59 Filme

21. Juli 2023

Berättelsen om den amerikanske vetenskapsmannen J. Robert Oppenheimer och hans roll i utvecklingen av atombomben.

19. Dezember 1997

Den 10 April 1912 stävar Titanic ut från hamnen i Southampton på sin jungfruresa. I första klass, med lyxrestauranger, swimmingpool och promenadstråk, bor 17-åriga Rose i en skyddad värld, styrd av stränga moralregler och familjens förväntningar. I sällskapet finns också hennes förmögne fästman, ansedd som ett utmärkt parti för en societetsflicka. I tredje klass, långt under däck, ligger Jack på sin brits och drömmer om det stora äventyret. Jack har inga pengar men är ändå rik. Biljetten han har vunnit i poker ska förändra hans liv för alltid, och när ödet låter de två mötas väcks känslor de aldrig tidigare upplevt. De kommer från skilda världar men deras hemliga passion är gränslös. Nu färdas de mot drömmarnas land i världens modernaste skepp. Hela livet ligger framför dem... vad skulle någonsin kunna skilja dem åt?

May, 1980. Man-seob is a taxi driver in Seoul who lives from hand to mouth, raising his young daughter alone. One day, he hears that there is a foreigner who will pay big money for a drive down to Gwangju city. Not knowing that he’s a German journalist with a hidden agenda, Man-seob takes the job.

12. Oktober 2018

Om astronauten Neil Armstrong, och den legendariska rymdresa som gjorde honom till den första människan som satte sin fot på månen, den 20 Juli, 1969.

In 1987 Korea, under an oppressive military regime, a college student gets killed during a police interrogation involving torture. Government of officials are quick to cover up the death and order the body to be cremated. A prosecutor who is supposed to sign the cremation release, raises questions about a 21-year-old kid dying of a heart attack, and he begins looking into the case for truth. Despite a systematic attempt to silence everyone involved in the case, the truth gets out, causing an eruption of public outrage.

Two historical incidents that deepened the friendship between Japan and Turkey are connected in this story of friendship and compassion: In the night of 16 September 1890 the Turkish frigate Ertuğrul is caught up in a typhoon and sinks off the Japanese coast. Risking their own lives, local villagers are able to rescue 69 Turkish sailors. Although being very poor and having hardly to eat, the villagers share what little they have with strangers from a country 9,000 kilometers away. 95 years later, during the Iran-Iraq War, more than 300 Japanese are stranded in Tehran. In the morning of 19 March 1985 a Turkish Airlines aircraft takes off for Tehran to evacuate the Japanese. But the remaining Turks at Tehran Mehrabad Airport still need to be convinced that they won't be able to board their own country's rescue flight.

8. April 2005

Fyndet av ett sällsynt mynt och en mytomspunnen historia får den orädde äventyraren Dirk Pitt att ge sig av på en farlig skattjakt i Västafrikas oändliga öken. Tillsammans med sin helgalna kompanjon Al, försöker han hitta ett uråldrigt spökskepp och -framför allt - dess värdefulla last. Men det är inte alla som gillar Dirk och hans expedition, och när Dirk och Al allierar sig med den vackra doktor Rojas, upptäcker de att det döljer sig andra saker i Afrikas sand än bara spökskepp. Nu gäller det att förhindra en katastrof av globala mått ... Fyll vattenflaskan och följ med Dirk Pitt på ett actionspäckat ökenäventyr! Filmatiseringen av "Sahara" har allt som krävs för att förpassa Indiana Jones till pensionärernas skara direkt: en stark och orädd hjälte en vacker och intelligent doktor och en helgalen kompis som garanterat alltid lyckas förvärra även den mest katastrofala situation.

On November 25th 1970, a man committed ritual suicide inside the Tokyo headquarters of the Japanese Ministry of Defence, leaving behind a legacy of masterpieces and a controversy that echoes to this day. The man was Yukio Mishima, one of Japan's greatest and most celebrated novelists. With four members of his own private army - the Tatenokai - Mishima had taken the commandant hostage and called upon the assembled military outside the Ministry to overthrow their society and restore the powers of the Emperor. When the soldiers mocked and jeered Mishima, he cut short his speech and withdrew to the commandant's office where he committed seppuku - the samurai warrior's death - tearing open his belly with a ceremonial knife before being beheaded by one of his colleagues. What was Mishima truly trying to express through his actions? And what did he witness during his final moments?

