22 本の映画

  本片取材自约阿希姆·费斯特2002年的著作《希特勒的末日》和希特勒的私人秘书特劳德尔·荣格同年的回忆录《直到最后时刻》,曾获得奥斯卡最佳外语片奖的提名。 荣格自从1942年被希特勒雇佣为秘书后,转眼到了1945年3月,苏联大军兵临城下,纳粹德国政府内人心惶惶。不但重要的亲信希姆莱和戈林相继叛离希特勒而去,而且军队人手不足,连平民和小孩都被迫送上战场,看不到希望的将军也整日借酒消愁...这是一部纪实性电影,逼真地反映了希特勒人生的最后12天,第三帝国最后的日子。苏联红军已经攻入柏林,希特勒和情妇爱娃也躲到了掩体下。爱娃知道自己是来陪希特勒一起共赴黄泉的,但她并不后悔。即使在她向希特勒为妹夫求情遭拒绝后,她也和希特勒一起举办了最后一次的婚礼。希特勒的忠实追随者戈倍尔决心全家一起陪着元首殉葬。他共有7个孩子,他和妻子坚决不让自己的孩子们在没有帝国的天空生长,在希特勒和爱娃自杀后也一同自杀。令人不胜感慨。历史的真实通过镜头一幕幕重现。

《变态者意识形态指南》,是2012年由索菲亚·菲尼斯导演,斯洛文尼亚哲学家、心理学家斯拉沃热·齐泽克编剧、主演的英国纪录片,是菲尼斯2006年的纪录片《变态者电影指南》的续集。本片承接上集的展现形式,通过齐泽克对全金属外壳、出租车司机等电影的扩展,用心理分析的方法阐释了“机械主义塑造了我们的思与行”,将重点放在意识形态本身。本电影于 2013 年 11 月在美国由时代精神电影公司发行。


  20岁的玛丽莎(艾琳娜·莱辛 Alina Levshin 饰)是一个愤世嫉俗、特立独行的德国女孩,平日里他与一群新纳粹伙伴聚在一起,仇恨一切异族、外国人、警察乃至所有看不顺眼的人。破败的家庭让她很难体会到温暖,而充斥着性、暴力、酒精的团体却让她有着强烈归属感。可是,在于来自阿富汗的少年拉索(Sayed Ahmad 饰)三番五次的接触中,玛丽莎充满愤怒的心悄悄发生了转变。与此同时,年仅14岁的丝雯嘉(婕拉·海斯 Jella Haase 饰)进入叛逆期,正试图从乖乖女变成一个挑战一切禁忌的个性少女,她加入了玛丽莎所在的团体,与这个酷劲十足的前辈共同经历着人生最重要的蜕变……   本片荣获2011年巴伐利亚电影节最佳导演奖和最佳青年演员奖(Jella Haase);2012年德国电影节最佳女主角奖(Alina Levshin)和最佳剧本奖。

Lopitos, who is horribly inefficient but quick-witted, is invited (because of the current ambassador's superstition about 13 sitting down to a meal) to a banquet attended by the ambassadors of both superpowers. After the news of a series of coups d'état in Los Cocos arrives throughout the meal, Lopitos becomes the official ambassador. At a summit of world leaders, the representatives of the two world superpowers court the allegiances of third-world diplomats to tilt the balance of global power in their favor. The last diplomat to remain unaligned, Lopitos instead harangues the superpowers for infringing on the rights of developing countries to self determination, talking to them with his point of view as a citizen not as ambassador because he arranged his demise as ambassador one day before his speech.


  故事发生在70年代的斯德哥尔摩。伊丽莎白的丈夫洛夫是个粗暴的酒鬼。在他第N次揍那可怜的妻子后,她终于无法忍受,带着两个孩子爱娃和斯蒂凡离家出走,投奔哥哥葛兰。   葛兰和他的一群嬉皮士朋友组成了一个小小的团体名为“TOGETHER”,尽管风云变幻的60年代已经过去,曾经是嬉皮运动和学生运动中心的大城市早已平静下来,但在偏远的斯堪地那维亚,真正的“伍德斯托克(Woodstock)一代”才刚刚成长起来。葛兰和他的朋友就正在实践着建立原始的聚居公社的理想,他们像一个大家庭一般生活在一起。在这个“家”里,形形色色的人试图和睦相处。他们中间有愤世嫉俗的犬儒主义者,宣扬环保至上的素食主义者,激进的社会党人,女同性恋者,变性者,暴动分子等等。他们拒绝资本主义制度,排斥电视机和禽肉,宣扬社会主义和自由的爱,整天讨论他们内心中并不怎么相信的理论,沉迷于开放的性关系和改变世界的空想中。


A historical perspective to understand Neoliberalism and to understand why this ideology today so profoundly influences the choices of our governments and our lives.

