18 部电影

1991 年 08 月 30 日

楚其被熔毁之后八年,玩具公司为打开销路考虑再度推出“好家伙”公仔,他们将当年楚其的残骸回收,再度制作使其复活,获得重生的楚其为了完成灵魂转移,将玩具公司总裁杀死后消失于夜色。安迪(Justin Whalin 饰)经历了八年收养生活,此时来到一所军校就读,当年楚其留给他的恐怖回忆仍然挥之不去,而在学校中应付严苛的助理上校谢尔顿(Travis Fine 饰)亦并不轻松。楚其将自己邮寄到军校以寻找安迪,不料却被小学员二等兵泰勒占为已有,楚其认为自己的身体获得新生,可以摆脱必须占有安迪身体的宿命,随即把自己的秘密告知泰勒,并计划夺走泰勒的肉身。安迪不能坐视同侪受害,再度与楚其展开抗争……

1978 年 06 月 09 日


Scooby, Shaggy and Scrappy are on their way to a Miss Grimwood's Finishing School for Girls, where they've been hired as gym teachers. Once there, however, they find that not only is it actually an all-girl school of famous monsters' daughters but there's a villainess out to enslave the girls.

2004 年 06 月 18 日

An aimless, jobless, irresponsible grown man joins the army and matures into a battlefield hero.

1981 年 12 月 20 日

碉堡山军官预校的校长是一个具有强烈好斗精神的军官,他一向的治学方针是培养学生强烈的战斗精神。不过,当地政府计划将该校拆除,以利于发展当地的城市建设。在双方没有达成共识的情况下,当地政府强行拆除,有部分学生誓死护校,并武装起来与军警对抗。   本片故事情节虽有点令人难以置信,但编导哈洛德·贝克的处理却颇为紧凑有力,对于军校学生追求荣誉与责任的精神尤其表现得动人。参于此片的几位青春派男星乔治·C·斯科特、蒂莫西·赫顿、罗尼·考克斯、西恩·潘、汤姆·克鲁斯均是从本片开始崭露头角的。

赴纽约淘金的阿普尔盖特(Ginger Rogers 饰)在经历了几份不长久的工作之后彻底厌倦了这座城市,在她眼里,男人不过是一群举止轻浮的登徒子。但她购火车票回乡的时候发现自己买不起一张全票,情急之下将自己打扮成小女孩,购半票蒙混上车。   为逃避乘务员检票,阿普尔盖特藏匿卧铺车厢,巧遇科比少校(Ray Milland 饰),年轻少校把她看做孩子,用温柔天真的方式待她,不巧被未婚妻帕梅拉误会,阿普尔盖特只得随少校暂住军校以澄清误会,期间十几岁的军校学员们对“少女”阿普尔盖特前赴后继,搞出连串笑话,少校与阿普尔盖特的情意也在渐渐滋长。分离的时刻到了,两人将如何对待这份感情?

1955 年 02 月 09 日


1958 年 11 月 18 日

A military school cadet romances a visiting French actress during Mardi Gras. With songs, kissing and New Orleans locations.

1980 年 06 月 06 日

Four boys are sent, for different reasons, to a Military Academy. The life of discipline asks a lot of the four geeks. Of course these boys know how to make a party out of the hard times. Will they be "real men" after one year.

2011 年 06 月 20 日



1980 年 01 月 01 日

An uptight military school gets a dose of hippie-infused rebellion when a group of students gather in support of the 1960s uprising going on around them. When a few students decide to bring the more liberal, artsy side of the revolution onto campus, they face opposition from much of the school's staff.

1943 年 10 月 08 日

Bud Hooper, a cadet at Winsocki Military Academy, sends an invitation to movie star Lucille Ball to come to Winsocki's big dance. Ball's publicity-hungry agent convinces her to go in order to boost her career. Complications arise when Bud's girlfriend Helen Schlesinger unexpectedly shows up, too.

1970 年 04 月 21 日

Sovereign's Company is the story of a boy from an army family with a long tradition of honour and distinction, who goes to a military academy as an officer cadet and finds himself temperamentally unsuited to the life.

1940 年 08 月 06 日

Tommy Lewis, the son of a big time racketeer, is enrolled in military school under an assumed name as protection from the notoriety of his father. Tommy is assigned to share a room with Dick Hill, an egotistical school athlete, and Sandy Blake, a pampered rich boy. Even though all three boys are potentially good lads, each has a handicap that he must overcome.

1984 年 01 月 01 日

The film depicts the military academy "Friedrich Engels", the highest military training facility in the GDR.

1942 年 01 月 10 日

This Traveltalk series short visits the United States Military Academy at West Point just before America's entry into World War II. It starts with a short history lesson on the area's strategic importance in the Revolutionary War. We then get a look at some of the historic buildings on the campus. New soon-to-be-cadet arrive by train on their first day. After a look at the troops in some of the training areas on the post, the film ends with cadet marching on the parade ground.

1976 年 01 月 01 日

Short film about the career opportunities at the highest training institution of the NVA, the Friedrich Engels Military Academy



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