El compositor John Russell és professor de música en un dels conservatoris més antics de Nova York. En un tràgic accident de cotxe moren la seva esposa i la seva filla de nou anys. En un intent de reconstruir la seva vida destrossada i començar de nou, decideix fer un treball a Seattle, i treballar en una composició que s'està perfilant en la seva ment. Ja que necessita anar a un lloc aïllat, gestiona, amb l'ajuda d'alguns amics, el lloguer d'una casa unifamiliar a la ciutat. Tan aviat com el John s'hi instal·la, successos inexplicables comencen a tenir lloc. Cada matí és despertat a la mateixa hora per un soroll horrible. Sembla que una presència silenciosa entra i surt de les habitacions. Alguna cosa sembla estar intentant comunicar-se amb ell. Llavors, descobreix una porta que condueix a un dormitori secret a l'àtic...

28. Februar 2015

Hongi, a Maori chieftain’s teenage son, must avenge his father’s murder in order to bring peace and honour to the souls of his loved ones after his tribe is slaughtered through an act of treachery. Vastly outnumbered by a band of villains led by Wirepa, Hongi’s only hope is to pass through the feared and forbidden “Dead Lands” and forge an uneasy alliance with a mysterious warrior, a ruthless fighter who has ruled the area for years.

19. Januar 2024

An almost romantic comedy on the edge: Holocaust researcher Toto is having a major life crisis. Just when things at home and work could not get worse, he unwantedly gets a new assistent assigned to himself. Zazie is french, jewish, slightly germanophobe and supposed to help Toto to prepare a major congress. As the star of the congress suddenly wants to pull out, the problems are piling up and the two have to fix it.

15. März 2013

How the spirit of unity, which buoyed Britain during the war years, carried through to create a vision of a fairer, united society.

16. September 1974

Feature-film director Michel Audiard tackles what he believes to be the mistakenly heroic status given to Charles De Gaulle. In this documentary film, he uses humor, among other things, to demythologize him.

The Tale of Genji Museum in Uji City, Kyoto will be airing a short film blending history and fantasy, the story follows a modern high school girl named Hana who is transformed into a cat and transported back in time. She travels 1,000 years ago to the Heian Era as portrayed in The Tale Of Genji, arguably the most famous novel in Japanese literature. Guided by the novel's titular character Hikaru Genji, Hana experiences firsthand the emotions that the author Murasaki Shikibu depicted in her novel. The short features scenes based on The Diary of Lady Murasaki and other historical materials, such as the real-life noble Fujiwara no Michinaga swiping early drafts of The Tale Of Genji because he could not wait to read chapters as Murasaki wrote them.

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