316 movies

aprīlis 26, 2024

Tennis player turned coach Tashi has taken her husband, Art, and transformed him into a world-famous Grand Slam champion. To jolt him out of his recent losing streak, she signs him up for a "Challenger" event — close to the lowest level of pro tournament — where he finds himself standing across the net from his former best friend and Tashi's former boyfriend.

When college senior Anastasia Steele steps in for her sick roommate to interview prominent businessman Christian Grey for their campus paper, little does she realize the path her life will take. Christian, as enigmatic as he is rich and powerful, finds himself strangely drawn to Ana, and she to him. Though sexually inexperienced, Ana plunges headlong into an affair -- and learns that Christian's true sexual proclivities push the boundaries of pain and pleasure.

marts 8, 2024

Reclusive gym manager Lou falls hard for Jackie, an ambitious bodybuilder headed through town to Las Vegas in pursuit of her dream. But their love ignites violence, pulling them deep into the web of Lou’s criminal family.

jūlijs 16, 1999

After Dr. Bill Harford's wife, Alice, admits to having sexual fantasies about a man she met, Bill becomes obsessed with having a sexual encounter. He discovers an underground sexual group and attends one of their meetings -- and quickly discovers that he is in over his head.

Pēc kāzām abi jaunlaulātie dodas izbaudīt medusmēnesi un laimīgos brīžus divvientulībā. Abi nenojauš, ka viņu dzīvē briest tumši notikumi – sens Anastasijas ienaidnieks kaldina atriebības plānu, un arī Kristjena pagātnes rēgi atgādinās par sevi - šie notikumi kļūs par viņu mīlestības un uzticības pārbaudījumu.

When a wounded Christian Grey tries to entice a cautious Ana Steele back into his life, she demands a new arrangement before she will give him another chance. As the two begin to build trust and find stability, shadowy figures from Christian’s past start to circle the couple, determined to destroy their hopes for a future together.

A university professor gradually succumbing to blindness is entranced by an obsessive love, in this modern-day adaptation of a classic Korean fairy tale.

oktobris 30, 2014

Ga-hee appeared in front of Seong-min who was bored running a book store after retiring. Ga-hee runs a ballet school and wasn"t on very good terms with her husband, which led to her and Seong-min falling madly in love together. They know they shouldn"t be together, but that"s what makes everything even better. Later on, their love reaches the point of destruction...

An Italian high school student becomes infatuated with a woman he sees outside his class window. Her fiancée is in jail for being involved in a radical movement, and she spends much time in court providing moral support. At first she resists the student's advances, but eventually begins an affair with him. Their situation is condemned by her family and his father, who is the woman's psychologist.

Stāsts par Sanfrancisko detektīvu Niku Karrenu, kurš izmeklē slepkavības lietu, taču nespēj pretoties galvenās aizdomās turamās - rakstnieces, šokējošu romānu autores Ketrīnas valdzinājumam un neremdināmajai kaislei. Notikumi savērpjas neatšķetināmā noslēpumu un noziegumu virpulī, arvien mazāk ir atbilžu, arvien vairāk jautājumu un strupceļu izmeklēšanā…

maijs 10, 2002

Connie is a wife and mother whose 11-year marriage to Edward has lost its sexual spark. When Connie literally runs into handsome book collector Paul, he sweeps her into an all-consuming affair. But Edward soon becomes suspicious and decides to confront the other man.

Bored and restless, Alice spends much of her time lusting after Jim, a local sawmill worker. When not lusting after him, Alice fills the hours with such pursuits as writing her name on a mirror with vaginal secretions and wandering the fields with her underwear around her ankles. And, in true teenaged tradition, she spends a lot of time writing in her diary.

Ong-nye had a world of men wrapped around her finger, until, one day, a horrific injury leaves her handicapped, and she retreats to the mountains. But one man may break her loneliness.

augusts 3, 2001

A young man is plunged into a life of subterfuge, deceit and mistaken identity in pursuit of a femme fatale whose heart is never quite within his grasp

Viņa ir simpātiska, izglītota un materiāli nodrošināta 28 gadus veca sieviete. Turklāt viņai ir ļoti brīvi uzskati par seksu, viņa nemitīgi meklē jaunus piedzīvojumus, lai apmierinātu neremdināmo seksuālo ziņkāri un kaisli. Viņa pārguļ ar ko vien vēlas, kad vien vēlas, padarot seksu par dzīvesveidu. Šāds dzīvesveids kļūst par prostitūciju, kurā viņa piepilda karjeru, bet arī atrod mīlestību

marts 20, 1997

After getting into a serious car accident, a TV director discovers an underground sub-culture of scarred, omnisexual car-crash victims, and he begins to use car accidents and the raw sexual energy they produce to try to rejuvenate his sex life with his wife.

augusts 25, 2021

When Pippa and Thomas move into their dream apartment, they notice that their windows look directly into the apartment opposite – inviting them to witness the volatile relationship of the attractive couple across the street. But what starts as a simple curiosity turns into full-blown obsession with increasingly dangerous consequences.

A brilliant general distinguishes himself by protecting the dynasty's borders while keeping an eye on one of the sons of the king.

marts 20, 1998

When teen-socialite Kelly Van Ryan and troubled bad girl Suzie Toller accuse guidance counselor Sam Lombardo of rape, he's suspended by the school, rejected by the town, and fighting to get his life back. One cop suspects conspiracy, but nothing is what it seems...

Fifteen-year-old Lulu has never known any affection from her family. But when she goes to a rock concert with Pablo, a friend of the family, he introduces Lulu to her first sexual experience. Years later, Pablo and Lulu have married; Pablo has created a sheltered, private world for Lulu, into which nothing intrudes. However, Lulu tires of her cloistered existence, and begins hanging out in shady bars, looking for vicarious thrills and danger.

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