84 部电影

Када Елен Грахам умре, породица њене ћерке почиње да разоткрива застрашујуће тајне о своме пореклу. Што више откривају, то више настоје да избегну злокобну судбину коју су наследили.

Прошло је годину дана откако је др Норман Спенсер (Харисон Форд) преварио своју лепу жену Клер (Мишел Фајфер). Пошто Клер не зна ништа о томе, а и афера је окончана, Норманов брак и живот делују савршено и то у толикој мери да, кад му Клер саопшти да чује тајанствене гласове и да види дух једне младе жене у њиховој кући, он њен све већи страх приписује халуцинацијама. Ипак, како се Клер све више приближава истини, постаје све јасније да се ова утвара не може заташкати и да се вратила по др Нормана и његову лепу жену.

Застрашујућа драма приказује повратак прослављеног детектива Херкула Поароа. У пензији, Поаро живи у самонаметнутој изолацији у најгламурознијем граду на свету и невољно присуствује сеансама у једној урушеној, уклетој палати. Када се догоди убиство једног од гостију, детектив бива увучен у злокобни свет сенки и тајни.

2020 年 07 月 30 日

Six friends hire a medium to hold a séance via Zoom during lockdown — but they get far more than they bargained for as things quickly go wrong. When an evil spirit starts invading their homes, they begin to realise they might not survive the night.

2007 年 12 月 28 日

A woman brings her family back to her childhood home, which used to be an orphanage, intent on reopening it. Before long, her son starts to communicate with a new invisible friend.

Главни лик филма је амбициозни радник у циркусу који има способност да само са пар речи изманипулише било кога. Заводи психотерапеуткињу за коју се испоставља да је много опаснија од њега.

1958 年 05 月 30 日

American professor John Holden arrives in London for a conference on parapsychology only to discover that the colleague he was supposed to meet was killed in a freak accident the day before. It turns out that the deceased had been investigating a cult lead by Dr. Julian Karswell. Though a skeptic, Holden is suspicious of the devil-worshiping Karswell. Following a trail of mysterious manuscripts, Holden enters a world that makes him question his faith in science.

Година 2691. у Калифорнија. Чак де Номолос планира да промени историју и створи друштво по својој жељи, путем рата и насиља. Да би остварио своје планове он израђује дупликате Била и Теда. То су зли андроиди чији задатак је да елиминишу оригинале... Наставак шашаве тинејџерске комедије.

1980 年 03 月 28 日

After a tragic event happens, composer John Russell moves to Seattle to try to overcome it and build a new and peaceful life in a lonely big house that has been uninhabited for many years. But, soon after, the obscure history of such an old mansion and his own past begin to haunt him.

2010 年 01 月 29 日

After 16-year-old Alice Palmer drowns in a local dam, her family experiences a series of strange, inexplicable events centered in and around their home. Unsettled, the Palmers seek the help of psychic and parapsychologist, who discovers that Alice led a secret, double life. At Lake Mungo, Alice's secret past emerges.

2017 年 08 月 11 日

In 1930s France, two sisters who are thought to be able to communicate with ghosts meet a visionary producer while performing in Paris.

1964 年 11 月 05 日

Working-class British housewife Myra Savage reinvents herself as a medium, holding seances in the sitting room of her home with the hidden assistance of her under-employed, asthmatic husband, Billy. In an attempt to enhance her credibility as a psychic, Myra hatches an elaborate, ill-conceived plot to kidnap a wealthy couple's young daughter so that she can then help the police "find" the missing girl.

2014 年 04 月 25 日

A professor and his students perform a dangerous experiment that causes a young woman to lose her sanity.

1990 年 10 月 12 日

When young Joshua learns that he will be going on vacation with his family to a small town called Nilbog, he protests adamantly. He is warned by the spirit of his deceased grandfather that goblins populate the town. His parents, Michael and Diana, dismiss his apprehensions, but soon learn to appreciate their son's warnings. Guided by his grandfather's ghost, will Joshua and his family stand a chance in fighting off these evil beings?

1960 年 08 月 05 日

Reclusive Dr. Zorba has died and left his mansion to his nephew Cyrus and his family. They will need to search the house to find the doctor's fortune, but along with the property they have also inherited the occultist's collection of 13 ghosts.

2015 年 02 月 12 日

A police officer and a psychologist investigate the deaths of five people who were killed while trying to summon ghosts.

Emanuelle hosts this peculiar sexploitation Mondo film that looks at several examples of bizarre sexual behavior.

1944 年 02 月 26 日

A brother and sister move into an old seaside house that has been abandoned for many years on the Cornwellian coast only to soon discover that it is haunted by the ghost of the mother of their neighbor's granddaughter, with whom the brother has fallen in love.

Два духа која су погрешно означени као издајници током револуционарног рата у Новој Енглеској 20. века, добила су писмо од Џорџа Вашингтона које би доказало њихову невиност.

2012 年 01 月 31 日

Yorkshire, 1974, the Maynard family moves into their dream house. It's a dream that quickly descends into a panic stricken nightmare as the family discovers a horrifying truth, a truth that will make the history books. The house is already occupied by the most violent poltergeist ever documented, a poltergeist that will tear you from your bed as you sleep and drag you helplessly into the darkness.



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