29. Juli 1970

Boskapsbaronen John Chisum går samman med Billy the Kid och Pat Garrett för att utkämpa landkriget i Lincoln County.

At the end of the Cold War, something new arised that should influence an entire generation and express their attitude to life. It started with an idea in the underground subculture of Berlin shortly before the fall of the Wall. With the motto "Peace, Joy, Pancakes", Club DJ Dr. Motte and companions launched the first Love Parade. A procession registered as political demonstration with only 150 colorfully dressed people dancing to house and techno. What started out small developed over the years into the largest party on the planet with visitors from all over the world. In 1999, 1.5 million people took part. With the help of interviews with important organizers and contemporary witnesses, the documentary reflects the history of the Love Parade, but also illuminates the dark side of how commerce and money business increasingly destroyed the real spirit, long before the emigration to other cities and the Love Parade disaster of Duisburg in 2010, which caused an era to end in deep grief.

Madrid, Spain, December 27, 1870. General Juan Prim i Prats, president of the Council of Ministers and Minister of War gets involved in a treacherous ambush, is mortal injured and dies three days later. A mystery, a conspiracy, a murder that was never solved.

The Defenestration of Prague, which took place on May 23, 1618, was the decisive historical moment that unleashed the Thirty Years War (1618-1648) between several Catholic and Protestant states and changed the course of European history forever. (Additionally released as a heavely edited historical documentary entitled The Defenestration of Prague, 85 min.)

Filmen utspelar sig innan och under Gwangju massakern som inträffade i Sydkorea, maj 1980. Vi får följa några (fiktiva) några personer som är mitt i händelsernas centrum, något som man idag egentligen inte vet mycket om alls. Den 18:e maj samlades studenter utanför universitetet för att protestera mot den planerade nedläggningen av skolan. Det följdes sedan av blodiga sammandrabbningar mellan polis/militär, studenter och andra medborgare. Upproret som spred sig genom hela staden varade i tio dagar. Då satte man in tvåhundratusen soldater, och med det fick man ett blodigt slut, en massaker med andra ord. Officiellt fick ett par hundra personer sätta livet till, andra menar att det rör sig om tusentals.

16. Dezember 2016

A historical glimpse into the history of Pakistan India Partition and war's of 1965 and 1971 and present day of the new conflict in Pakistan.

In 1389, the Serbian prince Lazar Hrebeljanović refused to submit to the Turkish Sultan Murat, who was invading Serbia with a large army, in order to continue conquering Europe through it.

18. Februar 2009

Hitlers trupper invaderar Polen utan förvarning. I öster väller Röda Armén in över gränserna. På några få dagar är motståndet krossat, den polska armén ligger i spillror och Andra Världskriget är ett faktum. Fångade i en förtvivlad fälla mellan två fronter tvingas flyende familjer se sina män föras bort till de fruktade ryska fånglägren. Ingen av dem återvänder levande.

10. Januar 2000

It was the sister ship of the infamous Titanic... and its final destiny was the same. Experience the true untold story of Britannic, a tumultuous, epic voyage of human passion, courage and betrayal aboard an ill-fated ocean liner bound for a shattering demise. With the world at war, an undercover British agent (Amanda Ryan), embarks the Britannic in search of a German spy believed to be on board to sabotage the ship. Posing as a governess, the undercover agent finds herself falling in love with the ship's chaplain (Edward Atterton). In a stunning discovery, the lovers suddenly find themselves enemies of war. And when a massive explosion deals a deathblow to the ship, their battle becomes one for their own survival. With a dynamic, international cast and a story line that hosts a chilling tale of espionage, politics and romance, Britannic brings one of history's most devastating events to riveting, new life.

In a small presbytery in Yorkshire, England, living under the watchful eyes of their aunt and father, a strict Anglican pastor, the Bronte sisters write their first works and quickly become literary sensations.

The first American space station Skylab is found in pieces scattered in Western Australia. Putting these pieces back together and re-tracing the Skylab program back to its very conception reveals the cornerstone of human space exploration.

2. Januar 2011

United is based on the true story of Manchester United's legendary "Busby Babes", the youngest side ever to win the Football League and the 1958 Munich Air Crash that claimed eight of the their number. The film draws on first-hand interviews with the survivors and their families to tell the inspirational story of a team and community overcoming terrible tragedy.

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