39 部电影

故事敘述於萊絲莉柏克 和傑西艾隆 這兩個住在鄉下的五年級生之間,一段改變生命的友誼。他們一起創造出幻想又神祕的泰瑞比西亞世界。萊絲莉和傑絲任命自己為國王和王后,將他們的國度命名為「泰瑞比西亞」,並在那裡度過許多冒險時光。要進入這位於他們家附近森林深處的幻想國度,得先勇敢的抓著繩索擺盪過一條小溪。 傑西是家中五名孩子中的唯一男孩。他的父親傑克 常常離家努力打拼賺錢,而他母親似乎更專心於照顧他三個妹妹,這使得雙親都疏於照顧他。萊絲莉則是第一次來到鄉下;她的家人來此想建立新的生活方式,結果他們就全神貫注於這樣的熱情之中。萊絲莉的父母是成功的作家和藝術家,他們鼓勵萊絲莉要有創意並勇於表現。兩個孩子都是獨行俠,與學校裡的其他學生格格不入:萊絲莉不受同學接納,因為她和其他學生太不一樣了;她的家庭選擇不要有電視,她的穿著也最奇特,大多是手繪,是大家見都沒見過的。傑西私下對藝術很有興趣,也夢想有一天能成為學校中跑最快的跑者。 一開始,傑西並不喜歡萊絲莉,特別是當萊絲莉在一個只為男生舉辦的比賽中,跑贏包括傑西的所有人,也摧毀了他成為最快跑者的希望。然而,這兩個也是學校同學欺負對象的「局外人」,最終成了最好的朋友。萊絲莉是個很有天份又有創意的女孩,也常寫下他們祕密王國的劇本以及她跟傑西的角色。在泰瑞比西亞裡,他們找到與現實不同的幻想天堂,也一起演出了許多刺激的冒險情節。 因為這段深刻的友誼,傑西決定發揮自己的專長-繪畫,為自己的妹妹還有無數的後代孩子們,建立一個進入泰瑞比西亞幻想世界的橋樑。

2010 年 12 月 03 日

紐約一個芭蕾舞團正要演出經典舞蹈劇“天鵝湖”,眾多傑出舞者激烈角逐中,總監湯瑪斯黎洛(文森卡索)決定讓妮娜(娜塔莉波曼)取代首席女舞者貝絲(薇諾納瑞德)的位置。而妮娜隨後發現自己還有一個強勁的競爭對手莉莉(蜜拉庫妮絲)。因為《天鵝湖》要求女舞者不但能飾演天真純潔的白天鵝,也要能飾演充滿妖嬈性感的黑天鵝。前者適合妮娜,而後者適合莉莉。總監希望生性拘謹的妮娜,能多揣摩黑天鵝熱情奔放的內涵,妮娜幾乎以全生命在探索自己的黑天鵝潛力。 妮娜始終無法達成總監的要求,她壓力越來越大,過去她是母親心中柔順乖女兒,但她愈來愈無法忍受母親對她的控制,也無法分辨現實和夢境中的不同,莉莉適時的友情和關懷讓她偶爾喘口氣,也讓她對莉莉產生特殊感情。但事情沒那麼簡單,妮娜發覺莉莉取代的威脅即將成真了,她做了一個決定....

2018 年 06 月 22 日

年青女作家筆下的惡夢,竟是塵封的真實厄夜創傷。 一個擁有完美家庭與生活的恐怖小說女作家,接到妹妹的來電,她才發現原來小說裡如惡夢般的情境,原來竟源自16年前,當她母親帶著她與妹妹搬去的新居的首個夜晚,那個晚上遭遇的創傷,讓兩姊妹的性格更加分歧,而妹妹始終走不出這個惡夢。如今,她得要回到那幢林間小屋,與母親及妹妹,一同面對舊日的夢魘…。

2022 年 09 月 16 日


2020 年 02 月 27 日

由「恐怖界皮克斯」之稱的Blumhouse製作公司所全心傾力打造的《逃出夢幻島》;一位自稱是神祕管家的路克先生(麥可潘納 飾),在一座奢華卻偏遠的小島上,招待了五位素未謀面的幸運客人,並承諾他們:「在夢幻島,你所有的幻想都可能成真。」但當這些夢境開始一個個扭曲成令人害怕且致命的夢魘,這些賓客必須要靠著自己的力量,解開島嶼中的魔幻力量,試圖活著逃離這個無人知曉的神祕之地……

