9 filmų

1980 gruodžio 12

Popeye is a super-strong, spinach-scarfing sailor man who's searching for his father. During a storm that wrecks his ship, Popeye washes ashore and winds up rooming at the Oyl household, where he meets Olive. Before he can win her heart, he must first contend with Olive's fiancé, Bluto.

1937 rugsėjo 11

Porky decides to start a garden. Mayhem ensues.

1937 liepos 16

Popeye, an employee at Useless Machine Works, is on his lunch break when Olive stops by and Swee'Pea crawls into the factory. He narrowly misses several horrible fates while Popeye tries to save him and gets into much worse trouble.

1934 lapkričio 23

Popeye and Olive compete as partners in a dance contest. Naturally, Bluto butts in.

1953 sausio 29

It's the middle ages (sort of); Popeye is working in Bluto's Beanery. Bluto is going to the ball where Princess Olive will choose her mate. Popeye's fairy godpappy appears and it's a reverse Cinderella story, with a car created from a can of spinach.

1954 gruodžio 10

Popeye is planting his spinach bed. Just as he finishes, the plants start disappearing. He discovers a gopher filching the baby plants and starts battling it.

1934 vasario 15

Bluto is the boxing champ, Popeye his challenger, Wimpy the timekeeper. Popeye is pounded mercilessly until Olive comes by with a can of spinach.

1952 spalio 3

Popeye's snoring is keeping his resident mouse awake. The mouse fights back.

1980 sausio 1

What happens when kids don’t eat their spinach?

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