39 movies

11 gadus vecā Džesa dzīve izmainās, kad viņš sadraudzējas ar meiteni, kas ienākusi viņa klasē, pārceļoties no citas pilsētas. Džess un Lesija kopā rada noslēpumainu valstību Terabitiju – pasauli, kurā mīt milži, troļļi un dažnedažādas citas brīnumainas būtnes. Lai gan ģimenē un skolā jāsakaras ar grūtībām, Terabitijā viņi var būt karalis un karaliene. Kad negaidīti notiek traģēdija, ciešā draudzība un Terabitija dod spēkus to pārvarēt.

decembris 3, 2010

Baletdejotāja iegūst slaveno princeses Odetas lomu baleta izrādē „Gulbja ezers”. Bargā režisora kritika, tieksme uz perfekcionismu un skatuves aizkulises liek pamazām viņai zaudēt veselo saprātu. Viņa arvien vairāk sāk līdzināties Odīlijai-melnajam gulbim.

jūnijs 22, 2018

A mother of two inherits a home from her aunt. On the first night in the new home she is confronted with murderous intruders and fights for her daughters’ lives. Sixteen years later the daughters reunite at the house, and that is when things get strange . . .

septembris 16, 2022

From her volatile childhood as Norma Jeane, through her rise to stardom and romantic entanglements, this reimagined fictional portrait of Hollywood legend Marilyn Monroe blurs the lines of fact and fiction to explore the widening split between her public and private selves.

februāris 27, 2020

Uzņēmējs Rorks kādā tropiskā salā izveidojis īstu paradīzi, kur visneprātīgākie viesu sapņi kļūst par realitāti. Tur nokļūt nav vienkārši: pakalpojuma cena ir milzīgā, stingri ierobežots viesu skaits un pat veiksmes faktors — veiksminieki tiek atlasīti loterijā. Kādu dienu veiksme uzsmaida Melānijai. Viņa nonāk izsapņotajā kūrortā, un šeit viss ir tieši tā, kā viņa iedomājusies. Taču sapņi kļūst par murgiem un Melānijai kopā ar citiem viesiem jāatmin salas noslēpums, lai glābtu savu dzīvību.

Kate and Matt discover that a part of their house can grant wishes. In the wake of two miscarriages, what they want most is a child.

Djibi lives alone with Sofia, his 8-year-old daughter. Every night, he invents a story to put him to sleep. When Sofia falls asleep, these extraordinary stories come to life somewhere in an imaginary world inhabited by knights, pirates and other dragons. In this world that belongs only to them, Sofia is always the princess to save, and the brave Prince is none other than Djibi himself. But 3 years later, the entry of Sofia to the college will mark the end of her childhood. To the despair of her father, she no longer needs her stories at night. On the one hand, Djibi will have to accept that his daughter will grow up and move away from him. On the other hand, in the World of Stories, the Prince will have to face the most epic of all his adventures. Find your destiny in a world where it no longer has a place.

decembris 8, 2014

Having recently lost her sight, Ingrid retreats to the safety of her home—a place where she can feel in control, alone with her husband and her thoughts. After a while, Ingrid starts to feel the presence of her husband in the flat when he is supposed to be at work. At the same time, her lonely neighbor who has grown tired of even the most extreme pornography shifts his attention to a woman across the street. Ingrid knows about this but her real problems lie within, not beyond the walls of her apartment, and her deepest fears and repressed fantasies soon take over.

Dr. Jenny Isaksson is a psychiatrist whose temporary position at a mental hospital offers only modest responsibilities. With her husband out of the country for a seminar and her daughter at camp, Jenny moves in with her grandparents, expecting a relaxing few months. But it isn't long before unpleasant memories of her childhood, the sudden appearance of strange apparitions, and a near-rape push this otherwise stable woman to the very edge of sanity.

jūnijs 23, 2023

In an idyllic Italian village, a young American girl on the threshold of adolescence is swept into a timeless magical adventure in Wonderwell.

augusts 27, 1959

When 'Vogler's Magnetic Health Theater' comes to town, there's bound to be a spectacle. Reading reports of a variety of supernatural disturbances at Vogler's prior performances abroad, the leading townspeople (including the police chief and medical examiner) request that their troupe provide them a sample of their act, before allowing them public audiences. The scientific-minded disbelievers try to expose them as charlatans, but Vogler and his crew prove too clever for them.

oktobris 29, 2010

Six years ago NASA discovered the possibility of alien life within our solar system. A probe was launched to collect samples, but crashed upon re-entry over Central America. Soon after, new life forms began to appear and half of Mexico was quarantined as an infected zone. Today, the American and Mexican military still struggle to contain "the creatures," while a journalist agrees to escort a shaken tourist through the infected zone in Mexico to the safety of the U.S. border.

decembris 20, 2014

Nine-year-old Johannes Blom gets blown away when he discovers a little man in the kitchen cupboard, hidden behind the peanut butter jar. He’s even more astonished when he realizes that this little man, ‘Wiplala’, has magical powers. When Wiplala accidentally transforms the Blom family to little people, the adventure begins. Will they ever go back to normal-sized people?

augusts 3, 2002

How many movies have you seen where at the end the main character wakes up, causing he and the audience to simultaneously realize that everything they witnessed beforehand was "just a dream?" This film takes that principal but instead of deceiving, the story invites you to watch the main characters dream away. As a result, "True Dreams" takes the dream sequence to a whole new level: it lets its audience in on the joke, while they watch the two main characters run around unaware of the reality/fantasy of their surroundings. This film can be viewed via Vimeo at https://vimeo.com/132642294 (password: truedreams)

maijs 15, 1992

A business man buys a house, but he has a hard time trying to get rid of its previous tenant, a dirty bum.

oktobris 21, 1985

A strippers' convention and a major contest. The movie focuses on a few strippers, each with her own strong motive to win.

A new teenage student arrives at a prestige boarding school in Bavaria, having not only the ability to play the guitar and sing, but also to charm animals and detect ghosts. Quickly becoming part of a secretive club of five other students, he is inadvertently stranded by them at an abandoned chateau on an island in the middle of a large lake, where he encounters an enchanting young woman who wants to escape... Also filmed in a separate German-language version with largely different cast, MARIANNE MEINE JUGENDLIEBE, q.v.

septembris 8, 2016

Aliff is a socially reclusive student who has an ability to see supernatural beings from another dimension. All along, he has learnt to ignore the spirits and never tells anybody about his ability, until he is unwittingly dragged into protecting his reckless, paranormal-seeking classmates Anna and Naim. Together, the three of them find themselves in a battle of epic proportions fighting other-worldly creatures.

jūnijs 24, 2021

After a spell cast by Grandma Faraway, the oldest son of a small family encounters the ghost of his late Grandma Maria still living in her old house, and they chat as they used to.

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