2020 年 03 月 12 日

一對恩愛的夫妻麥特(凱文詹森斯飾演)與凱特(歐嘉柯瑞蘭蔻飾演),麥特厭倦了喧囂的都市生活,凱特曾兩度懷孕都宣告失敗。試圖重新出發的兩人,決定遠離都市,搬入一棟位在紐約郊區的幽靜房子。 某天,麥特發現一間隱藏在壁紙背後的密室,並驚訝地發現,只要在那間密室當中許願,無論什麼物質上的願望都會實現。起初,兩人就像孩子踏入糖果屋般興奮,然而凱特愈來愈無法滿足於這些物質上的慾望,而開始想要一個她們夢寐以求的…孩子。只是兩人並不知道,只要從這間密室當中創造出來的事物,一旦離開這棟房子之後,就將會化為灰燼...。


2014 年 12 月 08 日


1976 年 04 月 05 日

Dr. Jenny Isaksson is a psychiatrist whose temporary position at a mental hospital offers only modest responsibilities. With her husband out of the country for a seminar and her daughter at camp, Jenny moves in with her grandparents, expecting a relaxing few months. But it isn't long before unpleasant memories of her childhood, the sudden appearance of strange apparitions, and a near-rape push this otherwise stable woman to the very edge of sanity.

2023 年 06 月 23 日

In an idyllic Italian village, a young American girl on the threshold of adolescence is swept into a timeless magical adventure in Wonderwell.

1959 年 08 月 27 日

When 'Vogler's Magnetic Health Theater' comes to town, there's bound to be a spectacle. Reading reports of a variety of supernatural disturbances at Vogler's prior performances abroad, the leading townspeople (including the police chief and medical examiner) request that their troupe provide them a sample of their act, before allowing them public audiences. The scientific-minded disbelievers try to expose them as charlatans, but Vogler and his crew prove too clever for them.

2010 年 10 月 29 日


現在,一名美國記者安德魯(史古特麥奈利 飾)奉命隻身深入危機四伏的感染區,護送老闆的女兒莎曼珊(惠妮艾貝兒 飾)閃避外星異種的威脅,穿越災變異境以安全抵達邊境封鎖線。一路上,他們目睹末日般的毀滅光景以及脆弱人性的本能衝突,兩人的關係也隨著這段危險旅程,產生了微妙的情感變化…。

2014 年 12 月 20 日

Nine-year-old Johannes Blom gets blown away when he discovers a little man in the kitchen cupboard, hidden behind the peanut butter jar. He’s even more astonished when he realizes that this little man, ‘Wiplala’, has magical powers. When Wiplala accidentally transforms the Blom family to little people, the adventure begins. Will they ever go back to normal-sized people?

2002 年 08 月 03 日

How many movies have you seen where at the end the main character wakes up, causing he and the audience to simultaneously realize that everything they witnessed beforehand was "just a dream?" This film takes that principal but instead of deceiving, the story invites you to watch the main characters dream away. As a result, "True Dreams" takes the dream sequence to a whole new level: it lets its audience in on the joke, while they watch the two main characters run around unaware of the reality/fantasy of their surroundings. This film can be viewed via Vimeo at https://vimeo.com/132642294 (password: truedreams)

1992 年 05 月 15 日

A business man buys a house, but he has a hard time trying to get rid of its previous tenant, a dirty bum.

1985 年 10 月 21 日

A strippers' convention and a major contest. The movie focuses on a few strippers, each with her own strong motive to win.

A new teenage student arrives at a prestige boarding school in Bavaria, having not only the ability to play the guitar and sing, but also to charm animals and detect ghosts. Quickly becoming part of a secretive club of five other students, he is inadvertently stranded by them at an abandoned chateau on an island in the middle of a large lake, where he encounters an enchanting young woman who wants to escape... Also filmed in a separate German-language version with largely different cast, MARIANNE MEINE JUGENDLIEBE, q.v.

2016 年 09 月 08 日

Aliff is a socially reclusive student who has an ability to see supernatural beings from another dimension. All along, he has learnt to ignore the spirits and never tells anybody about his ability, until he is unwittingly dragged into protecting his reckless, paranormal-seeking classmates Anna and Naim. Together, the three of them find themselves in a battle of epic proportions fighting other-worldly creatures.

2021 年 06 月 24 日

After a spell cast by Grandma Faraway, the oldest son of a small family encounters the ghost of his late Grandma Maria still living in her old house, and they chat as they used to.



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