44 Filme

Finney Shaw je normálny trinásťročný chlapec, ktorému zmení život sadistický vrah, ktorý ho unesie a uväzní vo zvukotesnej pivnici, kde nemá zmysel volať o pomoc. Lenže potom zazvoní na stene visiaci odpojený telefón a na Finneyho začnú zo slúchadla hovoriť predchádzajúce únoscove obete. Tie majú jeden spoločný cieľ - postarať sa o to, aby Finneyho príbeh neskončil tak tragicky ako ten ich.

1. Dezember 2023

Počas krutej massachusettskej zimy roku 1964 je mladá sekretárka Eileen očarená Rebeccou Saint Johnovou, očarujúcou novou poradkyňou vo väznici, kde pracuje. Ich rodiace sa priateľstvo naberie spád, keď Rebecca odhalí temné tajomstvo - a vrhne Eileen na zlovestnú cestu.

12. Mai 2023

17-year-old Jem Starling struggles with her place within her Christian fundamentalist community. But everything changes when her magnetic youth pastor Owen returns to their church.

7. Mai 1982

A young girl whose father is an ex-convict and whose mother is a junkie finds it difficult to conform and tries to find comfort in a quirky combination of Elvis and the punk scene.

25. Dezember 1999

Film je adaptáciou rovnomenného autobiografického románu Franka McCourta, v ktorom spomína na svoje ťažké detstvo strávené v chudobných štvrtiach írskeho Limericku. Vydanie románu sprevádzal v USA menší škandál, keďže autorova rodina sa od neho dištancovala a spochybnila pravdivosť McCourtových spomienok. Samotný film sa pomerne presne drží knižnej predlohy, ale miestami pôsobí trochu chladnejšie. Príbeh sa odohráva prevažne v Limericku, kde Frank vyrastá s matkou Angelou a otcom Malachym, ktorého sklon k alkoholizmu ochudobňuje celú rodinu. Frank prichádza o niekoľko súrodencov zo svojej početnej rodiny a postupne vidí jediné východisko v tom, že sa presťahuje do Ameriky. Matka Angela znáša svoj osud trpezlivo a pre svojho potomka je ochotná urobiť takmer čokoľvek. Film zaujme naturalistickým zobrazením súčasného života v chudobnom a daždivom Limericku. Film získal Cenu divákov na 35. MFF Karlove Vary 2000.

Členovia rodiny Westonovcov sa po dlhšej dobe opäť schádzajú pri príležitosti pohrebu otca, umelca a alkoholika, ktorý spáchal samovraždu. Vzťahy v rodine nikdy neboli dobré a matka ani pri tejto príležitosti neustupuje pred spormi so svojimi tromi dcérami. Tie to však tiež nemajú v živote jednoduché - jednej sa rozpadáva manželstvo, ďalšia sa snaží utajiť dlhoročný vzťah s vlastným bratrancom a posledná prišla na pohreb v spoločnosti pochybného snúbenca.

An aging, down-on-his-luck ex-minor leaguer coaches a team of misfits in an ultra-competitive California little league.

Sent from Seoul to serve in a remote coastal village, a policewoman gets involved in the life of a mysterious teenage girl who is abused by both her father and her grandmother.

Dolores Claiborneová bola pred dvadsiatimi rokmi obvinená zo zabitia svojho násilníckeho manžela, ale zistenia súdu boli nepresvedčivé, a tak ju nechali na slobode. Teraz ju obvinili z vraždy jej zamestnávateľky Very Donovanovej a tentoraz sa našiel svedok, ktorý ju môže z činu usvedčiť. S Dolores to nevyzerá dobre, ale jej dcéra Selena, úspešná autorka manhattanských časopisov, sa vracia, aby sa venovala reportáži.

12. März 1970

Svoje detstvo prežívala v chudobe, nepriateľstve a ponížení. Francúzska dráma natočená podľa diela Georgesa Bernanosa.

18. September 1987

A womanizer meets his match when he falls for the daughter of a gambling addict who is in debt to the mob.

28. September 2019

The story of a child star attempting to mend his relationship with his law-breaking, alcohol-abusing father over the course of a decade, loosely based on Shia LaBeouf’s life.

19. November 1954

A family saga: In a stunning mountain valley ranch setting near Aspen, complex and dangerous family dynamics play out against the backdrop of the first big snowstorm of winter and an enormous panther with seemingly mythical qualities which is killing cattle.

21. September 2001

Elisabeth leaves her abusive and drunken husband Rolf, and goes to live with her brother, Göran. The year is 1975 and Göran lives in a commune called Together. Living in this leftist commune Elisabeth learns that the world can be viewed from different perspectives.

18. Juni 2021

For Billie and Nico, life with their father is a roller-coaster ride of playfulness and unease. When he is in the grip of alcohol, tears flow and their apparently idyllic family life collapses. Their mostly absent and irresponsible mother is not much help either. But their friendship with Malik, a boy of Billie’s age, frees them from their shackles. Together they embark on a journey full of intense moments of freedom. The colourful, emotional world of the three young people is depicted in kaleidoscopic black and white imagery, which opens space for their own notions of childhood. Alexandre Rockwell's tale portrays a profound sense of solidarity and deep love: for cinema and Billie Holiday, and also for risk and adventure.

West Texas, in the 1960's. A tale of two 12-year-olds who embark on an adventure to find new parents in order to escape their unhappy and emotionally unsatisfying family life.

13. Dezember 1957

In the outwardly respectable New England community of Peyton Place, shopkeeper Constance McKenzie tries to make up for a past indiscretion -- which resulted in her illegitimate daughter Allison -- by adopting a chaste, prudish attitude towards all things sexual. In spite of herself, Constance can't help but be attracted to handsome new teacher Michael Rossi. Meanwhile, the restless Allison, who'd like to be as footloose and fancy-free as the town's "fast girl" Betty Anderson, falls sincerely in love with mixed-up mama's boy Norman Page.

26. September 2008

Muththu is one of the naughtiest boys in his school and is always caught red-handed by the teachers. Things become worse when he gets arrested for bringing liquor to school. The story follows as Muththu overcomes his harsh circumstances with the help of his teacher.

The story of a lifelong swimmer-turned-artist, exploring the issues of sexuality, grief, and addiction.

10. Dezember 1982

One year after a young girl dies in a car accident, her sister begins seeing visions of her, while the family home is plagued by strange happenings.

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