11 部电影

2009 年 12 月 04 日

瑞恩•布林厄姆(乔治•克鲁尼 George Clooney 饰)供职于美国内布拉斯加州奥马哈市一家专为其他公司提供裁员服务的公司,一年有300多天辗转于全国各地解雇他人,几乎以机场为家。在一次例行裁员旅行中,瑞恩遇到了商务美女亚历克斯(维拉•法梅加 Vera Farmiga 饰),二人一见钟情,却都满足于维系随意的性伴侣关系。与此同时,瑞恩公司的大学生新人娜塔莉(安娜•肯德里克 Anna Kendrick 饰)得到了公司总裁的青睐,竭力推广通过网络视频会议远程裁员的改革。瑞恩反对变革,却不得不带娜塔莉四处实习熟悉业务……本片获奥斯卡最佳导演、最佳影片、最佳男主角(乔治•克鲁尼)、最佳女配角(维拉•法梅加 和安娜•肯德里克)及最佳改编剧本六项提名,金球奖最佳导演、最佳影片等六项提名,并获洛杉矶影评人协会最佳剧本奖。

2015 年 03 月 06 日

  职场失意的小白领丹尼尔(文斯·沃恩 Vince Vaughn 饰)离开冷待他的大公司后自立门户,成为原公司眼中的竞争对手。他率领自己旗下全体员工──“菜鸟”(戴夫·弗兰科 Dave Franco 饰)和“老油条”(汤姆·威尔金森 Tom Wilkinson 饰)两个人,雄心勃勃直闯欧洲,目标是抢走足以决定新公司存亡的一宗大生意,却冤家路窄地碰上尖酸刻薄前主管前来竞标。三人深知必须舍弃个人尊严,不顾道德底线,才可能博取这个麻烦客户的欢心,逛夜店,冒死穿梭暴乱街头,甚至出卖色相出入风月场所,一切在所难免……

2014 年 08 月 05 日

一名科学家在一趟商务旅程中人间蒸发,令他的老婆及小孩伤心欲绝,然而事过境迁多年之后,已经成年的厄尔(海利乔奥斯蒙 饰演)竟接获神秘线索,发现有方法可以把爸爸带回家。

1936 年 02 月 28 日


2015 年 09 月 04 日

During a layover in Albuquerque, work colleagues Les and Natalie discover more about each other than they ever thought possible. Anxious and irritable, Les is drawn back into the city by past experiences he can’t forget (even if he doesn't really remember the particulars of his previous drunken adventure). Natalie, refusing to leave his side, follows along as her own secrets are slowly revealed, leaving her feeling both vulnerable and unbound.

2000 年 08 月 28 日

Claire's number one priority is her family. When her husband Dennis loses his stockbroker job, the couple's traditional family roles switch. As Dennis takes on his new stay-at-home role, Claire's furniture design business takes off. Just as she's beginning to master the art of balancing her home and work life, Dennis serves her with divorce papers and charges her with being an unfit mother. Claire discovers that in a modern courtroom there are still traditional biases unsympathetic to the idea of a woman working three jobs, as a wife, an entrepreneur and a mother.

On a one-day business trip to New York, a German business executive falls in love with a singer-songwriter who exposes him to her Brooklyn world and emotions he's never experienced before.

2009 年 06 月 03 日

美国商人Brian Chandler的生活堪称完美,既拥有令人称羡的职业,又拥有美丽的未婚妻。在他的老板、咖啡业巨头Calvert Jenkins让他前往泰国考察一批咖啡豆的时候,他遇到了Ticha。Ticha是曼谷的一名公关主管,早已放弃了对爱情的追寻。在故乡种植咖啡豆的父母的催促下,她把Brian带回了南卡拉比的咖啡种植园,希望Brian能够购买那里的咖啡豆。这项计划的唯一问题就是两人仿佛天生就是冤家,总是摩擦不断。

科里亚(Nikolai Batalov 饰)与瓦洛加(Vladimir Fogel 饰)是一同参加红军的战友,后来分别做了建筑工人和印刷工人。科里亚与妻子柳达(Lyudmila Semyonova 饰)生活在莫斯科一间狭小的居室内,乐天的科里亚不曾留意妻子的琐碎不满。适逢瓦洛加奔赴莫斯科寻找工作,一时没有落脚之处,科里亚在离家施工的前夕收留了瓦洛加,安排瓦洛加睡在沙发上。在科里亚离家的日子里,瓦洛加同柳达发生了关系,获悉此事的科里亚拂袖而去,但家的舒适回忆让他最终返回并占据了沙发。两个男人和好如初之后,柳达发现自己怀孕了,但胎儿的父亲此时却无法确认,柳达选择了堕胎……

When Inga Brantemo goes on a business trip to Italy, her husband Bertil gets romantically involved with Christina Lovén, whose father is a book publisher. When Inga returns, Bertil has a difficult time trying to explain who the woman the neighbors saw in the Brantemo home was. Bertil is an author and it doesn't get easier when he and his wife gets invited to Christina's father to talk business.

2014 年 01 月 17 日

A married man on a business trip checks into a hotel. The hotel manager’s daughter falls for him at first sight. Rejected by the man, she embarks on a journey of revenge...



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