169 movies

decembris 22, 2023

Filmu “Super Mario Brāļi” un “Minioni” autori aicina jūs pacelties spārnos un doties jautrās ģimenes brīvdienās. Meža pīļu ģimene ir iestrēgusi rutīnā. Kamēr tētis Maks ir apmierināts ar to, ka viņa ģimene mūžīgi peldēs dīķī, mamma Pema vēlas parādīt visu pasauli saviem bērniem — dēlam Deksam un meitai Gvenai. Kad migrējošā pīļu ģimene piezemējas viņu dīķī ar aizraujošiem stāstiem par tālām vietām, Pema pārliecina Maku doties ģimenes ceļojumā caur Ņujorku - uz tropisko Jamaiku!

maijs 19, 2000

An orphaned dinosaur raised by lemurs joins an arduous trek to a sancturary after a meteorite shower destroys his family home.

februāris 23, 2024

Longing for a brighter future, two Senegalese teenagers embark on a journey from West Africa to Italy. However, between their dreams and reality lies a labyrinth of checkpoints, the Sahara Desert, and the vast waters of the Mediterranean.

decembris 22, 2010

Shin-ae moves to her recently late husband’s hometown. Despite her efforts to settle in this unfamiliar and too-normal place, she finds that she can’t fit in. After a sudden tragedy, Shin-ae turns to Christianity to relieve her pain, but when even this is not permitted, she wages a war against God.

oktobris 29, 2021

Sister Tse is brought to New York by a Snakehead, a human smuggler. Although she is indebted to the crime family responsible for her transport, her survival instincts help her gain favor with the matriarch, and she rises quickly in the ranks. Soon Tse must reconcile her success with her real reason for coming to America—to find the child that was taken from her. In the end, Sister Tse must draw on the strength she found in transforming her victimhood into power.

Zostēviņam Pengam pagalam neveicas – viņš sava lidojuma laikā tiek savainots. Bet pavasaris atnes svaigas vēsmas Penga mazliet īgnajā ikdienā! Ceļā uz dienvidiem divi jautri pīlēni noklīst no bara. Ja neviens negādās par putnēniem, viņi ies bojā! Zostēviņš Pengs pīlēnus pamana, un nu viņam jāriskē – jāuzņemas atbildība par abiem pārdrošajiem ceļotājiem. Trijotnei jākļūst par īstu ģimeni, lai ilgais un bīstamais ceļojums beigtos tā galamērķī dienvidos.

marts 7, 2019

Ramin flees from persecution in Iran and ends up living in the limbo of exile, far from everything he knows, in the tropical port town of Veracruz, Mexico. There his nostalgia and melancholy are confronted with new friendships, while he starts to rediscover his own desires.

oktobris 21, 2016

Capturing life on the Italian island of Lampedusa, a frontline in the European migrant crisis.

An epic love story spanning decades is sparked by a chance encounter between two men in provincial Mexico. Based on a true story, ambition and societal pressure propel an aspiring chef to leave his soulmate and make the treacherous journey to New York, where life will never be the same.

augusts 31, 2022

Through first person narration, Tari reveals personal stories related to her decision to work in Taiwan, her strained family relationships, the risks involved in working abroad and the traps she has fallen into.

marts 9, 2021

The imprint of the past is made present by the return of three migrants to a community in the upper Mixteca region of Oaxaca, where the three stories intersect.

maijs 22, 2019

Two countries, two restaurants, one vision. At Gabriela Cámara's acclaimed Contramar in Mexico City, the welcoming, uniformed waiters are as beloved by diners as the menu featuring fresh, local seafood caught within 24 hours. The entire staff sees themselves as part of an extended family. Meanwhile at Cala in San Francisco, Cámara hires staff from different backgrounds and cultures, including ex-felons and ex-addicts, who view the work as an important opportunity to grow as individuals. A Tale of Two Kitchens explores the ways in which a restaurant can serve as a place of both dignity and community.

janvāris 1, 1965

Viramundo shows the saga of the northeastern migrants that arrive in São Paulo, beginning with a train arriving and ending with a train leaving São Paulo in a cycle repeated every day. Viramundo's aim was to question why the military coup d'état in Brazil happened without any popular resistance or revolution or reaction of the society.

Switzerland still carries out special flights, where passengers, dressed in diapers and helmets, are chained to their seats for 40 hours at worst. They are accompanied by police officers and immigration officials. The passengers are flown to their native countries, where they haven't set foot in in up to twenty years, and where their lives might be in danger. Children, wives and work are left behind in Switzerland. Near Geneva, in Frambois prison, live 25 illegal immigrants waiting for deportation. They are offered an opportunity to say goodbye to their families and return to their native countries on a regular flight, escorted by plain-clothes police officers. If they refuse this offer, the special flight is arranged fast and unexpectedly. The stories behind the locked cells are truly heartbreaking.

The story of Alex, who, with the help of his charismatic grandfather, embarks on a journey in search of his real self.

oktobris 22, 2016
maijs 15, 1988

Just married Hong Kong couple Chen & Lily emigrate to England, soon to become parents to a little baby boy and generally struggle through life. Chen works long days in a restaurant, while Lily does the housekeeping, daydreaming of setting up their own business, much to Chen's chagrin. When Chen lets his colleague Fok seduce him down a path of mounting gambling debts, he is recruited as a drug courier for a shadowy Chinese triad. Suddenly he realizes that getting their own enterprise could be their only means of escape.

As daylight breaks between the border cities of El Paso, Texas, and Juarez, Mexico, undocumented migrants and their relatives, divided by a wall, prepare to participate in an activist event. For three minutes, they’ll embrace in no man’s land for the briefest and sweetest of reunions.

maijs 23, 2024

Director Miriam Pucitta grew up as the child of Italian migrant workers in Switzerland in the 1960s and 1970s. She herself has only fragmentary memories of this time; her mother and other relatives evade Miriam's questions. Together with her daughter Giulia, she researches her family's living conditions in Switzerland and finds a new understanding of her parents' difficult decisions.

oktobris 16, 2021

Qazi is the story of a young Pakistani refugee who is forced by economic and family circumstances to seek his fortune in Europe.

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