29 movies

When five women take part in a corporate hiking retreat and only four come out on the other side, Federal Agents Aaron Falk and Carmen Cooper head deep into the Victorian mountain ranges to investigate in the hopes of finding their whistle-blowing informant, Alice Russell, alive.

maijs 19, 2017

A group of students become trapped inside a mysterious cave where they discover time passes differently underground than on the surface.

marts 28, 1963

Thousands of birds flock into a seaside town and terrorize the residents in a series of deadly attacks.

augusts 11, 2012

Australia’s El Dorado was found by Lewis Harold Bell Lasseter – if we believe his claims in the late 1800s to have discovered a vast gold deposit in central Australia. This mysterious place has never again been found, and many believe it doesn’t exist. But one thing is certain: Lasseter was a larger-than-life character. Seen by some as an eccentric conman, he was ridiculed for his extravagant assertions, which he held until his tragic end. But Lasseter remains the embodiment of the Australian folk hero, who lived a life full of incredible adventures, tall tales and outrageous claims – including a possible faked death and his insistence that he designed the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

jūnijs 6, 2013

Looking to make a splash online with his research videos into the existence of Bigfoot, Jim and his girlfriend Kelly take a camping trip to the small town of Willow Creek, California, and the surrounding mountains where the infamous footage of the supposed sasquatch was filmed.

In the early nineties, Dr. Jacobo Grinberg’s career was blooming and he gained lots of international credit as a researcher in the fields of telepathy and neurophysiology at the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. When Dr. Grinberg mysteriously disappears in 1994, the police find no trace of him. The only thing that is clear, is that all his research material, including his computers, disappeared along with him.

oktobris 20, 2019

Explorer Robert Ballard sets out to solve the mystery of Amelia Earhart's disappearance as he and a team of experts travel to the remote Pacific atoll named Nikumaroro in search of her final resting place.

First Look Studios released six theme-based DVD sets of "Unsolved Mysteries" in Region 1 in 2004/2005. The sets were re-released on June 21, 2005 with a lower suggested retail price. On March 21, 2006, a compilation set called The Best of Unsolved Mysteries was released, which contained selected segments from each of the earlier DVD sets along with some previously unreleased-on-DVD content. A special boxed set featuring the first six sets along with the new content from the Best of collection was also produced. List of DVD sets ---> Volume 1: UFOs, Volume 2: Ghosts, Volume 3: Miracles, Volume 4: Bizarre Murder, Volume 5: Psychics, Volume 6: Strange Legends, The Best of, The Ultimate Collection.

Aspiring influencer Gabby Petito sets out on a cross-country road trip with her fiancé, but she soon disappears, and the ensuing mystery goes viral. New footage of the couple sheds light on their struggles that led to the nightmarish outcome.

A story of four childhood friends who mysteriously disappeared while camping in the rural mountains of Trans Ili Alatau. The following events were recorded on Sultan's videocamera, who was making his student thesis project on a local plant called the Asafoetida.

jūnijs 26, 2021

An independent investigative journalist is on a mission to solve a string of strange deaths occurring in the forests of Western Newfoundland. What was once thought to be animal attacks is now being studied a little closer and just may be murders carried out by the mythical creature of provincial folklore, the Webber.

janvāris 1, 1992

While staying at her Aunt Claire's country home, Amy Treloar discovers a dollhouse with a secret only the dolls know.

The murder of a famous gynecologist occurred under unusual circumstances. Inspectors found the doctor's apartment door open.

aprīlis 1, 2018

75 Years after the Mad Butcher of Kingsbury Run's killing spree, bodies have begun to turn up again. A private investigator, Camila Ramsay, enlists Leo Zhukov, a true crime author and former cop, to solve the crimes before more people are killed and left scattered around Northeast Ohio.

novembris 21, 2017

Piet is gone tells the story of Piet Beentjes, who went missing on the isle of Texel in 1987. For 30 years, Toos Beentjes has desperately tried to uncover the truth behind the mysterious disappearance of her homosexual brother. In vain. The police saw no reason to investigate the case: 'Eventually, he’ll wash up. And if not, the tourists will find him.' The film is not a quest for Piet Beentjes, but tells the story of what happened before and after the disappearance. About the Kafkaesque world Toos entered after her brother disappeared. A world of routine, lackadaisical interest and a lame police investigation.

jūnijs 6, 2019

A girl with a traumatic past blurs the line between psychopath and vigilante.

augusts 29, 2002

The director explores the birth origins of actress Merle Oberon, traveling to Tasmania and India in search of the truth, but her quest ultimately results in probably more questions than it answers.

aprīlis 15, 2017

Across the US, untold lives are changed in the wake of a tragic plane crash.

decembris 6, 2013

A film crew working on a 48 Hour Film project in Detroit goes missing. Some found footage surfaces on a SD card and tells the gruesome tale of what happened to the film crew and actors that fateful day.

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