14 filmov

11. apríl, 1997

Skupinka filmárov pracujúca pre spoločnosť National Geography sa hlboko v amazonskom pralese dostala do veľkých problémov - stali sa totiž rukojemníkmi v rukách šialenca, ktorý ma len jediný cieľ - uloviť tunajšieho najväčšieho a zároveň najnebezpečnejšieho predátora, anakondu.

Špeciálne vyšľachtená gigantická Anakonda unikne z laboratória do blízkeho lesa a cestu si spríjemní ochutnávkou personálu. Na stopu sa jej vydáva drsná partia žoldnierov, pod vedením ostrieľaného Hammetta, ktorý má s prerastenou hadicou svoje plány. A ani jeden z týchto zabijakov sa nechce vzdať bez boja. Krvavé peklo môže začať… doslova!

Na smrť chorý magnát Murdoch poverí istého známeho lekára nebezpečným experimentom s regeneratívnym nektárom vzácnych krvavých orchideí na malej anakonde s cieľom nájsť prípadný prevratný, hoci len experimentálny liek na jeho diagnózu – žiadny z na trhu dostupných medikamentov ho totiž neodkáže zachrániť... A stane sa niečo nepredstaviteľné – z malého háďaťa sa za jednu jedinú noc stane obrovitánske monštrum! Atraktívna herpetologička Amanda Hayesová, ktorá stála jeho zrode tohto chladnokrvného zabijaka, je odhodlaná ho za každú cenu nájsť a zastaviť, a preto sa spolu s tímom mladých vedcov pokúsi dostať sa ku krvavým orchideám skôr, ako Murdochovi zabijaci i besniaci megahad, a niekam ich bezpečne ukryť.

After his fiancé sudden death, Qin Yu is convinced Cass Corporation is somehow involved and is determined to find the truth. Booking passage on the same cruise ship as former Cass employee, Jason, Qin Yu follows him. Qin Yu hopes to secure the information he needs on Cass to be able to testify against them in court. But Qin Yu isn’t the only person on board hoping to gain intel on Cass. Desperate for a story, reporter Feng Li tails both Qin Yu and Jason, booking passage on the same cruise. Unfortunately, no one has much of a chance to gain information as the ship is suddenly attacked by giant mutant snakes. Escaping the attack, the survivors find themselves on the very island Cass Corporation has been conducting their illegal experiments. Hunted by monsters of all sorts, will any of the survivors find a way to bring Cass down and make it off the island alive?

16. jún, 2012

A hybrid creature - half piranha and half anaconda -- attacks a low-budget horror movie crew on location near her nest when her egg is stolen. Now they must outrun and kill the deadly piranhaconda as well as stop the mad scientist who stole the egg - before they all become dinner.

12. august, 2008

A set of vipers has been taken by scientists to mutate them to make a cure for cancer. As their experiment goes awry, the vipers escape into the woods - they're not only biting people, they're actually killing people, in a little town.

In an old house, a man is bitten to death by a snake. The special services and the media congregate but are only able to find a few snakes. Later, a group of cobras invade the building which threatens the lives of the habitants.

During the construction of luxury apartment buildings a huge nest of thousands of snakes is discovered. Francis Chang (the boss) refuses to delay the construction and orders to kill all the animals. He is repeated warned by his wife, who had some nightmares concerning him and the snakes. They do not manage to kill all snakes and so they take revenge on the construction workers and Francis Chang. Soon thousands of killer snakes under the lead of a giant Boa invades the building an kill all the new inhabitants. Even a snake master can't stop them.

18. október, 1974

An American submarine leaves Tierra Del Fuego, and one of its crew has secretly brought aboard a container full of poisonous snakes which escape storage and bite key personnel on the submarine, causing an accident that cripples the vehicle so that it drops to the bottom of the Southern Ocean. Worse still, the snakes are still at large on the submarine and complicate the efforts of the crew to escape the sunken vessel.

1. máj, 1984

Bohatý podnikateľ a kedysi náruživý lovec Jason Kincaid (Oliver Reed) sa konečne dočkal. Sedem rokov po nešťastí, pri ktorom prišiel o brata a sám len zázrakom prežil, sa jeho cesty opäť skrížili s pôvodcom nešťastia - obrovským hadom, o ktorom doma v oblasti Novej Guinei domorodci tvrdia, že je poslom zo samotných pekiel. Podarilo sa ho totiž konečne chytiť a Kincaid zaistil jeho prepravu do San Diega. Tu by mu mal Tom Brazilian (Peter Fonda), psychológ pôsobiaci na miestnej univerzite, pomôcť vypátrať povahu prazvláštneho prepojenia - keď sa totiž had chystá k útoku, vidí Kincaid celú hrôzu jeho očami. Skôr ako dvojica začne s experimentami sa však plaz dostáva na slobodu a začína lov na bezbranné, nič netušiace obete.

1. január, 1994

The King of the Snake Monsters is attempting to revert back to human form but is opposed by the womanizing owner of a popular restaurant that specializes in medicinal snake soup.

A woman transforms into a snake-headed killer.

Police investigate a strange series of snakebite deaths.

A married man falls in love with a beautiful tour guide but is unaware of her symbiotic relationship with a deadly cobra that has killed all of her previous suitors. This was remade at least two other times.

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