78 部电影

2017 年 12 月 25 日

莫莉布林 (謝茜嘉謝西婷 飾) 曾是世界級滑雪選手,在奧運資格賽重傷退出後,打算進入洛杉磯的法學院,當個正常半工讀生。期間意外接觸到地下撲克牌局,莫莉靈機一觸,利用她優秀的生意頭腦與技巧,打造出荷里活最頂級奢華、只開放予名流巨星的神秘高額牌局。8年間莫莉的生意愈做愈大,不但令多位頂級巨星深陷其中成為常駐賭客,同時亦吸引了FBI及俄羅斯黑幫的注意…

2014 年 12 月 12 日

史黛斯在母親離世後無依無靠,只好跟隨多年沒見的舅父威爾前往都柏林鄉郊,開始相依為命生活。史黛斯因為被診斷出有渴睡症而沒有學校願意接收,幸好有鄰居艾美莉充當家教老師教授知識,充實了孤單的生活。當一切慢慢重上軌道時,史黛斯赫然發現威爾是因為要照顧她才得以離開監獄的假釋囚犯﹗威爾更不時酗酒嗑藥,多次險犯假釋條件,史黛斯也不知道究竟是誰照顧誰。而他入獄的原因,竟然是一個令史黛斯永遠都不能釋懷的秘密… 本片入圍第六十五屆柏林影展。

2005 年 10 月 05 日

Princess Annika escapes the clutches of the evil wizard, explores the wonders of Cloud Kingdom, and teams up with a magnificent winged horse - who turns out to be her sister, Princess Brietta - to defeat the wizard and break the spells that imprisoned her family.

2005 年 03 月 17 日

凱西卡萊爾(Michelle Trachtenberg 飾)渴望成為一名優雅的花樣滑冰冠軍,但有些遲鈍的她,向來只是個聰明過人、卻不擅交際的高中學生。一意孤行的媽媽(Joan Cusack 飾)一心想要讓她考上最優秀的大學。凱西似乎永遠不會像她看到的滑冰高手那樣,成為冰場上耀眼的明星。但當凱西動用自己的聰明才智,跟從內心的選擇,她實現了超乎想像的改變。

2020 年 02 月 07 日

When a father is forced to abruptly depart for work, he leaves his children, Aidan and Mia, at their holiday home in the care of his new girlfriend, Grace. Isolated and alone, a blizzard traps them inside the lodge as terrifying events summon specters from Grace's dark past.

2017 年 12 月 08 日

出身草根的奧運花式溜冰選手坦雅(瑪歌羅比 飾),是首位美國女子成功完成凌空轉體三周半的創紀錄者,她憑天份和專業創造傳奇,個人言行卻是臭名遠播;捲入美國體壇最轟動醜聞─奧運頭號代表南茜克里根遇襲案─坦雅一夜間前途盡毀。歸根究底,是誰令冰之驕女墮入深淵,是坦雅?是她的怪獸阿媽拉諾娜(愛麗遜珍妮 飾)?她的家暴前夫傑夫(施巴斯坦史丹 飾)?

1899, the Christmas-time St.Petersburg. Ice-covered rivers and canals of the capital seethe with festive activities. On the eve of the new century those who should not be destined to meet, come together. They are people from different worlds: Matvey, the son of a lamplighter, whose only treasure is his silver-plated skates; Alice is the daughter of a high-ranking official dreaming of science. Each of them has his own difficult life-story, but having accidentally met they rush forward together in pursuit of their dreams.

2018 年 02 月 14 日

Contemporary Russia. Nadya gives up her dream of becoming a champion figure skater when she is hospitalized with an injury. But then she meets Sasha, a hockey player, who decides to teach her to believe in herself and her dream again.

1978 年 09 月 29 日

After an avalanche of snow crashes into their ski resort, a holiday at a winter wonderland turns into a game of survival for a group of vacationers.

2007 年 03 月 30 日


2019 年 08 月 30 日

A woman grieving over the death of her daughter loses grip of reality when she begins to think her girl may still be alive.

1978 年 12 月 31 日

Alexis is on top of the world until a tragic accident dashes her hopes and dreams of becoming a world-class figure skater. Only with the help of those who love her can she prove to the world — and herself — that she still has the potential to realize her dreams.

2003 年 09 月 11 日

Paris doctor Catherine starts to think her husband, Bernard, is having an affair when she hears an unfamiliar woman's message on his voice mail. Hoping to learn more about his extramarital activities, Catherine heads to a strip club, where she hires call girl Nathalie to have a fling with Gerard. As the affair progresses, Nathalie gives Catherine regular status reports, and the relationship between the women evolves from business to personal.

1947 年 12 月 25 日

An Episcopal Bishop, Henry Brougham, has been working for months on the plans for an elaborate new cathedral which he hopes will be paid for primarily by a wealthy, stubborn widow. He is losing sight of his family and of why he became a churchman in the first place. Enter Dudley, an angel sent to help him. Dudley does help everyone he meets, but not necessarily in the way they would have preferred. With the exception of Henry, everyone loves him, but Henry begins to believe that Dudley is there to replace him, both at work and in his family's affections, as Christmas approaches.

2005 年 06 月 10 日

14 歲的凱特琳金斯福德把她生命中的每一刻,都奉獻給了競爭激烈的花式溜冰運動。著名的俄羅斯花式溜冰教練娜塔莎葛伯曼提供給凱特琳一個千載難逢的機會,讓她在她任教的私人學院訓練,凱特琳不惜一切代價去努力。她不明白的是,為什麼她必須加入女子冰上曲棍球隊,才能獲得學校唯一的獎學金。她還必須對那些嘲笑她是「旋轉女孩」的隊友們,隱瞞她花式溜冰的願望。優雅的凱特琳能在混亂的冰上曲棍球世界中得分嗎?

1935 年 09 月 28 日



2008 年 03 月 16 日

A world class ice skater eager to take the top prize in the biggest competition around finds his dreams going up in flames after his partner suffers a debilitating injury in this romantic sports drama starring Matt Lanter, Francia Rosa, and Christy Carlson Romano. Zack (Lanter) was headed for the gold when his partner suffered an injury that made competing impossible, but could a feisty female hockey player prove the key to keeping his illustrious career on track? Alexandra is an amateur Latina hockey player who has never skated professionally and doesn't much care for Zack, though a little determination goes a long way in helping Zack convince her to join him on the ice. Now, as this unlikely pair begins the arduous training process that could make them both bona-fide superstars, the girl with the icy attitude finds her handsome partner's warmth and charm bringing about a most unexpected thaw.

1954 年 09 月 04 日

Jerry and his diapered little mouse friend flood the kitchen, then use the freezer to turn it into a skating rink. Even though Tom finds a pair of ice skates, the mice have no problem outmaneuvering him.

1999 年 10 月 15 日

Undiagnosed, untreated and generally untethered schizophrenic Julien lives with his pregnant younger sister Pearl, would-be wrestler brother Chris, sympathetic grandmother, and severely depressed German father.



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