Antroje serijos dalyje, atkeršijęs jį apgavusiam Italijos mafijos bosui Santinui, Džonas Vikas (aktorius Keanu Reeves‘as) patenka į nepavydėtiną padėtį. Nužudęs Santiną viešbutyje „Continental“, teikiančiame nusikaltėliams absoliutų prieglobstį, Džonas pažeidžia vieną svarbiausių samdomų žudikų bendrijos įsakų. Viešbučio valdytojas Vinstonas (akt. Ian‘as McShane‘as) neturi kitos išeities, kaip paskelbti atlygį už paties Džono Viko galvą. 14 milijonų dolerių – riebus kąsnelis net ir geriausiai besiverčiantiems nusikaltėliams, tad prabėgus valandai, kurią jam davė Vinstonas, Džoną ims medžioti daugybė aukščiausio kalibro samdomų žudikų. Džonui Vikui reikia kuo greičiau išsinešdinti iš Niujorko. Kartu su vienintele jam likusia sąjungininke – žudike Sofija (akt. Halle Berry) – Džonas leidžiasi į kruviniausią savo gyvenimo kelionę.

1943 sausio 23

Antrasis pasaulinis karas, Kasablanka. Amerikos emigrantas Rikas Bleinas vadovauja populiariausiam naktiniam klubui mieste. Ciniško vienišo vilko Bleino rankose atsitiktinai atsiduria du vertingi laiškai. Nacių majorui Štraseriui atvykus į Kasablanką, jam pataikaujantis policijos kapitonas Reno padarys viską, kad jam įtiktų. Jis netgi sulaikys čekų pogrindžio vadą Viktorą Lazlo. Rikas labai nustemba išvydęs Lazlo kartu su Ilsa, savo sena meile. Rikas pyksta ant Ilsos, nes kadaise Paryžiuje ji jį paliko, tačiau išaiškėjus, kad tam buvo rimta priežastis, jiedu planuoja pasinaudoti laiškais ir kartu pabėgti.

2019 sausio 18

A counter-terrorism expert takes a job protecting a young heiress. After an attempted kidnapping puts both of their lives in danger, they must flee.

Ali, Kwita, Omar and Boubker are street kids. The daily dose of glue sniffing represents their only escape from reality. Since they left Dib and his gang, they have been living on the portside of Casablanca. They live in constant fear of Dib's revenge. Ali wants to become a sailor - when he was living with his mother, a prostitute, he used to listen to a fairy tale about the sailor who discovered the miracle island with two suns. Instead of finding his island in the dream, Ali and his friends are confronted with Dib's gang. Matters are getting serious.

2019 spalio 18

Ablos namai Kasablankoje užpildyti šviežiai kepamos duonos kvapo ir jos dukrelės juoko. Vieną dieną į jų duris pasibeldžia Samia – jauna, nėščia ir netekėjusi mergina, neturinti nei darbo, nei pastogės. Abla priglaudžia merginą, atstumtą konservatyvios visuomenės, kurioje nesantuokinis kūdikis laikomas didžiule gėda. Samia padeda Ablai kepti ir pardavinėti pyragaičius bei duoną ir pamažu tarp moterų užsimezga draugystė. Tačiau laikiną užuovėją radusiai Samiai netrukus teks atsakyti į patį sunkiausią klausimą - ką daryti gimus vaikeliui, kuriam ji neturi ką duoti?

1966 rugpjūčio 1

One of six travelers who catch the bus from Casablanca airport to Marrakesh is carrying $2 million to pay a local operator to fix United Nations votes. But which one?

The film follows two brothers over the course of a decade. While they begin as kids in search of thrills in the sprawling slums of Morocco’s Sidi Moumen, we witness their gradual, and ultimately shocking, radicalisation.

FBI Agent Lemmy Caution is sent after a missing two million in Casablanca while mob boss mistress Carlotta plays both sides of the law.

A documentary about the making of the classic film "Casablanca."

1984 rugsėjo 22

A futuristic rebel becomes a Humphrey Bogart character after watching repeated reruns of Casablanca.

2008 gruodžio 24

A Moroccan-Norwegian co-production about the dark side of Casablanca (Casanegra). In a country where good virtues are the norm in public, Casanegra shows the vices: domestic violence, alcohol abuse and drug abuse. Meet Karim and Adil and their struggle in the big city.

2005 gegužės 20

A Muslim girl and a Jewish boy fall in love.

2011 gruodžio 17

Whoever wanted a sex reassignment surgery in the 1950's could do so in Casablanca, at French gynaecologist Georges Burou's clinic, without fear of psychological examination. The French transgender singer known as Coccinelle was one of the first to use Burou’s services, and many others followed. Michiel Van Erp’s film follows five women who underwent surgery during that time, just before the sexual revolution and the Gay Liberation movement of the 1960's. Intimate interviews reveal their lifestyle, what made them change their sex, how it influenced their lives, and how they cope with the unavoidable ageing.

2023 liepos 25

Spain, November 5, 2021. After an emergency landing, several people traveling from Casablanca (Morocco) to Istanbul (Turkey) escape from Palma de Mallorca airport.

The life and times of a Casablanca cafe waiter.

1930 spalio 26

Four one-for-all and all-for-one privates in the French Foreign Legion are all in jail for disorderly conduct, but they break out and rejoin their regiment and fight off a band of marauding Arabs, and are soon in Casablanca getting decorated by the French Minister of War. Deucalion spots Eleanor, a spy who had done him dirt and after tangling with the local gendarmes, they take her and head back for Morocco where they are charged with desertion, and have to go out and defeat some more marauding natives, and dodge the machine-gun fire directed at them by the highly-displeased Eleanor, and one thing just follows another.

2023 birželio 26

Casablanca emerged from a sensitive look (and listening) from a characteristic place on 3rd street in the center of Goiânia. With a territorial approach through a biographical perspective, the documentary tells the storys of the lives of Zardos and Iara that today allow places like Casablanca to continue to exist in a big city. On Thursdays, at 8 pm, what during the week was just a pizzeria, becomes an environment where bolero goes beyond the corners.

1951 rugpjūčio 4

This FitzPatrick Traveltalk short visits the cities of Casablanca, Rabat, and Marrakesh in Morocco, as well as the city of Algiers in Algeria.

Six and Twelve is one of a series of short films and documentaries produced under the auspices of the Centre Cinématographique Marocain in the years after Moroccan independence. While most of these were utilitarian in nature, Bouanani, Tazi, and Rechiche took a different route with this film, creating a modernist “city symphony” film that documented six hours in the life of the city of Casablanca. Combining a hard bebop soundtrack with stunning black and white cinematography and a radical editing style, the film stands as a document to the energetic experimentation of this period of Moroccan art and cinema.

A remix film combining elements of found footage and structural filmmaking by combining Humphrey Bogart's quote from Casablanca with found footage of explosions, emphasized by repetition.

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