21 movies

februāris 8, 2019

Magically able to hear what men are thinking, a sports agent uses her newfound ability to turn the tables on her overbearing male colleagues.

Adoniss Krīds nekad nav pazinis savu tēvu - ievērojamo smagsvara čempionu Apollo Krīdu, kurš nomira vēl pirms dēla dzimšanas, tomēr bokss nenoliedzami ir viņam asinīs. Tādēļ Adoniss dodas uz Filadelfiju, kur savulaik norisinājās Apollo Krīda un spēcīgā jaunā boksera Rokija Balboa leģendārā cīņa. Adoniss uzmeklē Rokiju un lūdz kļūt par viņa treneri. Lai gan Rokijs uzstāj, ka ir pametis boksu uz visiem laikiem, viņš Adonisā saskata to pašu spēku un apņēmību, kāda savulaik piemita viņa sīvākajam pretiniekam un vēlāk labākajam draugam - Apollo. Rokijs piekrīt apmācīt jauno sportistu, lai gan viņu pašu sagaida klusa cīņa ar, iespējams, nāvējošāko pretinieku viņa dzīvē.

Frenkijs Danns pēc tam, kad ir apmācījis un pārstāvējis labākos cīnītājus, vada sporta zāli ar Scrap palīdzību - bijušais bokseris, kurš ir arī viņa vienīgais draugs. Frenkijs ir vientuļš un cietsirdīgs vīrietis, kurš gadiem ilgi patvēries reliģijā, meklējot izpirkšanu, kas nenāk. Kādu dienu ieiet viņa sporta zālē Maggie Fitzgerald, labprātīga meitene, kas vēlas boksēties un ir gatava smagi cīnīties, lai to iegūtu. Bet tas, ko viņa visvairāk vēlas un vajag, ir tas, lai kāds viņai ticētu. Frenkijs to noraida, pamatojoties uz to, ka tas ir pārāk vecs un turklāt viņš netrenē meitenes. Bet Maggie nepadodas un katru dienu vingro sporta zālē, izmantojot vienīgo Scrap atbalstu. Visbeidzot, pārliecināta par Maggie nelokāmo apņēmību, Frencija nolemj viņu apmācīt.

marts 27, 2023

A female boxing trainer discovers that her champion cage-fighter boyfriend has been cheating on her with her sister and decides to seek revenge by training up his arch-rival to challenge him.

decembris 10, 2010

Boxer "Irish" Micky Ward's unlikely road to the world light welterweight title. His Rocky-like rise was shepherded by half-brother Dicky, a boxer-turned-trainer who rebounded in life after nearly being KO'd by drugs and crime.

jūlijs 16, 2015

Slacker Ichiko gets into a fight with her younger sister and begins to live on her own, working the late shift at a 100 yen shop. On her way home, she passes a gym and meets middle-aged boxer Kano who trains there in silence...

novembris 13, 2020

When Anna Wyncomb is introduced to an underground, all-female fight club in order to turn the mess of her life around, she discovers she is much more personally connected to the history of the club than she could ever imagine.

A hearing-impaired woman with dreams of becoming a professional boxer due to the pandemic is threatened closure of her boxing club and the illness of its ageing president, who has been her biggest supporter, push her to the limit.

maijs 4, 1935

James “Brick” Davis, a struggling attorney, owes his education to a mobster, but always has refused to get involved with the underworld. When a friend of his is gunned down by a notorious criminal, Brick decides to abandon the exercise of the law and join the Department of Justice to capture the murderer.

februāris 20, 2004

A fictional story inspired by North America's most famous female boxing promoter, Jackie Kallen. Her struggle to survive and succeed in a male dominated sport.

marts 31, 2017

A grumpy boxing coach takes on a young, rebellious woman under his wings and starts training her for the world championship. But their biggest battle has to be fought outside the ring.

oktobris 24, 1973

Vic "Bomber" Bealer is a handsome, manipulative boxer who aspires to something greater than the small-town life he knows in Texas. But, even when opportunities present themselves, Bealer is too restless and indecisive to take advantage. Despite being on the cusp of making the Olympic boxing team, his life is in total disarray as he juggles relationships with an old flame, a girl who's way too young for him, and a foul-mouthed trainer.

maijs 6, 2005

An aging trainer and a young fighter, both in need of a second chance, team-up to overcome the demons of their past...and chase the dreams of their future.

septembris 23, 2015

A retired boxer gives a one-to-one that changes his life forever.

februāris 1, 2021

Chad (15) lives a life of poverty and neglect. Desiring a better life he is given a choice. The easy option, to crime to support himself or take a job at the local boxing gym with the hope of becoming the best version of himself.

decembris 12, 2012

Boxeo Constitución shows how, of all places, in a damp, dark boxing hall under the tracks of a train station, young people brace themselves against the social Darwinism of the social crisis. The film follows two teenage boxers from the forgotten suburbs of Buenos Aires on their way to their debut bout. It will be decided in the ring whether they can continue to hope that one day they will leave the lack of prospects in their neighborhood behind in order to "be someone". Youthful enthusiasm meets harsh reality when some of her colleagues form a boxing union.

septembris 24, 2021
aprīlis 23, 2023
aprīlis 13, 2018

In 1934 Koos Bink is 16 as he grows up in Crooswijk, a poor part of Rotterdam. He dreams of escaping the misery like his hero, boxer Bep van Klaveren, aka The Dutch Windmill. As a stowaway on board of a luxury passenger ship he tries to make his way to America and follow in the footsteps of the Dutch Olympic champion. The one thing Koos did not count on is that it is not enough just to dream.

novembris 23, 2022

An eager young fighter with a disapproving family and a boxing coach with a traumatic past, try to overcome their personal issues by letting each other into their lives.

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