An hour long interview with Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek made by Russia Today for his 70th birthday. In this documentary Žižek answers questions from the public in regards to politics and ideology, gender and sex, philosophy and psychoanalysis, hardcore pornography and sexual liberation in the West, in his usual style of polemics and comedy.

In the early 1970s, Otto Schily and Hans-Christian Ströbele were part of the group of attorneys of the left-wing extraparliamentary opposition in Germany. In this function, they, for instance, represented the militant Horst Mahler in court. One thing that united all three of them was their goal to create a new and different republic. They viewed Federal Germany as an oppressor of political freedom and as a vassal of the United States. Today, Schily is a former Federal Minister of the Interior with a firmly conservative stance and Ströbele is a well-respected member of the left wing of the Green Party in the German parliament while Mahler has again come into conflict with the law because of his extremist right-wing activities.


An unsettling mystery about desperation and class divisions in the age of digital capitalism.

A fencing master in pre-revolution Spain is hired to teach fencing to a beautiful young woman. Although he has never taught a woman before he is fascinated by her and agrees. She wishes to learn a particular thrust which he is famous for. When a local nobleman becomes involved with her the intrigue begins.

The poet and painter, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, is among the world's living monuments to arts and letters. For well over a half century, Ferlinghetti helped shape the currents of poetry and literature with his forceful engagement with society and an ideological position that often found him at odds with the political currents of his day. Ferlinghetti's quiet, behind the scenes demeanor and disarming mien may have assuaged, or even fooled, certain opponents, while in reality he was a literary mercenary, a rebel at the forefront of our own cultural revolution.






"Africa Light" - as white local citizens call Namibia. The name suggests romance, the beauty of nature and promises a life without any problems in a country where the difference between rich and poor could hardly be greater. Namibia does not give that impression of it. If you look at its surface it seems like Africa in its most innocent and civilized form. It is a country that is so inviting to dream by its spectacular landscape, stunning scenery and fascinating wildlife. It has a very strong tourism structure and the government gets a lot of money with its magical attraction. But despite its grandiose splendor it is an endless gray zone as well. It oscillates between tradition and modernity, between the cattle in the country and the slums in the city. It shuttles from colonial times, land property reform to minimum wage for everyone. It fluctuates between socialism and cold calculated market economy.

In 1987 GDR citizen Mario Röllig was arrested in Hungary for attempting to flee the GDR. Nowadays he gives talks about his experiences. This portrait shows just how subjective and riddled with taboos attempts to interpret GDR history can be.


Silent Gunpowder (Serbo-Croatian: Gluvi barut) is a Yugoslavian war film Based on a novel by Branko Ćopić and set during World War II, the film tells the story of a Serbian village in the mountains of Bosnia and its villagers who found themselves divided along two opposing ideological lines, represented by the Chetniks and the Partisans. These two opposing sides are personified in the Partisan commander Španac and a former Royal Army officer Radekić. Španac sees Radekić as the cause of villagers' resistance to the new, Communist, ideology and so the main plot axis is the conflict between them. At the 1990 Pula Film Festival, the film won the Big Golden Arena for Best Film, as well as the awards for Best Actor in a Leading Role (Branislav Lečić), Best Film Score (Goran Bregović). The film was also shown at the 1991 Moscow International Film Festival, where both Branislav Lečić and Mustafa Nadarević won the Silver St. George Award for their performances.


Two businessmen pose as film-makers in order to get away with the murder of a young girl.


In true 1950's educational film style we watch as high school boy Johnny wrestles with a terrible secret. Johnny is a closeted-heterosexual. What will his dads do when they discover he's only pretending to be like everyone else.


When Dr. Schmith's proposal for international research on infant mortality is rejected, he decides to leave East Germany and strikes a deal with an escape agency that promises him a leading position at a children's hospital in West Germany. But then the decision is reversed: the project is approved and his international colleagues want Dr. Schmith to head the GDR section. Moreover, he falls in love with his new colleague, Katharina. Schmith initially tries to ignore the arrangements he made with the escape agency, but they blackmail him. Things soon turn deadly...



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