172 Filme

狄克、珍與他們的兒子─比利,一家三口子的生活過得非常美滿,有自己的屋、車、一隻可愛的狗與及即將完成的漂亮花園。可惜,他的老闆─傑克知道自己的集團將倒閉而拋售手上的股票,還讓狄克升任副總裁及上電視財經節目接受訪,其實是讓他當替死鬼。狄克知道升遷的事後,更讓妻子辭去旅行社的工作,專心在家照顧兒子。 可憐的狄克在電視接受訪問時才知道集團快將倒閉的事,最後集團倒閉,數千員工與狄克一樣變成失業大軍。幾個月後,狄克兩夫婦仍找不到工作,而他們的積蓄也快花光。他們為此變賣家當,但這樣也撐不到很久。終於,狄克收到銀行寄來的警告信,若果他們再不交屋子的分期付款,他們便面臨被銀行收回物業,於是,兩夫婦唯有兵行險著……

29. Januar 2021


25. August 2022


珊德拉在罹患憂鬱症後,公司的老闆打算將她解雇,並用1000歐元的獎金說服其他同事投下贊成珊德拉離職一票。但珊德拉並不甘心,她必須利用週末的時間,一一去說服她的同事們幫助她,其中不乏與她非常要好的朋友。 面對各個家庭不同的環境經濟因素,大家都有自己的問題要面對,兩天一夜的時間讓珊德拉歷盡煎熬、也漸漸對自己的遭遇釋懷。



義大利新寫實主義電影的經典代表作,也是導演維托裏奧享譽最隆的一部電影。 故事背景是二次世界大戰戰後的羅馬,在百廢待興之際,男主角好不容易才找到一份張貼海報的工作,不料第一天上班便被人偷了他工作上必須的腳踏車,於是跟他的小孩子踏破鐵鞋到處找車,最後無可奈何地下手偷別人的車,卻被逮個正著。 全片故事簡單,但拍得有笑有淚,將戰後羅馬的社會面貌鮮活地反映出來。非職業演員的兩父子演得十分生活化,好些場面令人感動得無話可說。除了節奏稍慢之外,本片在半個世紀之後欣賞仍然受得住考驗。

Impoverished priest Harihar Ray, dreaming of a better life for himself and his family, leaves his rural Bengal village in search of work. Preserved by the Academy Film Archive in partnership with The Film Foundation in 1996.

In 2020, the USA experienced a multiple catastrophe: No other country in the world was hit so badly by the coronavirus pandemic, the economic slump was dramatic, and so was the rise in unemployment. A rift ran through society. In the streets there were protests of both camps with violent riots, authoritarian traits were evident in the actions of the leader of the nation. And all of this in the middle of the election year, when the self-centered president fought vehemently for his re-election. From the start of his presidency, Donald Trump had divided American society, incited individual sections of the population against one another, fueled racism, hatred, xenophobia and prejudice, insulted competitors and denigrated critical journalists as enemies of the people. The documentary shows how this could happen and what role the targeted disinformation of certain sections of the population through manipulative media played.

9. Mai 2003

Two men get laid off and have to become stay-at-home dads when they can't find jobs, which inspires them to open their own day-care center.

At the age of 51 and after 20 months on unemployment, Thierry starts a new job that soon brings him face to face with a moral dilemma. How much is he willing to accept to keep his job?

麥可(尼可拉斯凱吉飾)是一名窮困潦倒的流浪漢,為了尋找工作來到懷俄明州的「紅石鎮」,卻被酒保韋恩(J.T. Walsh飾)誤認殺手萊爾。急需現金的他收下一萬元酬勞,答應除掉酒保妻子蘇琳(蘿拉弗琳鮑爾飾),沒想到,蘇珊卻開出兩倍酬勞,將丈夫韋恩殺掉,原本以為漁翁得利的麥可,打算拿了錢逃離紅石鎮,但是逃亡的路上烏龍事件不斷外,他還遇上了殺手真正的殺手萊爾(丹尼斯霍柏飾)!

Sheffield, England. Gaz, a jobless steelworker in need of quick cash persuades his mates to bare it all in a one-night-only strip show.

14. März 1986

When a western Pennsylvania auto plant is acquired by a Japanese company, brokering auto worker Hunt Stevenson faces the tricky challenge of mediating the assimilation of two clashing corporate cultures. At one end is the Japanese plant manager and the sycophant who is angling for his position. At the other, a number of disgruntled long-time union members struggle with the new exigencies of Japanese quality control.


20. Dezember 2002


12. August 1994

Bones Conway and Jack Kaufman didn't really know what they were in for when they enlisted in the U.S. Army; they just wanted to get a job and make some money. But these new recruits are so hapless, they run the risk of getting kicked out before their military careers even begin. Soon, though, they're sent to the Middle East to fight for their country -- which they manage to do in their own wacky ways.

18. April 2014

改編泰國導演楚卡的《13駭人遊戲》,由《最後大法師》導演丹尼爾史坦執導、《地獄怪客》朗帕爾曼、《窒命寫真》普魯特泰勒文斯、《3D奪魂殺》德文格拉耶、《歪小子史考特》馬克韋柏等人領銜主演。 男主角意外參與一場神秘又競爭激烈的闖關遊戲,只要成功執行13項任務,就能獲得意想不到的鉅額獎金。 影片深刻描繪在競爭激烈、面臨絕境時的人性真實面貌,更帶有濃厚的社會諷刺意涵。

Two young Spanish men, with a university education, are tired of unemployment and decide to move to Germany. But soon they will find out that finding a better living is not as easy as they expected.

14. September 1995

A drama about a Maori family living in Auckland, New Zealand. Lee Tamahori tells the story of Beth Heke’s strong will to keep her family together during times of unemployment and abuse from her violent and alcoholic husband.

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