17 movies

oktobris 2, 1998



marts 16, 2001

莱纳•谢尔比(盖伊•皮尔斯 饰)在家遭到歹徒的袭击,妻子被残忍的奸杀,自己脑部也受到严重的伤害。醒来后,他发现自己患了罕见的“短期记忆丧失症”,他只能记住十几分钟前发生的事情,为了让生活继续下去,更为了替惨死的妻子报仇,他凭借纹身、纸条、宝丽来快照等零碎的小东西,保存记忆,收集线索,展开了艰难的调查。

decembris 14, 2001

大卫·阿姆斯(汤姆·克鲁斯 Tom Cruise 饰)可以称为上帝的完美杰作:他家境优渥、事业有成、仪表堂堂、风度翩翩,无数性感迷人的女性都为其柔情蜜语所倾倒。而大卫自是不愿浪费这天赐的条件,他四处出击,以猎艳为乐,甚至连好友的女朋友索菲娅(佩内洛普·克鲁兹 Penélope Cruz 饰)都不放过。不过,大卫终要为自己的花心付出代价,在和前女友茱丽(卡梅伦·迪雅兹 Cameron Diaz 饰)乘车出行之时,茱丽开车撞向大树,企图与之同归于尽。这场车祸使大卫的人生跌入谷底,而更为诡异的却仍在前面等待着他……

  因为痴迷基因再生和着迷于醒梦现象,里斯博士(乔纳森·莱斯·梅耶斯 Jonathan Rhys Meyers 饰)探索了年轻男子加布里埃尔·豪沃思(凯姆·吉甘戴 Cam Gigandet 饰)的心理。当暴力的梦境与现实融为一体时,加布里埃尔的生活发生了天翻地覆的变化。当加布里埃尔的梦折射出政治暗杀时,他必须争分夺秒地拯救自己和妻子布丽因(布兰妮·肖 Brittany Shaw 饰)的性命并阻止政府试验性计划。随着时间的流逝,加布里埃尔命悬一线,只有里斯博士能揭开这一切的真相。

  剧情      Bettie Page是上世纪五十年代最有名的海报女郎,性感而疯狂,以一身SM装扮闻名,记得ZIPPO也出过一系列印有她图案的火机。这位广告封面女神风靡了整个美国1950年代,是美国最早的女性偶像之一。她的风情身姿、挑逗眼神遍布明信片、扑克牌和唱片封套,《花花公子》中插页的大胆照片更是激起每个男子的无限幻想。虽然出身虔诚天主教家庭,但这毫不影响她在民风保守的五零年代就大胆地拍摄性虐与同性恋写真集,其影响所及甚至惊动国会掀起全面调查风波。      幕后      说起导演玛丽·哈伦,人们也许还对几年前她编导的《美国精神病人》(American Psycho)记忆犹新,这部被美国电影协会定为NC-17级的影片以其惊悚恐怖的氛围、辛辣的黑色讽刺意味在当时掀起轩然大波。影片中残忍的血腥屠杀与杀手的冷血变态让许多人一度再也不敢深夜里出来闲逛。此次,玛丽·哈伦带来《大名鼎鼎的贝蒂·佩吉》不禁让人心生期待。      午夜的黑暗与白昼的光芒如一体两面般集于一身,贝蒂·佩吉是时尚界的一个传奇。她出身于美国田纳西州一个保守派家庭,正如每个邻家女孩一样的甜美,但是命运把她带到了照相机前聚光灯下,让她迷惑住所有人的眼睛。而参议院的调查则反效果的把贝蒂推上全美的情色偶像之位。成千上万的人疯狂地追随模仿她的一切,深色皮肤、黑色头发、前卷刘海,直到她神秘的消失。观众尽可以在玛丽·哈伦的引导下回溯过去,欣赏这个安静羞赧的南部女孩如何在镜头前与美国大众分享她的半裸身体。当然,影片不会仅止于此。贝蒂的生活点滴和模特生涯透射的是导演对1950年代的性问题、宗教及流行文化的独特诠释,是那个已然逝去但依稀仍存的过去的美国。想怀旧?那么来吧。

Graduation just happened, and now it's time for adventures in Berlin with the childhood friends Sophie and Alice. But Sophie hesitates, and after an altercation, the impulsive Alice goes by herself - and mysteriously disappears. Sophie goes after her in desperation to find out what happened to Alice, which is the beginning of a painful journey from teenager to a young adult. It also is a journey into her friend's darker side, which she has hid from the rest for so long.


jūnijs 1, 1988

This extremely brief film was Osamu Tezuka's answer to a challenge presented to the leaders of the international animation community to create animated self-portraits.

novembris 10, 1970

A Marine Corps drill instructor who is disgusted by the fact that the Corps now accepts draftees finds himself pitted against a hippie who has been drafted but refuses to accept the military's way of doing things.

Emile, a young, withdrawn lover of programming, meets "B", a mysterious boy who has his conscience locked in the network. Together they confront their opposing concerns about individual perception and the limits of the human condition.

februāris 13, 2017

A young man decides to join the army. He becomes the drummer in the military band, and his everyday life is now a combination of military training and music.

What does the Argentine Army do these days, more than thirty years after the dictatorship? What does it mean to be a soldier in a country without wars?

marts 15, 1977

In a futuristic, antiseptic food factory, workers select healthy chicks, while the rejects are carried along a conveyor belt until they are crushed by a mallet and drop into a garbage bin. A single black chick appears among the yellow and is shoved toward the garbage bin. Before the mallet strikes, the gasping chick rebels.

septembris 21, 1964


janvāris 1, 2013

A lamb's parents are shocked because their little lamb doesn't sound like the other sheep; it says "moo" instead of "baa".

A young college student struggles with his personal faith. After the death of a close friend, he goes on a personal journey where he discovers his true identity and self worth.

Artist Bart Eysink Smeets is ready to confront our obsession with being unique. To rid the world of this, he will prove that he is not unique. He goes looking for his doppelgänger.

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