10 movies

marts 25, 2005

The star of a team of teenage crime fighters falls for the alluring villainess she must bring to justice.

aprīlis 11, 1996

While doing a thesis about violence, Ángela finds a snuff video where a girl is tortured to death. Soon she discovers that the girl was a former student at her college...

oktobris 14, 2002

A psychological thriller about a senior at one of America's most prestigious universities. Under enormous pressure to complete her thesis and earn a top job at one of the world's most competitive consulting firms, Katie is still coping with the sudden unexplained disappearance of her first love two years prior. As the investigation continues, Katie is forced to choose between past passions and new possibilities, even as new facts are uncovered.

marts 14, 2014

A young woman studying the habits of webcam chat users from the apparent safety of her apartment witnesses a brutal murder online and is quickly immersed in a nightmare in which she and her loved ones are targeted for the same grisly fate as the first victim.

novembris 2, 2018

A progressive graduate student finds success and sparks outrage when his interest in battle rap as a thesis subject becomes a competitive obsession.

decembris 30, 1998

A shy French anthropologist who happens to be secretly in love with her college superior, chooses "bimbos" as the subject of her thesis. She becomes one of them in order to do that, and the professor she loves falls for her new identity.

jūnijs 11, 1974

A sexy graduate student is giving her thesis presentation, which creates quite a stir since it reveals that she has just posed as a prostitute for several months to do sociological research for her thesis. She relates various stories of her experiences to her salivating thesis committee and a large audience of curious on-lookers.

Pongsatorn is a teacher in Thailand working on his thesis for his Master's degree. His chosen subject his the life and works of a French Catholic priest who lived in Thailand in the early part of the 20th century. His professor rejects his early drafts to his anger before realising the professor has pushed him to fully understand his chosen topic.

septembris 1, 2012

When Brian's graduate thesis on Time Travel costs him the love of his life, he forces himself to choose the best way to live out the rest of his days.

maijs 13, 2023

Min, a college student, who was sitting in his room doing his thesis when his roommate P came in and asked Min to take pictures of ghosts for his thesis. This story took place where a woman had committed suicide, and Min was asked for help because he is not afraid of ghosts.

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