10 فیلم

ژانویه 19, 2012

Caius Martius, aka Coriolanus, is an arrogant and fearsome general who has built a career on protecting Rome from its enemies. Pushed by his ambitious mother to seek the position of consul, Coriolanus is at odds with the masses and unpopular with certain colleagues. When a riot results in his expulsion from Rome, Coriolanus seeks out his sworn enemy, Tullus Aufidius. Together, the pair vow to destroy the great city.

دسامبر 23, 1958

Harry Bannerman, a Connecticut suburbanite, becomes involved in various shenanigans when his wife Grace leads a protest movement against a secret army plan to set up a missile base in their community.

اکتبر 13, 1999

CREMASTER 2 (1999) is rendered as a gothic Western that introduces conflict into the system. On the biological level it corresponds to the phase of fetal development during which sexual division begins. In Matthew Barney's abstraction of this process, the system resists partition and tries to remain in the state of equilibrium imagined in Cremaster 1 ...

When is the moment you think: I'm going to hoist my regional flag? Who are these flaghoisters? And what does it mean to identify with your region? These are questions that filmmaker Okki Poortvliet, theatermaker Hans van der Werf and designer Vera Vos asked. So, they went through the whole of Drenthe, a region in the North of The Netherlands where all three of them grew up, to collect as many stories as possible from hoisters of the flag of Drenthe. The Flaghoisters is a film about the confrontation between the countryside and, as people from Drenthe call it, “the city dwellers”. A story about a disappearing language, the safety of your village, greeting each other, being proud, and just acting "normal".

اوت 18, 1986

This film test is a demonstration of Pixar's early attempts to research, analyze and recreate qualities of motion, shading and lighting that make water believable. Said techniques are later expanded upon in "Finding Nemo"

Representative visual symbol out of square, off axis and opaque.

نوامبر 12, 2023

An intimate portrait of Salt Lake City and its surroundings. Shot on 16mm film.

ژوئن 19, 2021

Dawn and demon are assigned to secure the flag for this week's training.

ژانویه 1, 1967

Explains, through the story of a family that become naturalized American citizens, the meaning of the American flag, how it has changed through the years, how it is displayed and how one shows respect for it.

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