25 movies

oktobris 17, 2014

1945. gada aprīlis. Otrais pasaules karš tuvojas nobeigumam. Sabiedrotie gatavi dot izšķirošo triecienu nacistiskajai Vācijai Eiropā. Kaujās rūdītais seržants Vordedijs, tanka "Šermans" komandieris, vada savu kaujas mašīnu pretinieka aizmugurē, lai paveiktu specuzdevumu.

The evil Darth Sidious enacts his final plan for unlimited power -- and the heroic Jedi Anakin Skywalker must choose a side.

novembris 24, 1959

In 25 AD, Judah Ben-Hur, a Jew in ancient Judea, opposes the occupying Roman empire. Falsely accused by a Roman childhood friend-turned-overlord of trying to kill the Roman governor, he is put into slavery and his mother and sister are taken away as prisoners.

Kapteiņa Džeimsa Kērka vadītais zvaigžņu kuģis "Enterprise" iekļūst ienaidnieku flotes uzbrukuma vilnī, kā rezultātā kuģis tiek iznīcināts un komanda nonāk uz jaunas, viņiem nepazīstamas planētas. Šeit viņi nav gaidīti un drīz iemanto jaunu – nežēlīgu ienaidnieku.

In a world in which Great Britain has become a fascist state, a masked vigilante known only as “V” conducts guerrilla warfare against the oppressive British government. When V rescues a young woman from the secret police, he finds in her an ally with whom he can continue his fight to free the people of Britain.

augusts 25, 2022

Thirteen year old Sam Cleary suspects that his mysteriously reclusive neighbor Mr. Smith is actually the legendary vigilante Samaritan, who was reported dead 25 years ago. With crime on the rise and the city on the brink of chaos, Sam makes it his mission to coax his neighbor out of hiding to save the city from ruin.

Narkotikas.Tās iznīcina prātu, ķermeni un dvēseli.Tikko tu pierod pie tām, tu kļūsti atkarīgs.Četras dzīves.Četri narkomāni.Četras neveiksmes.Darot visu pēc vislabākās sirdsapziņas, lai gūtu sekmes dzīvē, bet ciešot briesmīgu neveiksmi, četri cilvēki kļūst atkarīgi no narkotikām.Par spīti viņu tiekšanai pēc kā cēla, viņi padodas savam kaitīgajam ieradumam.Skatoties, kā narkomāni pamazām zaudē kontroli pār sevi, mēs kļūstam par lieciniekiem pretīgākajām un netīrākajām, tur mājojošajām sabiedrības padibenēm.Tas ir šokējoši un pārsteidzoši, bet to obligāti vajag redzēt gan narkomāniem, gan no narkotikām neatkarīgiem cilvēkiem.

februāris 18, 1966

The escape of Bubber Reeves from prison affects the inhabitants of a small Southern town.

maijs 17, 2002

A hardcore US racist skinhead who, because of his intelligence, leads a gang dedicated to fighting the enemy: the supposed American-Jewish conspiracy for domination. However, he's hiding a secret: he's Jewish-born, a brilliant scholar whose questioning of the tenets of his faith has left him angry and confused, turning against those who he thinks have a tragic history of their own making.

marts 25, 1956

Four astronauts returning from man's first mission to Mars enter a time warp and crash on a 26th Century Earth devastated by atomic war. At first unaware where they are, but finding the atmosphere safe to breathe, they start exploring and find themselves in a divided future where disfigured mutants living like cavemen inhabit the surface, while the normals live comfortably below the surface but are dying as a race from lack of natural water, air and sunlight.

marts 17, 2023

Two old friends reconnect at their friend's funeral, and decide to exact revenge on the widower who wronged all three of them decades earlier.

jūnijs 4, 1959

After hiding a murderer, a Catholic priest is forced into self-exile and decides to embark on a pilgrimage through the Mexican countryside.

septembris 23, 2021

A teenager girl's accidental death incites a media frenzy and causes her harsh father to turn his rage against those he believes are responsible.

oktobris 4, 2013

The line between reality and fiction starts to blur when two best friends start making a movie about getting revenge on bullies.

oktobris 23, 1957

An Indian arouses envy for his expertise in hunting animals without ruining their skins, for his wisdom and his kindness.

The love between María Ángela and Fernando is impossible because there's an ancient history of hate between their families. His father killed hers, and other family members have killed each other for years. When María Ángela's grandfather finds she's in love with Fernando, he frames the young man and forces her to marry Manuel. Maria Ángela finds that Manuel doesn't love her and together plan her escape with Fernando. But things go wrong and the lovers find their destiny in The Spirit's Canyon.

jūnijs 24, 1999

Trash is a coming of age drama set amongst the poverty stricken trailer parks of the deep South. In a spiraling tale of hatred, love and loyalty, two teenage friends realize that the only way for each of them to escape their miserable futures is by forever sacrificing the other.

oktobris 3, 2023

Tyler seeks revenge on a college classmate who he believes stole his girlfriend, Enna. Tyler returns to their hometown, reenters his old classmates lives, and begins unleashing dark secrets regarding Marcus, Enna, and Marcus' wife Lisa.

In 2020, the USA experienced a multiple catastrophe: No other country in the world was hit so badly by the coronavirus pandemic, the economic slump was dramatic, and so was the rise in unemployment. A rift ran through society. In the streets there were protests of both camps with violent riots, authoritarian traits were evident in the actions of the leader of the nation. And all of this in the middle of the election year, when the self-centered president fought vehemently for his re-election. From the start of his presidency, Donald Trump had divided American society, incited individual sections of the population against one another, fueled racism, hatred, xenophobia and prejudice, insulted competitors and denigrated critical journalists as enemies of the people. The documentary shows how this could happen and what role the targeted disinformation of certain sections of the population through manipulative media played.

Dead City (Greek: Nekri politeia) is a 1951 Greek drama film directed by Frixos Iliadis. It was entered into the 1952 Cannes Film Festival.

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