74 本の映画




Two children wake up in the middle of the night to find their father is missing, and all the windows and doors in their home have vanished.


観葉植物販売会社「サニープラント販売」で同僚の田口が自殺してからというもの、ミチの周辺では身近な人たちが次々と黒い影を残し姿を消していってしまった。 同じ頃、大学生の亮介は、”ウラヌス”というプロパイダでパソコンで噂で聞いていた「幽霊に会いたいですか」と問う奇妙なサイトにアクセスしてしまう。 次々と黒い影を残し消える人たち。不気味に変容しはじめる世界。亮介が思いを寄せていた春江も不可解な行動をとり始める。 赤いテープに囲われたアパートのドアを見つめて佇む作業員が何かをしてしまったことが始りのようだった。 親しいものたちが消えてゆき日常が崩壊していく中、ミチと亮介は出会い、共に逃避しようとするが寸前、亮介にも危険が及んでしまう。ミチはそれでも亮介を連れ、幽かな希望目指して船出するのだった。



One morning, Jessica Holland, a Scottish orchid farmer visiting her sister in Bogotá, is woken by a loud ‘bang’. This haunting sound dispels her sleep for days, calling into question her identity and guiding her from recording studios to secluded jungle villages in an attempt to find its source.


A young man, armed with a magical bow and arrows, embarks on a mystical journey through a mystical land to rid it of all evil and joins forces with an outlaw to take down an evil witch bent on claiming the magic bow for evil.


A college student, battling severe depression over the loss of her brother, must confront the demons that he has left behind.

Hans von Arnam travels to a Flemish village to study a strange carousel located in an old windmill that displays famous murderesses and other notorious women from history. Professor Gregorius Wahl, owner of the windmill, warns Hans to stay away from his mysterious daughter Elfi, in order to keep Hans from discovering the horrible secret shared by the Professor and Elfi's Doctor.


The crew of the Thanatos, a remote mining ship at the edge of the galaxy, discover the danger of undeclared cargo.


An older sister takes her fearless runaway sibling on a road trip, to share the most chilling tales surrounding their hometown.


Anne is an ordinary girl who wakes up alone on a mysterious island. With no recollection of who she is or how she got there, she needs to quickly figure out how to survive, and how to escape from her current predicament.

After a wildlife biologist (Marco Marchese) becomes trapped on the wrong side of the river while collecting data, he comes across an abandoned village. Taking shelter, he begins to suspect he may be sharing the grounds with more than just boar and deer.


A woman trying to recover from a sexual attack is locked in a posh apartment with a corpse of the very man she's been dreaming would murder her. She tries to hang on to reality when objects around her seem to come to life.


A young adult has an existential crisis among his friends.

In rural Oklahoma, Kateri loses her mother and flees foster care. She reunites with past foster parent Amziah King, who mentors her, revealing hidden skills. Facing devastating situations, Kateri relies on newfound strength to seek justice.

Happy nostalgia. Natsukashii tells the story of one night of remembering, as memories of a certain time, and a certain person, come flooding back.


In a final bid to save her career, a desperate researcher ventures to a secluded house during a raging thunderstorm, where she stumbles upon an ancient man whose obsession with a mysterious book unleashes mind-bending horrors.


A reclusive, neurotic young man is haunted by a mysterious figure that sends disks containing garbled footage of the young man's dreams. Student Short Film made for the London Film School.


Nick investigates the recent passing of his life-long best friend as not everything is as it appears to be.


The life of Krister has become an unending nightmare, ever since his wife's death. There seems to be no respite for this man, tormented by the errors of his past and held prisoner by a grim daily existence.



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