82 本の映画

Skotui Pilgrimui (jį vaidina aktorius Michaelas Sera) – 23-eji. Ir jo gyvenimas tobulas. Vaikinas groja boso gitara roko grupėje, draugauja su miela studenčioke – ko daugiau norėti? Tačiau, kaip dažnai būna ir tikrame gyvenime, viena menka detalė viską apverčia aukštyn kojomis. Šiuo atveju ta detale tampa merginos žvilgsnis. Vos pažvelgęs Ramonai Flauers (akt. Mary Elizabeth Winstead) į akis, Skotas supranta, kad ji yra būtent toji, su kuria jis nori praleisti visą savo gyvenimą. Tačiau norint praleisti likusį gyvenimą, jam pirmiausia teks susitvarkyti su praėjusiuoju. Tiksliau – su buvusiais Ramonos vaikinais. Jų yra septyni ir jie visi – tikras blogio įsikūnijimas. Norėdamas užkariauti Ramonos širdį, Skotas turės susiremti su septyniais kietais vyrukais, kurie vien už antrą žvilgsnį vis dar mylimos merginos pusėn yra pasiruošę perkąsti gerkles bet kam.


Over the course of a single hectic day in New York City, three people from Feña's past are thrust back into his life: his foreign father, his straight ex-boyfriend, and his 13-year old half-sister. Having lost touch since transitioning from female to male, Feña must navigate the new dynamics of these old relationships while tackling the day-to-day challenges that come with living a life in-between.


Pia and Jan have just fallen in love and arranged to meet Pia's friends for a game night. Jan meets Pia's friends for the first time and is under pressure to make the perfect first impression. When Pia's ex-boyfriend shows up and even Jan's buddy's tips can't save anything, everything is at stake: the relationship, the friendship, and the definition of truth.


When he starts dating drop-dead gorgeous Molly, insecure airport security agent Kirk can't believe it. As his friends and family share their doubts about the relationship lasting, Kirk does everything he can to avoid losing Molly forever.


A washed-up music producer finds one last shot at redemption with a golden-voiced young girl in Afghanistan. However, when jealousy gets the better of a disgruntled ex-boyfriend, he decides to oppose the young star with talent of his own.

Po nesėkmingo viešo išsiskyrimo ir didelio atgarsio sulaukusio atleidimo iš darbo Džena grįžta į Niujorką, kad atgaivintų savo mados karjerą. Žinodama, kad turės tik vieną progą atstatyti savo reputaciją, Džena nuryja pasididžiavimą ir įsidarbina pas žiaurią magnatę Darsę.

Tačiau jos bandymas sugrįžti komplikuojasi, kai ji įsimyli žavų, daug jaunesnį bendradarbį Eriką, kuris, pasirodo, yra Darsės sūnus. Viską dėl karjeros pastačiusi ant kortos, Džena turi nuspręsti, ar rizikuos viskuo dėl slapto romano, ir išsiaiškinti, ar gali turėti ateitį su Eriku, nepaisant jų kartų skirtumo. Filmas sukurtas pagal Tijos Viljams knygą.

While decluttering her home, a woman's hefty house renovation leads her back to the past when she uncovers her ex-boyfriend's belongings.


After an unexpected break up, a travel executive accepts an assignment to go undercover and learn about the tourist industry in Vietnam. Along the way, she finds adventure and romance with her Vietnamese expat tour guide and they decide to hijack the tour bus in order to explore life and love off the beaten path.


Cara Rudland thought she’d left her Southern roots and troubled family far behind, but returns to the scenic Lowcountry of her childhood summers after losing her job in Chicago. There, she reconnects with her mother Lovie, who has been caring for her young, pregnant friend Toy in her charming beach house.


Veterinarian Dr. Carly Monroe makes it a habit to stop by the local dog shelter as often as possible because she loves dogs and secretly loves the shelter’s owner, Dan. Unfortunately, he has agreed to marry his glamorous TV personality girlfriend and move to the Big Apple. With Dan’s big move looming, his sister decides to take matters into her own hands.


Longtime single friends Ben and Alice agree to be each other's respective plus one at every wedding they're invited to during a busy summer of wedding fever.


Determined to learn about her boyfriend's past relationships, Stacy -- who works for a talk show -- becomes a bona fide snoop. With her colleague, Barb, Stacy gets the names of Derek's ex-lovers and interviews them, supposedly for an upcoming show. But what she learns only adds to her confusion, and her plans begin to unravel when she befriends one of the women.

Kai jaunas niujorkietis Metas susipažįsta su nuostabiąja Džene Džonson (akt. U.Thurman), atrodo, jog pagaliau jis rado tiesiog TOBULĄ merginą. Ji žavi, seksuali, turi idealią figūrą ir puikų humoro jausmą. Tačiau laikui bėgant paaiškėja, jog tai, kas taip ryškiai spindėjo, visai nėra auksas. Kuo ilgiau Metas bendrauja su Džene, tuo daugiau neigiamų “svajonių merginos” savybių išryškėja. Ji pernelyg reikli, valdinga, pavydi ir siekianti kontroliuoti savo vaikino gyvenimą. Vieną gražią dieną Meto kantrybės taurė persipildo ir jis ryžtasi nutraukti santykius su diktatoriaus įpročių negalinčia atsikratyti drauge. Tačiau tai padaryti, pasirodo, ne taip paprasta. Paaiškėja, kad Dženė – ne paprasta, o… supermergina.


After breaking up with her boyfriend, a bookstore manager resists a seemingly perfect guy's attempts to woo her.

Ruth, a young researcher at a college, is invited to the weddings of three of her exes. She enlists the help of her assistant to find a companion for each wedding; will one of them turn out to be her soulmate?


Darcy has always worked hard to prove herself and be successful on her own terms, even choosing to start her own company, rather than work with her father. Returning to her hometown for Christmas, Darcy reconnects with an old rival, restaurant owner Luke, and they are forced to plan a charity event together. As Darcy spends time with her family and Luke, she starts to realize what matters most in life and sets out to mend her relationship with her father, and possibly fall in love.


Filmo veikėjai - šeši vedybiniais ryšiais nesusaistyti dvidešimties metų ribą peržengę jaunuoliai ir jaunuolės, gyvenantys viename name. Jų tarpusavio santykiai ir naujos pažintys, negatyvus aplinkinių požiūris į viengungius ir desperatiškos pastangos susirasti meilės objektą. Akivaizdu, kad išrinktasis turi būti gražus ir protingas, perspektyvus ir supratingas... Viena problema - surasti idealą, kita problema - tam idealui patikti. Teko išbandyti ir pasimatymų agentūros, ir plastinių operacijų centro paslaugas.


Uptight lawyer Peter Sanderson wants to dive back into dating after his divorce and has a hard time meeting the right women. He tries online dating and lucks out when he starts chatting with a fellow lawyer. The two agree to meet in the flesh, but the woman he meets — an escaped African-American convict named Charlene — is not what he expected. Peter is freaked out, but Charlene tries to convinces him to take her case and prove her innocence. Along the way, she wreaks havoc on his middle-class life as he gets a lesson in learning to lighten up.


As the devoutly single Don Johnston is dumped by his latest girlfriend, he receives an anonymous pink letter informing him that he has a son who may be looking for him.


To avenge her mother's death, Pixie masterminds a heist but must flee across Ireland from gangsters, take on the patriarchy, and choose her own destiny.



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