rise between the 'royalists' and those struggling to uphold the Shogunate. The most modern 'Gatling Gun' has been stolen from its warehouse in Edo Castle by burglars targeting the very Shogun himself.

Saotome, a sword master and guard of the Shogunate, pursues the mystery of a deadly aerial weapon that is responsible for the multiple deaths in town.

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