25 elokuvaa

在德州某屠宰场,肥胖的女工正在案板切肉,突然感到腹中剧痛,原来身怀有孕的她羊水已破,产下一个畸形儿,遗弃在垃圾箱,后来被清洁工救起。N年后,一群年轻人驾车路过这里。刚从越南前线归来的艾瑞克(马修•波莫 Matthew Bomer 饰)刚与未婚妻克莉希(乔丹娜•布鲁斯特 Jordana Brewster 饰)团聚,就得知弟弟迪恩(泰勒•汉德雷 Taylor Handley 饰)又要去前线,他本想陪弟弟共赴沙场。但迪安在女友贝莉(迪奥拉•拜尔德 Diora Baird 饰)的劝说下准备将入伍证烧掉,他们为此产生了争执。这时,他们遭到了飙车党挑衅。后来,为首的女孩竟然被警察击毙。警察霍伊特(R•李•艾尔米 R. Lee Ermey 饰)拦住了他们的车子,把他们带到了令人毛骨悚然的屠宰场,开始了惨无人道的折磨……

12 marraskuu 2021

Hana spends twenty years suppressing a maleficent curse that was placed upon her bloodline, only to have a family member knowingly release it forcing her to kill or to be killed.






1 heinäkuu 1966

江湖败类“索命五虎”作恶多端,杀人如麻。其老大被两江总督张大人俘获,不日问斩。其余四虎铤而走险,劫走张大人之子张步青以作要挟。张步青之妹张熙燕(郑佩佩 饰)武艺高强,人送绰号“金燕子”。为救兄长,张熙燕独闯虎穴,然恶徒狡猾非常,金燕子救兄不成,还险些丢掉性命。关键时刻,幸得隐于江湖的侠客范大悲(岳华 饰)出手搭救。   范大悲曾为某寺院修行者,其师兄了空大师为夺掌门人之位杀害师傅,师傅临死前将丐帮掌门人信物交给范大悲。念及师兄弟之情,范从此隐姓埋名,以醉猫的诨号浪荡江湖。此次索命五虎与了空大师联手,势要将金燕子和范大悲斩草除根……


洛杉矶警察约翰受派前往一个小镇去调查发生的一系列命案,与一个年轻盲女海莲娜恋爱。他遭遇前所未有的棘手挑战,他必须和时间赛跑,保护海莲娜别成为下一个受害者。   女星是乌玛-瑟曼,她演的戴眼镜的女超人很性感!本片拍摄于1992年,乌玛时年22岁,值得一看。

  在这部“戛纳电影节影评人周单元”作品中,一只断手在巴黎的一间实验室里逃脱了不幸的命运,动身重新和身体连接在一起。在一次令人毛骨悚然的穿越城市冒险之旅中,断手与鸽子和老鼠等诸多阻碍做斗争,只为与披萨男孩劳伍菲尔重聚。断手对劳伍菲尔的回忆以及他对图书管理员加布丽尔的爱可能会让我们了解导致断手与身体的分离的原因,并为他们三人可能的重逢提供了诗意的背景。本片改编自获奥斯卡金像奖提名的纪尧姆·洛朗(《天使爱美丽》)的小说《Happy Hand》。

8 helmikuu 1947

Locals in an Italian village believe evil has taken over the estate of a recently deceased pianist where murder has taken place. The alleged killer: the pianist's severed hand.

Those who have interfered with the Tomb of Ra-Antef are in terrible danger. Against expert advice, American showman and financial backer of the expedition, Alexander King, plans a world tour exhibiting this magnificent discovery from the ancient world but on the opening night the sarcophagus is void of its contents. The mummy has escaped to fulfill the dreadful prophesy and exact a violent and bloody revenge on all those who defiled his final resting place.

In the late 18th century, two newlyweds move into the stately mansion of husband Charles Fengriffen. The bride, Catherine, falls victim to a curse placed by a wronged servant on the Fengriffen family and all its descendants.

A group of scientists travel to a remote island to study the effects of nuclear weapons tests, only to get stranded when their airplane mysteriously explodes. The team soon discovers that the tests have given rise to crabs mutated into intelligent, impervious, telepathic giants intent on increasing their numbers by breeding, then travelling to populated areas to feed, and which do not intend to be stopped by their discoverers.

24 huhtikuu 1981


A one-handed madman (he lost the hand while escaping a hanging) uses various detachable devices as murder weapons to gain revenge on those he believes have wronged him.

A hunchback working in a morgue falls in love with a sick woman. He goes berserk when she dies and seeks help from a scientist to bring her back from the dead.

An attorney arrives at a castle to settle the estate of its recently deceased owner. The owner's wife and daughter reveal that he was someone who was able to summon the souls of ancient plague victims and, in fact, his spirit was roaming the castle at that very moment. Soon occupants of the castle begin to die off in gruesome, violent ways.

A British woman visits her husband at the Mexican mine he is attempting to reopen and discovers that the workers refuse to enter the mine, fearing an ancient curse. The couple enter the mine to prove there is no danger and inadvertently release a demon which possesses people's left hands and forces them to behave in a suitably diabolical manner.

弗兰肯斯坦博士被丢在树林里等死。他的女儿Vera Frankenstein博士正在追捕袭击他的人:Cagliostro博士,一位疯狂的科学家,他创造了一个人类与动物杂交的种族。

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