
47 movies

Twenty-two years after the events of Jurassic Park, Isla Nublar now features a fully functioning dinosaur theme park, Jurassic World, as originally envisioned by John Hammond.

jūlijs 7, 1995

In 1993, the Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence Project receives a transmission detailing an alien DNA structure, along with instructions on how to splice it with human DNA. The result is Sil, a sensual but deadly creature who can change from a beautiful woman to an armour-plated killing machine in the blink of an eye.

novembris 4, 2010

Megamainds ir izcilākais ļaundaris visā pasaulē. Un pats neveiksmīgākais. Gadiem ilgi viņš ir centies visneiedomājamākajos veidos iekarot Metropilsētu. Un ikreiz viņa pūliņi ir vainagojušies ar katastrofālu neveiksmi, pateicoties supervaronim vārdā Metrovīrs - lieliskajam un neuzveicamajam visas Metropilsētas iedzīvotāju mīlulim. Taču kādu dienu Megamaindam izdodas ievilināt Metrovīru sava kārtējā neģēlīgā plāna tīklos. Vai izcilajam ļaundarim Megamaindam izdosies kļūt par jauno supervaroni?

jūnijs 20, 2003

Bruce Banner, a genetics researcher with a tragic past, suffers massive radiation exposure in his laboratory that causes him to transform into a raging green monster when he gets angry.

jūlijs 8, 2005

During a space voyage, four scientists are altered by cosmic rays: Reed Richards gains the ability to stretch his body; Sue Storm can become invisible; Johnny Storm controls fire; and Ben Grimm is turned into a super-strong … thing. Together, these "Fantastic Four" must now thwart the evil plans of Dr. Doom and save the world from certain destruction.

oktobris 24, 1997

In a future society in the era of indefinite eugenics, humans are set on a life course depending on their DNA. Young Vincent Freeman is born with a condition that would prevent him from space travel, yet is determined to infiltrate the GATTACA space program.

marts 10, 2006

The tale of a workaholic dad-turned-dog who finds that being man's best friend shows him the most important job - being a great dad.

februāris 23, 2018

A biologist signs up for a dangerous, secret expedition into a mysterious zone where the laws of nature don't apply.

jūnijs 4, 2010

Jauns solis šausmu un zinātniskās fantastikas filmu attīstībā - „Himera". Divi zinātnieki nolemj ignorēt morāles normas un veikt vēl nebijušu un bīstamu eksperimentu. Viņi savieno cilvēka un vairāku dzīvnieku ģenētiskos kodus un rada pavisam jaunas sugas organismu. Viņi dod tai vārdu - Drena. Drena attīstās ļoti ātri, līdz kļūst par skaistu, bet ļoti bīstamu himeru. Viņas attiecības ar saviem radītājiem šķiet stipras un skaistas, taču līdz kādam brīdim...

Miljardierim Džonam Hammondam ir ideja par iespaidīgu atrakciju parku: attālu salu, kur apmeklētāji var novērot reālus dinozaurus. Izmantojot jaunākās tehnoloģijas DNS attīstībā, zinātnieki var klonēt brahiosaurus, triceratopus, velociraporus un Tyrannosaurus rexu, izmantojot pārakmeņojušās dzintara asinis, kas atrodas kukaiņos, kas tos sabēra pirms miljoniem gadu. Paleontologi Alans Grants, Ellija Sattlere un Ians Malkolms apmeklē parku un ir ļoti pārsteigti par iegūtajiem rezultātiem. Bet, kad satraucošais darbinieks manipulē ar sarežģīto drošības sistēmu, dinozauri aizbēg, liekot apmeklētājiem cīnīties par izdzīvošanu.

aprīlis 10, 1998

Having just returned from a mission to Mars, Commander Ross isn't exactly himself. He's slowly becoming a terrifying alien entity with one goal -- to procreate with human women! When countless women suffer gruesome deaths after bearing half-alien offspring, scientist Laura Baker and hired assassin Press Lennox use Eve, a more tempered alien clone, to find Ross and his brood. Before long Eve escapes to mate with Ross.

novembris 17, 2000

A world of the very near future in which cattle, fish, and even the family pet can be cloned. But cloning humans is illegal - that is until family man Adam Gibson comes home from work one day to find a clone has replaced him. Taken from his family and plunged into a sinister world he doesn't understand, Gibson must not only save himself from the assassins who must destroy him to protect their secret, but uncover who and what is behind the horrible things happening to him.


marts 7, 1997

A mad scientist's DNA experiment on the bones of a mysterious jungle creature brings the carnivorous beast to life, and only his former assistant Ash Mattley and CIA operative Claire Sommers can stop it.

A seasoned detective teams up with a novice cop to solve the mysterious murder of a world-class bone marrow transplant specialist.

jūnijs 4, 1977

A scientific film essay, narrated by Phil Morrison. A set of pictures of two picnickers in a park, with the area of each frame one-tenth the size of the one before. Starting from a view of the entire known universe, the camera gradually zooms in until we are viewing the subatomic particles on a man's hand.

marts 12, 2019

The biggest tech revolution of the 21st century isn’t digital, it’s biological. A breakthrough called CRISPR gives us unprecedented control over the basic building blocks of life. It opens the door to curing disease, reshaping the biosphere, and designing our own children. This documentary is a provocative exploration of CRISPR’s far-reaching implications, through the eyes of the scientists who discovered it, the families it’s affecting, and the genetic engineers who are testing its limits.

FBI Agents Bullit and Riper investigate the murder of a young dancer called Pamela Rose, found dead in her motel room in Bornsville, a small american town. Despite their differences, they must team up: the local police is hostile and they can only count on themselves to solve the crime. They meet Ginger, Pamela's best friend, and discover soon enough she knows more than she says.

janvāris 14, 1999

The frozen body of a prehistoric, but super-advanced, human leads scientists to start covert DNA experiments for the development of a new race of super beings.

marts 28, 2015

A woman falsely accused of murder realizes that the person she donated bone marrow to now has a match for her DNA... and is using this new identity to implicate her in his crimes as his obsession for her grows.

jūnijs 21, 2018

Scientists working at a government research facility use prehistoric DNA to resurrect a T-Rex who escapes from the lab to terrorize a nearby town.

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